Grasping Evil

Chapter 778: Death Crystal, Double Emperor

The second **** of the ancient gods opened up a small hole, and the power of all the ancient gods in the seven-pointed star array was almost 90%, and it flocked to Ning Fan!

Sanshenton felt the pressure drop, stood up from the ground, and looked at Ning Fan incredulously.

At the moment, Ning Fan, the ancient **** of the body is eager to ascend.

Ning Fan Ming Ming is only the original cultivation of the ghosts, but it makes the three gods who have the realm of emptying feel an invisible sense of oppression, just like facing a superior!

That is the sense of oppression that the low-order ancient gods will feel in the face of the high-order ancient gods. It has nothing to do with cultivation, and has nothing to do with the blood level!

"It can't be wrong. This is the power of the ancient gods! This power is not solid. The second ancient **** of this son has not been completely stabilized!"

The three gods took a deep breath and their eyes were shocked.

Under the altar, the blood of Sen Luoxian was flashing, but there was not much fluctuation, and he said to himself.

"This son wants to open up the second **** by the ancient gods in the Seven Mans Stars... In this way, the ancient gods are forcibly opened up, the risk is not small, or success, one step becomes the ancient god; or it fails. , the heart is gone..."

"He had served 466 ancient Shenxinlian before, and this lotus may have laid the foundation for him. Otherwise, he would not dare to open up the ancient gods with this character. This is the case. The calculation of success or failure is only a matter of five or five. He will succeed in opening up his heart, or will it fall..."

Sen Luo’s eyes sank.

If Ning Fan succeeds in becoming a two-year-old god, his help will be even greater.

On the contrary, if Ning Fan died. There is no small impact on the success or failure of his plan.

The three gods are unbearable, and Mutu has no connection with the ancient gods. Ning Fan is a good helper...

In this way, if Ning Fan opens up his heart and fails, he is better to save Ning Fan as a wonderful thing, otherwise he will lose a good container of ancient gods...

"Oh, if this child really opened up his heart and failed, this seat will force him to break his heart and act to save it!" Sen Luo said coldly.

In the center of the seven-pointed star array, Ning Fan’s ancient body is full of momentum. God shines.

He has initially opened up the second **** of the ancient gods. This second heart is under the influence of the ancient gods, and the acupoints are expanding a little.

There is no joy in the eyes, only dignity.

The second heart is initially the size of a pinhole. Gradually, the hole is torn more and more, and gradually becomes the size of a hole. Such as the first **** size.

But at the edge of the second heart, it is still tearing, spreading a little toward the whole heart, and then spreading toward the whole body!

Ning Fan's left chest, suddenly appeared a finger-sized black void.

The cave gradually spread. Have half the heart size!

The second heart has been opened up, but it is on the verge of collapse!

At this moment, Ning Fan half heart, destroyed by the opening of the second god!

The pain and emptiness sent by my heart made Ning Fan’s eyes look more and more dignified.

He really underestimated the risk of forcibly opening up the ancient gods!

The so-called Cheng Xiao Xiao. The defeat is also Xiao He.

The reason why Ning Fan can open up the second heart in one step is not only the huge potency of the ancient Shen Xin. It is also the ancient **** of the vastness of the seven-star mans.

Because this ancient **** is strong enough, Ning Fan can open the acupoints in a very short time and open up a second heart.

It is precisely because this ancient **** is too big, so after the heart is opened up, it is still suffering from the impact of the ancient gods, leading to the collapse of the heart, and the whole heart is nearing collapse.

This method of forcibly opening up the heart is too risky. If there is no ancient gods, the success rate will be less than half.

Even if Ning Fan took a lot of ancient Shen Xinlian, it was only a 50% chance to open a second heart.

This ancient god's heart, non-Ningfan step by step cultivation, can not control, open up the heart, it is difficult to control the strength.

Please God is easy, it is difficult to send God...

The ever-expanding virtual black hole reminds Ning Fan that he must immediately find a way to suppress this heartbreak. If you let the black hole spread, the consequences are unimaginable.

His end, only one...the heart is dead, the body is dead, and then completely fallen!

The opening of the first heart gave Ning Fan endless pain.

The opening of the second heart will bring the risk of the fall of the 50% chance of Ning Fan.

The heart is really not open, but how!

The more dangerous it is, the more calm Ning Fan is.

He clearly realized that the reason why he faced such a crisis was that the number of ancient gods who came to the body was too large.

He alone, withstood the altar of 90% of the ancient gods.

Three gods and one person, but only bear one heart.

In this way, the crisis can be alleviated by simply diverting the excess ancient spirits out!

Ning Fan raised his head and his eyes swept to the three gods!

For a moment, the three gods suddenly felt a cold and cold feeling.

The three gods do not understand that they are obviously a monk, and Ning Fan is just a ghost monk. Why is he stunned by Ning Fan’s eyes?

Everything is only engraved in Ning Fan, and it contains the essence of the ancient altar of the altar, and it is shocking and shocking.

Ning Fan suddenly raised his palm, the body's huge ancient gods, in the palm of his hand, condensed into a golden ball of light, pointed to a bomb, and bounced to the Three Gods.

Among the golden **** of light, almost all of the ancient gods in the altar are in the heart.

With so many ancient gods, it is a great opportunity for any ancient god.

Any ancient **** refining and refining so many ancient gods will benefit a lot.

When the Three Gods saw this light ball flying, their eyes suddenly became extremely angry and screamed.

"Despicable! You can't bear the heart of this ancient god, you will throw it to me, junior, you dare to do so!"

He didn't feel that the ball of light was a chance, only that it was a disaster!

Lian Ningfan, the ancient **** of the two gods, has no blessings, how can he dare to suffer?

He is only a half-old god, can not digest this ancient god, and does not dare to open up his heart with this heart.

It was only the pressure of the ancient gods who had endured this place that he felt painful.

The ball of light did not flash. In the whole body of the Three Gods, the golden light exploded, which was extremely fast. At this moment, the three gods were imprisoned on the altar by chains. Where can I avoid this countless golden light.

This golden light, the glimpse of the ancient gods of the resurrection of the quicksand!

Ning Fan and San Shen, who stand on the altar, always bear part of the ancient gods.

Ning Fan was responsible for 90% of his efforts, but he did not hesitate to forcibly throw the 40% of his heart into the Three Gods.

At this moment, the ancient gods above the altar were redistributed, and Ning Fan and the Three Gods each bear 50% of the ancient gods.

The Three Gods are not really an ancient god. They can't bear too much of the ancient gods, and they immediately scream.

Ning Fan divides the power of the ancient gods in the body. It was a lot easier at once, and the spread of black holes in my heart was greatly slowed down.

Nodded in satisfaction, Ning Fan did not pay attention to the screams of the Three Gods, kneeling at the center of the altar, began to suppress the collapse of the second heart.

The black hole in the heart is a little bit reduced.

After a scent, the black hole in the heart disappeared completely. The size of the second heart is also restored to the size of the finger hole, and the edge is firmly fixed.

Until now, the second heart is considered to be completely successful, and will not collapse!

Once the heart was stable, Ning Fan shouted a sigh. No longer afraid of the pressure brought by the ancient gods.

He did not forget that he was the container of the ancient gods of Sen Luoxian.

Once the heart is stable, Ning Fan refers to the change of the heart, and uses the heart as the carrier to begin to absorb the power of the ancient gods in the altar.

"Oh? The second one really opened up?" Until now. Sen Luo only showed a little surprised look, his eyes swept over Ning Fan. But did not say much.

In any case, Ning Fan, who has become the **** of the second god, will not help his plan.

Mutu manipulated the large array of the first layer of the cave, and the third, fourth and fifth caves gradually became golden.

When the sixth stone cave was turned into a golden moment, the heart of the ancestor of the quicksand was completely recovered, and the intensity of the ancient gods in the altar of the seven-pointed star reached its peak at this moment!

Ning Fan knees in the center of the altar, like a corn in the Bohai Sea.

Among the entire altar, this moment contains the ancient gods of half the ancestors of the quicksand!

In addition to the altar, the body of Sin Luoxian also contains half of the ancient gods, which is the part of his former force that was forcibly taken from the quicksand.

Although Sen Luo Xiu is high, but not ancient gods, half of the heart of the ancestors of the quicksand has been the limit.

Because he can't take all his heart, he will stay in the quicksand and continue to plot the remaining power.

So he needs a container, a carrier to help him save his heart.

The Three Gods are an inferior container, and Ning Fan is a quality container!

Ning Fan constantly seals the vast ancient gods in his heart.

After he opened up his second heart, this huge ancient **** has no use for him.

With the murder of the second heart, he does not intend to continue to open up the third heart with such a huge ancient gods without any preparation.

Even taking the ancient Shenxin, laying the foundation for the development of the second heart, Ning Fan is still in the process of opening up the second heart.

The development of the third heart is unprepared, and Ning Fan does not intend to take a greater risk, and he will open up a third heart in his life.

He sealed the ancient gods in his heart and did not use it rashly, but left it to Senro to use it at any time.

In Senro's plan, he is only a heart-shaped container, temporarily storing his heart, and when it is used by Senro, it is used once.

The ancestor of the quicksand was a six-year-old god, and Sen Luo had swallowed three hearts.

Ning Fan is already the ancient **** of the second dynasty. Gradually, both hearts are sealed with the heart of the resurrection of the shoal ancestors, and no more seals can be sealed.

The existence of Ning Fan is the two ancient gods who act as Sen Luo!

Sanshen, it’s just half a sacred god...

After Ning Fan sealed off countless ancient gods, the ancient gods on the altar of the seven-pointed star were reduced by two-thirds.

The color of the three gods was gone, and once again stood up, and the resentment glared at Ning Fan.

Ning Fan gave him a faint look.

"Junior, just now, you remember to Laozi!" Three gods angered and laughed, threatening.

Ning Fan seems to have not heard the threat of the Three Gods. He squats on the altar and adjusts his interest. He takes a medicinal medicine and closes his eyes.

Sealing the ancient gods, Ning Fan mana loss is not small. Busy in restoring mana, how can I have a three-god mentality?

"Three gods! You seem to have not completed your mission!" Senro outside the altar. Suddenly cold and cold, reminded.

As soon as he listened to Sen Luo, the three gods changed their face. How can they find the unhappiness of Ning Fan? Immediately, as Ning Fan is generally on the ground, he will change his mind and seal the heart of the ancient gods in half a heart.

There are countless chains on his body, every movement. Will lead to the chain creaking.

Gradually, the three gods and half of the heart are filled with the seal of the ancient gods.

Above the altar, there are still many ancient gods, but he is no longer able to seal.

"Master, the villain has reached the limit, and then can not seal more than a trace of the ancient gods ..." Three gods look to Sen Luo. Low eyebrows and pleasing to the eye.

"Three 窍 plus two 窍, plus a half 窍 ... five and a half, less than six 窍 ... less than six 窍, can not play the full power of the quicksand ancestor supernatural power..."

Sen Luo seems to be calculating, as if he is talking to himself.

He didn't look at the three gods, and his body suddenly shook. It disappeared without a trace. The next moment appeared directly above the altar and appeared in the middle of Ning Fan and the Three Gods.

In the hand, holding a diamond-shaped blood-colored crystal. It contains a breath of vicissitudes.

Ning Fan’s eyes only swept the crystal, and his eyes were deeply shocked. In the blood of the ancient gods, there is a piece of memory about this thing out of thin air!

So he recognized this thing!

This object is called 'The Crystal of Death', it is a secret treasure!

Each piece of the crystal of death is made of 10,000 ancient gods and can be formed after 100,000 years of sacrifice.

Forming a piece of crystal requires killing 10,000 ancient gods and taking the heart of 10,000 ancient gods.

Taking this crystal, there is a certain chance to directly open up the ancient gods, and there is a certain chance to suffer from reflexion.

Refining this piece of crystal requires killing 10,000 ancient gods, which are cultivated by the power of the heart of death, hence the name of the crystal of death.

Anyone can only take a piece of the crystal of death in his life. If he takes a second piece of force, there will be a 30% chance of falling.

If you take the third piece forcibly, you will die forever!

If you take the fourth piece, you will die...

The higher the order of the crystal of death, the more significant the effect of opening up the heart.

The more the ancient gods are, the weaker the effect of taking the crystal of death.

The level of the crystal of death is determined by the order of the 10,000 ancient gods of the crystal.

Holding the crystal of death, Sen Luo looked at Ning Fan and looked at the Three Gods, sneer.

"This is the third crystal of death in this seat, and the last piece, the three gods, you can take it, increase the number of ancient gods, and help the seat to get the sixth!"

"The main...the master is forgiving! The little one takes the first piece of the crystal of death, and he suffers from the bad luck. Taking the second piece, he barely opened up half of his heart... The third piece, never let small The food is small! I don’t want to die, I really don’t want to die! I will take the third piece of Death Crystal, and I will die once in 10,000 times. I hope that I will succeed in my heart! Hope, hope!”

Upon listening to Sen Luo, he intended to take the third piece of the crystal of death, and the three gods showed a terrified look.

Half of his heart was only able to open up with the help of two crystals of death.

This crystal of death is the treasure that was discovered by Sen Luoxian Wang. There are five pieces.

After he took one of his own, he was in bad luck and opened his heart and failed. Taking a second piece, there is a chance that he will die, and he will never take it again.

He took Mutu a meal and Mutu did not succeed in opening his heart.

He gave the three gods two pieces, and the three gods opened up their hearts.

Today, he has the last piece of Death Crystal in his hand.

He wants to rely on this piece of death crystal, to make up the number of six, to return to the gods, attack the hell!

Seeing the three gods timid and afraid of death, did not dare to take the crystal of death, Sen Luo sneered, turned to look at Ning Fan.

Sen Luoben did not intend to waste this crystal on the Three Gods. His intention is to send this crystal to Ning Fan to make up the number of six!

Seeing Sen Luo look to himself, Ning Fan naturally understands that Sen Luo wants to give this treasure to himself.

Only Sen Luo has not spoken a lot. Suddenly, a deafening roar, spread the entire black hole world, spread throughout the quicksand sea, and passed to everyone's ears in the cave of time!

That is the broken sound!

The black hole world seems to be being attacked by some kind of powerful extreme, and it is breaking and crashing a little!

"Hey! The devil's fast movements, even less than a day, will catch this star!"

Sen Luo’s eyes were cold, and then he showed the sneer of sin, and threw the crystal of death in his hands to Ning Fan, commanding,

"This thing is refining by you, no mistakes!"


The words have just fallen, and Sen Luo is already in the sound of a screaming scream, disappearing without a trace.

Sen Luo knows that the divine emperor has chased the quicksand star!

The two emperors are in perfection, he must fight, this battle, he will not avoid!

(1/1) The update is late, sorry, wash and sleep.

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