Grasping Evil

Chapter 782: Dongtian Sixteenth Emperor

"You can't escape!"

Sen Luo snorted, one finger pressed faster, the shadow of the huge black yang behind it collapsed into countless pieces of black inflammation, and those black inflammatory fragments then turned into countless black fire ravens.

The fire crows condensed in one place, making an ominous cry, and illusioned a black-hot giant finger that was hugeer than the lower-level star field. The evil spirits were stunned and pressed in the direction of the nine emperors.

The one finger is full of black inflammation, and the black inflammation is not a real flame, but the ultimate dark power evolved.

The darkness that dissipates from the giant finger instantly fills the dozens of comprehension stars, and the creatures above the comprehension star immediately turn into black plasma.

In the end, even those comprehension stars collapsed.

Thousands of repairing true stars in the far distance, by the evil atmosphere, the aura of the spirit, the monks on the stars have fallen and fell!

At this moment, countless monks in the nine secluded stars have shown their fearful expressions. They can feel that there is a peerless strong man who is in the midst of the nine secluded stars, arbitrarily displaying the destruction of supernatural powers!

The ice of the entire nine secluded star fields melted into black water at this moment.

The boundless black gas, scattered from the giant finger, rolled to the nine emperors.

The nine emperors looked shocked. He knew that the horror and viciousness of the scorpion was a violation of humanity. The bad guys were true. He could not compete. If he was subjected to this, the repair would be a big loss. It is best to avoid this. It is safe.

Raking his hand and tearing it, tearing out a silver ice door in front of him, stepping into it one step at a time, already disappeared.

The huge pointed mans were also shocked, shattering numerous void cracks and drilling into the cracks without a trace.

After a while, the starry sky of the entire nine secluded stars began to tremble violently!

Then, in the starry sky, there are numerous cracks in the void, and there are countless cold ice gullies that stretch in the sky.

In the end, there was a loud noise in the starry sky. A silver ice door emerged from the air.

As soon as the silver ice door emerged, it immediately burst into numerous countless pieces of ice. Among them, there was a ragged purple robe old man who fell black and gray, and the color was declining. Not only did he repair it, he almost fell to the throne. Even an arm, which is strangely broken from the arm bend, the break. Black blood DC.

"The nine secluded emperors of the sixth robbery of Van Gogh were actually hit hard by Sen Luoxian Wang!" In the ninth star, Ning Fan witnessed everything in front of him, full of shock!

The power of Sen Luo is still above the estimate of Ning Fan! Six robbery emperor nine secluded emperor, non-Senro rival!

Nine emperor coughed with a gray face, looking at Sen Luo, with deep fear in his eyes, after the fear. There are a few more points.

He and Sen Luo have complained too much, and he thought it was unlikely that he would be good with Sen Luo, and it was inevitable that he would fight.

After a gaze, the unbroken left hand was pressed on the storage bag. Take out a huge keel of snow and silver, and sacrifice it in the air.

It is a demon dragon keel that has been degraded for many years. Judging from the temperament of this keel, this dragon was at least the sixth robbery of the ages.

The nine emperors looked at each other. He wants to use this keel to summon the remnant of this demon dragon and work with the demon dragon. Fight with Sen Luo!

He pointed to a change, the keel moved in the sound of a click, the dragon's breath of the frosty face, the empty eyes flashed two silver flames, and looked at Sen Luo, suddenly stunned The dragon of the star field.

As soon as the dragons appeared, the stars and the sky immediately appeared in a large block of rainbow-colored Leihai. Numerous rainbows were like snakes, and thunder whistling, and they went to Sen Luo.

"What is the remnant of the dragon? Before the rain, I praised the sacredness and beauty of the dragon. The dragon, the most beautiful kind of dragon in the dragon family, can not think of death, but also an ugly bone. ..."

Sen Luo's always cold eyes, once again emerged the color of remembrance, and then the corner of the mouth smirked a disdainful smile, looking at the sky and thunder sea, neither fleeing nor avoiding.

As soon as he raised his hand, he immediately added a small axe in his hand. The whole small axe was transparent, like a sculpture of blood-colored crystal.

On the small axe, engraved with a small poem, the font is rough and arrogant, it is the writing of Sen Luo, but the verse is beautiful, not the Sen Luo can write.

"The first flower is good, don't teach Wan Ye to hate Xiao Xiao.

The second month of the month, do not teach Xiao Lang to lose Juan.

The most good family is happy, this life will be Changan. ”

It was a small poem that the woman slid out of her mind, engraved on the axe of Sen Luo, and even engraved into the heart of Sen Luo.

It’s just that she waits for Xiao Lang, never from him.

It’s just Changan she wants, he can’t give it.

All he can do is to let all those who have lost her pay the price!

The blood axe in the hand suddenly became huge, and it was one person tall, and was held in the hands of Sen Luo.

That blood axe is his road soldier, axe name, Changan!

At this moment, the remembrance in the eyes of Sen Luo turned into anger, madness, and screamed to the sky!

Changan... Changan!

"When you are not green for your Wanye, this seat will let it die for a lifetime. From then on, I want to spend it!"

The moon that is not for you, this seat will make it permanent for the night, from then on, think about the full moon!

This seat is to let the blood of the gods flow into the river, to make the heavens have no peace, to let the East Heaven, never have Changan! ”


Facing the Thunder Sea, Sen Luo fell axe, but saw the axe flickering, the boundless blood flame immediately spread along the axe dragon, and the rainbow thunder sea engulfed one by one.

The first axe, destroying the sky and the sea, Sen Luo raised his hand, once again raised the axe, without any hesitation, to the axe of the dragon.

Under the second axe, the starry sky was immediately broken into two by the **** axe, and a large block of starry sky collapsed.

The dragon's bones were smashed by the axe, and immediately screamed and screamed in the blood, and countless bone powder disappeared.

The nine emperor looked shocked, he couldn’t think of it, and Sen Luo would take him out of Changan’s axe!

He has a lot of friendship with Sen Luo, and he knows a lot about Shen Luo!

Changan Axe, Changan Axe!

The nine emperors knew about Sen Luo, knowing that if he took this axe, he would have saved the enemy.

The Changan Axe is a fierce road soldier. Every attack requires the consumption of Sen Luo's blood to be able to play 10% of the power.

And once removed, do not exhaust the enemy in front of you, drink the enemy to repair the blood, it is difficult to recover the body!

"When the old man sneaked a finger at him, he did not kill the old man?!" The nine emperors were shocked.

Seeing Sen Luo once again lifted the axe and pulled out the third axe in his direction. The figure swayed and turned into millions of silver streams, fleeing in the direction of millions.

These millions of streams are his secret escape, and it is reasonable to say that only one of them is his true body.

At this moment, the nine emperors have been seriously injured by the shackles, and the roads are also greatly damaged. This is not the Senro opponent. At this moment, it is not the enemy of Sen Luo, and also sees Sen Luo take out the axe to kill, so he dare not be too hard. It is.

Sen Luo looked at the nine emperors who escaped from the trick. Sneering.

When there were millions of streams of light, it was not blocked, and the axe was slanting. Instead, it went to a place where there was nowhere.

Under the axe, the Xinghe immediately collapsed in a large blockbuster, and in the crack, a figure of a wolf was embarrassed, and it was actually a nine emperor.

The nine emperors did not hide in the dawn, but they were hiding here. Ready to stay here to watch, if there is a chance, wait for an opportunity to attack Senro.

That millions of streams are just a blind eye.

This person has a good idea. However, it was unfortunate that he was smashed by Sen Luo, and his axe pulled out his body and immediately coughed up blood and retired in the stars.

It is easy to stabilize the figure. There was no more good meat in the whole body, and there were wounds left by blood and axe everywhere.

"Sen Luo! The old man has been acquainted with you for many years. At that time, the ghosts and sorrows sneaked on you. You must be separated from the old man!"

"Luo Jiu, you hurt me a finger, this seat can be read in the past, only you are a finger, just give up. Just you should not, should not, should not drink that bowl of Yuanshen! You are responsible for this Seat, this seat will be with you. If you hurt a thousand rains, this seat will let you fly away! The art of heaven!"

Sen Luo angered and laughed, and raised his hand sharply, pointing to the nine emperors, countless voids and black lines immediately set the nine emperors in the stars!

Ning Fan's eyes were slightly shocked, and he never expected that Sen Luo would even make a fixed day. When you look closely, you will find that the technique of this day is nothing more than a pseudo-sinus imitated by Sen Luo. It is not a real fixed-point technique.

The nine emperors were appointed by Sen Luo in the starry sky, and they couldn’t escape, avoiding inevitable, and even unable to move and resist, and they were shocked.

"Impossible! The fact that you are showing is not really a fixed earth, why can you settle the old man!"

"Hey! Not the orthodox technique, how!"

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Sen Luo snorted, one designated to live in the nine emperor, the other holding an axe, spare no effort to kneel on the nine emperor.

An axe, two axes, three axes...

Ten axes, a hundred axes, thousand axes!

The axe that shocked the Milky Way was on the body of the nine emperors, causing devastating fluctuations.

The nine emperors were getting more and more serious, and the flesh gradually collapsed, leaving only the golden gods.

The reason why the **** is golden is only protected by the emperor.

Although the axe is powerful, it constantly intensifies and weakens the power of the Yuanshen of the nine emperors, but it has never been able to completely annihilate this golden god.

After witnessing this scene, Ning Fan was deeply shocked.

He once saw it from a certain ancient book. The emperor was wearing the shadow of the emperor, and he could protect the gods with the emperor.

Although the nine emperors did not rival Sen Luo, but Sen Luo is also difficult to kill the nine emperors.

Mo said that it is Sen Luo, that is the eighth emperor of the eternal sacred emperor, but also wants to easily destroy the Emperor Yuanshen.

"Sen Luo! Although you are powerful, but you can not kill the old man, advise you to quickly put the old man, otherwise..." Jiuyou Emperor Golden God sneer, is trying to threaten two sentences, the next moment, the face suddenly changed.

"Luo Jiu, can you really kill you with this seat?"

Sen Luo mouth evoked a sardonic smile, slammed the axe, took the blood axe back into the body, and then the big hand slammed, and the five fingers moved toward the direction of the nine emperors.

This grasping power, using the power of the famous emptiness of Sen Luo Nai, also used the power of time he took from the ancestor of the quicksand.

When the power of time and the power of the void meet, time and space seem to be fixed in this!

The way of life and death, the true way of truth, the way of time and space!

Then it is reincarnation!

Sen Luo walked all the way, and in the first step of Xiu Dao, he participated in the realization of death. In the second step of Xiu Dao, he realized the truth and realized the power of space and won the power of time.

At this moment, his hands are entangled in a really positive reincarnation!

Unlike the reincarnation of Ning Fanchu, the power of this reincarnation is powerful and terrifying enough to wipe out the Yuanshen of the Nine Emperor!

Therefore, the nine emperors really began to fear!

"The wheel...the power of reincarnation! This is the power that the sacred talents of the legendary third step can master. Why can you display it! Impossible, this is impossible!"

"You, don't need to know! Off!"

Sen Luo's palm smashed a fist, and the five rounds of reincarnation immediately turned into claws, tearing the stars, and at the same time tearing the soul of the nine emperors.

On this day, among the East Heavenly Immortals, a great emperor named Xinghe fell to the hands of Sen Luo!

But the nine emperors, but this is the only fallen emperor of the East Heaven!

Killed the nine emperors, and Sen Luo stood in the nine secluded star field for a long time, but did not launch a killing star in this star field.

Raise your hand and take in the hands of the golden gods of the nine emperors. After careful attention, shake your head.

"The bombing technique is wonderful, but it can't be used as a technique for the gods above the emperor. This technique is powerful, but there are limits."

"Luo Jiu, although you have lost this seat, it hurts even the rain, but your brother is jealous to save the seat. You and your grievances, this seat only kills you, does not affect your people!"

In a word, Sen Luo swallowed the fragments of the gods and suddenly turned and slammed in the other direction.

Rampaged and completely rampaged.

I don't know how long it took to walk in the sky, and Sen Luo stopped at another star field.

Emperor Star Field, Zhenyuan Star Field!

Beyond this emperor's star field, the big battle has already been laid out, guarding the inexhaustible strong.

In the center of the archer of the stars, there is a white-browed boy, dressed in a robe, and it is so powerful that it is actually a sixth emperor!

"I heard that you have married the nine emperors, but this is the case!" The white-browed boy snorted and asked Sen Luo.

Obviously, he has received all kinds of information from Senro, but he still doesn't believe it.

Sen Luo sneered, no positive answer, just one hand and one lift, a touch in the void, the void immediately floated a layer of cold, cold, a sword of snow and silver, the extreme of the cold, suspended in front of Sen Luo.

This sword is illegal, and it is a magical weapon!

This technique is one of the nine super-spirited supernatural powers... Ice Sword!

It is a pity that in the face of Sen Luo, the nine emperors will still be able to display this technique in the future, and they will hate it.

Ning Fan watched the sword in the ninth star, his eyes became more and more dignified. He only felt that this sword was extremely cold and a sword was enough to freeze a whole middle-level star field, but he did not know that this technique was the nine emperor. Magical.

That white-browed boy is aware of this technique. When he saw that Sen Luo actually displayed the magical power of the nine emperors, he immediately revealed the shocking look!

"You... you really killed the nine emperors, and took the magical power of "empty roads", swallowed his god, and seized his magical mystery! Impossible! You are only a fairy king, why can it be extinguished? Lose the Emperor Yuanshen!"


Answering the white-browed boy is a cold ice sword.

However, seeing Sen Luo did not say anything, directly holding the ice sword, the sword refers to the town of Yuanyuan.

In the meantime, Zhenyuan Xingyu began to explode large blocks of ice, and numerous monks who guarded the stars outside the area were directly frozen!

In the nine secluded star field, Sen Luo Shang still looked at the face of the nine secluded brothers, leaving a few feelings for the nine secluded monks.

But here, he does not have to give anyone a mercy!

"Hand over the twelve broken arrows, this seat can spare you a life, otherwise, die!"

Sen Luo looked coldly at the white-browed boy, the white-browed boy, named Zhenyuan the Great, sitting in the town of Yuanyuan, one of the sixteen emperors of Dongtian!

(1/2) (To be continued.)

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