Grasping Evil

Chapter 790: Nine Emperors besieged

You must not be angry and angry!

In fact, Ning Fan is not willing to show Lu Xin a letter, which is a signal within the southern tribe, a signal to fight!

If the southern ancestors sent messengers and deliberately sought out a certain southern sinner, they would generally only have two purposes.

Either because the talents in the family are dying and lacking manpower, they decided to accept some of the sinners to return to the family and merge them into the four departments; or they felt that the sin was too heavy and did not want to leave him alive, intending to remove it...

In general, if the messenger comes for murder, it will not show the sinner a letter of order, which is the rule of the South.

Lv Wei deeply believes that Ning Fan is a messenger of the Nan nationality. Seeing that Ning Fan is indifferent and unwilling to reveal his own tokens, he naturally believes that the other party is coming to kill himself. His expression is full of grief and indignation.

You must know that Lu Wei was expelled by the Southerners for 60 million years!

For 60 million years, he has been expecting the emergence of the Southern Messengers all the time, and he has returned to the family.

It’s hard to wait for the messenger, but the messenger is coming to kill him. He can’t be wrong, he can’t be angry!

Is he guilty of unforgivable sin? Can let the Southern ancestors have spent 60 million years, still remember to kill themselves!

"Nan Tianhua! You are a Nantianhua! You are a generation of ancestors! You are bullying! You don't believe it! The old man was just out of control, and you killed a few congenital elixir, you are worried. The old man was expelled from the clan. Sixty million years later, he still refused to let go of the old man, and actually sent people to kill the old man! Deceiving people too much, deceiving too much!"

Lv瘟 gnawed his teeth and smashed his mouth. While waving a hand, his palm immediately had a bright yellow pear wood sword with a scent of pears. He glared at Ning Fan, but under the anger, he was extremely jealous!

He can't see Ning Fan's cultivation, but he is convinced that the other side is terrible.

Although Ning Fan Xiu is not as good as Lu Wei, he has seen too many big scenes. In the face of Lu Wei, I am calm and relaxed.

Ning Fan is more calm and relaxed, and Lu Wei feels that Ning Fan has no fear.

Lv Wei was holding a bright yellow pear wood sword, and wanted to brave the courage to fight with Ning Fan, but he did not dare to throw out the sword, and his wrist could not shake.

He can't feel the breath of Ning Fan, and he can know that Ning Fan is just a ghostly junior...

The hand in Ning Fan’s sleeve quietly held the jade slip, stepping on the micro-step, and slightly blocking the little demon girl behind him.

The eyes and the little enchantress slightly met, and the voice asked about the 'Southern' ‘蛊部’. Seeing the little demon girl shook her head slightly, apparently did not know what these two words represent, and the heart could not help but sink.

After an item in the storage bag was slightly shaken, Ning Fan suddenly had a guess.

Seeing that Ning Fan stepped forward, Lv Wei was shocked. He only said that Ning Fan had to start, and instinctively stepped back a half step, but it was weak. Imagine the scene of fighting with Ning Fan for ten million times. I only feel that there is no victory. It is already undefeated.

If you want to escape, you will know that according to the rules of the South, if you escape, you will be chased by more people. It’s hard to escape...

Can only fight!

Seeing that a big battle is about to erupt, Ning Fan has a glimpse of his eyes and has a decision. I took out a token that was as jade.

This token is the treasure that was obtained when the Xinghai was in the past.

This order has the ability to solve scorpion venom and has helped Yuan Yao detoxification.

This makes the power not strong. For Ning Fan, it has been useless, but at this moment, Ning Fan is resolutely taking it out.

This order trembled slightly in the storage bag. Perhaps it was the order that Lu Wei wanted to see.

This makes a slight radiance at this moment, the light slowly condenses into two words, appearing on the token, but it is the word 'Zhao Jian'.

Presumably, the former master is called Zhao Jian. If you don't meet Lu Wei and the mutual tokens perceive each other, these two words will never appear.

Ning Fan glanced at the token in his hand, and then his eyes swept toward Lu Wei, cold and cold, "I am not coming to kill you!"

Although Ning Fan does not know what the Nan nationality is, what is the cadre, and I don’t know why Lu Wei turned his face like a book.

Perhaps, this order is the edict of Lu Weikou, maybe not...

Maybe take this order and calm the anger of Lu Wei, maybe not...

Although Ning Fan has the jade slippery body that was given by the emperor, it is not appropriate to use the jade slip and the battle of Lu Wei on the site of Shenxu Pavilion...

Lv Wei wants to see this order, Ning Fan will show him!

Lv Wei seems to misunderstand that he is an enemy. Ning Fan also explained that he did not come to kill him.

If you have done these things, you can't calm down the inexplicable anger and murder of Lu Wei, then Ning Fan can only find countermeasures.

All in all, Ning Fan is not willing to fight with Lu Wei in the realm of the gods.

Really not, Ning Fan can only escape with the little demon woman stealth.

Ning Fan’s eyes are more and more calm, and there is not much fear in the face of Lu Wei, who may be able to shoot himself at any time.

He has seen a lot of big winds and waves. Although Lu Wei is evil, he can't scare him.

He is in front of the little demon woman, just like a mountain, giving people a very strong sense of security.

Because of the appearance of Lu Wei and the sudden killing, the little demon woman was still worried about Ning Fan, but after seeing Ning Fan's expression, she could not help but feel relieved.

"Xiao Fanfan does not seem to be afraid of Lu Wei, it must be because there is a way to deal with it... Speaking of it, Xiaofan Fan is really calm, but it is only a ghost monk, but even in the face of Sen Luo and Lu Wei, Can also calm down... I don’t know how he will deal with Lu Wei..."

The little demon woman’s mouth was raised, and she looked quietly at Ning Fan’s wide back. I didn’t know what I was thinking.

Seeing that Ning Fan took out the decree and claimed that he was not going to kill himself, Lu Wei was a glimpse, and then he said with great joy, "This statement is true! Do you really want to kill Lu Mou!"

"No!" Ning Fan replied.

"That friend of the Tao was ordered by the ancestors, and Lu returned to the southern tribe!" Lu Wei said with excitement, and his eyes were full of hope.

Ning Fan is a little silent, saying, "No!"

He did not follow Lu’s words and admitted that he was coming to pick up Lu’s family.

At this moment, although Ning Fan did not know what the Nanzu was, he also guessed that the Nanzu was a big force of terror.

Can make Xian Wang look forward to returning to the family, this southern tribe can weaken. It is even possible that this southern tribe is one of the top ten secrets of the legend...

"This is probably the letter of the Nan ethnic group. This Lu Wei, mostly because of my letter, misunderstood my intentions... If I pretend to be a South ethnic group, most of them will provoke the Nan people's anger. I am a non-Southern monk, but I have a Southern Order letter. If this is a case, it seems that it is not appropriate. I am afraid that some people will suspect that I have killed the Nanzu monks before I get this order..."

Ning Fan’s eyes flashed, and with the decision, what he could do was not to admit that he was a Nan nationality, nor to deny that he would go to speculation and wait and see.

When listening to the words of Ning Fan, Lu Wei could not help but see. Showing the color of disappointment.

He naturally did not expect that Ning Fan neither came to kill him, nor did he come to pick him up.

In this way, Ning Fan did not come to him at all, but he misunderstood himself.

"Does the Taoist friend really come to pick up Lu's returning family?" Lu Weiman asked in disappointment.


Ning Fan's tone was indifferent, and he frowned and frowned. His eyes were cold. He expected that Lu Wei could not break his own cultivation, and he had already regarded himself as an ancient blame. He simply played the ancient blame along with Lu’s conjecture. Words and deeds, it is like a cold face and ruthless Senro.

"Oh... the original Taoist friend just passed by, not to find Lumou... um? The order of the Taoist friend..." Lu Wei sighed and shook his head. I suddenly looked at the instructions of Ning Fan.

This look is a great shock to him!

Before he did not look at the order, I went to see it at the moment, but it was found that Ning Fan’s token was a bit odd!

Ning Fan’s order is indeed genuine. But it is somewhat different in style from ordinary tokens. Such tokens are often held by monks who perform special tasks in the South!

"It turns out that the Taoist friend is actually here to perform special tasks!" Lu Wei first exclaimed. Then immediately realized that they had lost their words.

This place is not only for him and Ning Fan, but also for the ‘outsider’ of the little demon girl. If there is, it cannot be said.

Since Ning Fan is coming to perform special tasks, this matter is naturally important and requires a lot of confidentiality.

Since Ning Fan appears in the Dongpu Star Field, perhaps this task is related to the Shenxu Pavilion...

“Does the ancestors of the family have a plot for the gods of the sacred court? Did they send people here? If so...”

With this in mind, Lu Wei’s eyes were cold, and the murderous murderer looked at the little demon girl behind Ning Fan, and apologized. “Sorry, Lu was out of a certain state, and said something wrong, let others listen. Lumou’s Wipe the trouble for the Taoist friend and kill this woman!"

In a word, Lv Weijian turned a turn, but it was aimed at the little demon girl, and the next moment she would kill it.

"You don't have to kill her, this woman is useful to me!"

Ning Fan’s eyes changed and he immediately stopped.

This sentence is a disguised recognition that he is here to perform his duties. He will watch Lu Wei kill the little demon girl.

The little demon girl is not afraid of Lu Wei, like looking at Ning Fan with a smile, and she is very interesting. Seeing that Ning Fan pretends to be a South Korean monk to shelter himself, it is a good mood.

Lv 瘟怔 怔 怔 却 却 怔 怔 怔 怔 怔 怔 怔 怔 怔 怔 怔 怔 怔 怔 怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔 瘟怔What are the descendants of Zhao Jiadijun?

Ning Fan was silent, did not answer, but Lu Wei looked like a confession to Ning Fan, smirked,

"Look at my mouth, I have to say a lot. I don't know if Zhao Daoyou can help Lv in this trip. If it is necessary, he can bluntly say that Lu will not deny it. Of course, in the future, the Taoist friends will return to the family, please also The ancestors said a few words before, to see when Nalumou returned to the South. Besides, Lv is now also a fairy king. Returning to the family is also beneficial to my southern family."

"No. If Lu Daoyou has nothing to do, can he leave first? Zhao has something to do here." Ning Fan frowned.

"Alright, well, since Zhao Daoyou still has something to do, Lumou will not bother. If Zhao Daoyou needs it, he can come directly to find Lumou. Lu is also a good elder, and he can always help the Taoist friend. A little bit. Oh, a little blessing, not a respect, a friend and a close."

In a word, Lu Wei took out an exquisite storage bag and handed it to Ning Fan with both hands, and another fist, and turned it into a rainbow.

He is still busy looking for a place to stabilize his injuries, but he is also with his heart.

Until Lu Shuguang disappeared, Ning Fan only put away all the expressions, and God swept the storage bag, but there were hundreds of billions of crystals...

It is not a thin gift.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Wei did not doubt the identity of Ning Fan, only because of the loss of any Nanzu monk within four days...

Lv Wei did not know, Ning Fan’s token was found from the lower bound, which was left behind by a southern monk who performed the task...

Put away the billions of crystals, and hide the income of the emperor in the Yin and Yang circles. Ning Fan is a little silent, grabbing the waist of the little demon woman, but it is not slow to go to the direction of the East Comet.

The news of the arrival of Sendo has already spread throughout the East. At this moment, there are almost no monks flying in the stars in the East Star field. The broken forces of the forces and the sages are all closed in their respective comprehension stars. Into trouble.

However, there are quite a few monks who want to leak from the war quietly in the sky, occasionally intertwined with Ning Fan, but they only look at each other and do not speak each other.

Those who release the mind to perceive Ning Fan. Once I found out that Ning Fan’s face was so powerful, I was deeply jealous.

Those monks who saw Ning Fan and the goddess of the gods and the little demon women, some of them knew the little demon girl, but they did not care about it.

The little demon girl snuggled in Ning Fan's arms, and her slightly depressed mood had already been stretched by Lu Wei.

Looking at Ning Fan with a smile, suddenly said, "If I did not guess wrong. The South is probably one of the top ten secrets... that Lu Wei is willing to betray the gods for the Nanzu, dare to be brazen Kill me, the power that can make him do this, fear that there are only the top ten secrets who are more powerful than the gods.... Xiaofan Fan. That Lu Wei is treating you as a Southern monk, why don’t you borrow it? I will knock him on the machine. If you open your mouth, you must ask for his storage bag. He will also hand it over."

Ning Fan shook his head and said, "It’s too late."

No more explanation. Ning Fan went all the way to a starry sky near the Dongyu Star Field, and put down the little demon girl, standing side by side.

There are several hidden monks in the place where there are scattered and hidden, mostly to leak from the battlefield.

Most of them are not sacred monks, and Sen Luo is in conflict with the gods, and it may not be known to bring them some chance.

Among these monks who are exposed to the tail, many of them are immortals and true immortals.

Occasionally, there are a few tyrannical gods who don’t know where to send them, sweeping them to Ningfan, and after they can’t perceive Ning Fan’s accurate repairs, they are all scared by Ning Fan’s congenital ghost face, and they have recovered their thoughts. Re-exploration, for fear of angering Ning Fan.

Before Ning Fan stayed in the ninth star of Sen Luo, he could not accurately perceive the hidden monk outside, but at this time he could accurately perceive it.

"There are a lot of old geeks hiding here, Xiaofanfan, you said that you are walking with me, and wearing ghost faces, burning fireworks here, will it be too eye-catching. Speaking, what is your level of ghost face? It seems that even Lu Wei did not see your true content... such a powerful ghost face, killing the temple, the ordinary ghost face killer can not have it." The little demon woman smiled and asked.

For the question of the little demon girl, Ning Fan laughed and did not answer, and God read the empty star next to the East Comet, waiting quietly.

Sen Luo asked him to set off a fireworks. This fireworks needs people to look at it.

Sen Luo has not yet come out with his beloved woman, this fireworks, naturally, has not yet been released.

"Xiao Fanfan, later called me Aci... In the memory, before my mother died, it was called me..." The little demon girl is still smiling, but there is a little nostalgia in her smile.

In the past, she would not ask Ning Fan to call her like this. But now, some things are different.

"Good. I will call you Aci in the future."

Ning Fan nodded and held his hand in the starry sky. His body was not half-divided, but he did not dare to sneak at anyone who tried to peer him.

There is a natural master temperament in his body!

"Is this person one of the eight hundred ghost faces of the Killing Temple? It’s just that the old man never knows that someone in the Killing Temple has such a powerful face..." In the starry sky, a hidden emptiness of the old man was shocked.

"Congenital ghost face! This person is bound to be an ancient strange, otherwise you can have such a powerful ghost face!" A hidden strange, half-step into the ancient realm of the old gods to read Ning Fan, immediately revealed the shock.

The more powerful the old blame, the more you can see the power of the innate ghosts, the more you are jealous of Ning Fan.

Because it can't be seen, it is taboo.

Because of ignorance, it is terrible.

This is the first time that Ning Fan appeared in the eyes of the East Heaven monk with the image of a ghost face, but it was not the last time.

boom! boom! boom!

I don't know how long it took, the giant door on the Nether Star, suddenly burst into a series of earth-shattering explosions.

In the next moment, the giant door was broken, and a golden giant clock like a star suddenly appeared in the stars!

Under the giant clock, stood alone, holding the clock with one hand. Proud and stand out, red hair is flying, it is Sen Luo!

The whole body of Sen Luo, now hovering with twelve spiritually depleted arrows, hanging a treasure on his head, is the devil's list, has been spiritually destroyed.

His whole body was bruised and bruised, blood was flowing, but his eyes were satisfied.

Above the town bell, it was covered with cracks like a spider's silk. It was made by Sen Luo!

"There has been a crack in this clock, I will continue to bombard it, and when the time comes, you are responsible for setting off the fireworks!"

But see Sen Luo's lips, I don't know who to call.

In the next moment, he throws up the giant clock high, and in the eyes of countless monks of East Comet, Shenkongxing, and Nether Star, a fist hits the town Tianzhong!

Aside, the destruction of the beasts is full of tension. There are a lot of injuries on the body, it seems to be left before the war.

The cracks above the town bells increased a little bit, and the damage of Sendo was also a little bit aggravated. The bells that passed through the stars shook everyone.

But everyone who is not in the eyes. All looked out, Sen Luo is going to give up one life and destroy the town Tianzhong!

He is crazy!

"Stop! Senro!"

There was a broken black hole in the void, in the black hole. The sacred emperor jumped out and screamed at Senro.

They finally got out of trouble, but it seems too late. The town Tianzhong has been damaged by Sen Luo!

"There is a lot of things that want to stop this seat, but you have blocked this seat!"

Sen Luo sighed in the sky, and at the glance, the **** voice circle was madly scattered in the sky, and countless secrets hidden in this place were shaken out.

Among them, there are the immortals, the real fairy, and the seven strangers who are surrounded by colorful lights, and all of them are Xiandi!

In addition to the demon and the emperor, there are still seven Dongtian Xiandi, who are not good!

They appear here, some have enmity with Sen Luo, and some are to watch the fun.

"Sen Luo! What are your hatreds with the Shenxu Pavilion, this palace does not ask, but the Ray King Seal that you took away from my ‘three thousand mines’ that year must be returned!”

A silver-haired beautiful woman with a colorful light in her body, after a faint slogan, took the lead in walking towards Senro and Tianzhong.

This person is the master of the three thousand thunder world of Dongtian. For this generation, the white emperor has the repair of the seventh robbery of the ages, and his name is Lan Yunxian!

"Sen Luo! In the past, you killed the old man, and today the old man will break with you!"

In a word, a three-headed giant, the great man, roared toward Senro and killed the machine.

The name of the Yellow Turban Emperor is one of the 16th Emperors of Dongtian. It has the repair of the sixth robbery of the ages, but with the strength of the flesh, it is almost invincible among the six robbers!

"Oh, the old man and the nine emperor are quite a bit of friendship, he died in your hand, the old man said that he should also be fair to him!"

Another three-eyed emperor who was on the foot of Xiangyun snorted and walked out of the clouds.

He said that he came to seek justice for the nine emperors, but there was not much sadness in his eyes. Obviously, revenge for the nine emperors was just an excuse.

This person has the repair of the sixth robbery of the ages, named the Capricorn Emperor!

In addition to these three emperors, there are four emperors in this place, but they are silent, and they are surrounded by Sen Luo.

Together with the Emperor and the Emperor, there are nine emperors surrounded by Sen Luo!

Sen Luo red hair flying, alone against the nine emperors, not afraid, laughing wildly!

"Okay, okay, good! The third person who wants to kill this place is just here, too. Let's go together, why are you in this seat!"

The power of the six gods of the ancient gods was completely motivated by Sen Luo at this moment.

A momentum stronger than the sum of the nine emperors, turned into a shocking ring, appearing behind Sen Luo!

At this moment, Sen Luo, carrying the ring of the beginning of the Holy Spirit, is stronger than ever!

The look of the nine great emperors was discolored in this moment.

Before everyone reacted, Sen Luo’s figure had faded, and one of the great emperors suddenly changed his face. At his feet, a comprehension star exploded, and there was a **** giant out of thin air. The hand, only four fingers, is enough to tear the sky and take a picture of him!

With his repair of the seventh robbery of the ages, he was unable to move for a while!

"Hong Ze, you are the third person who can't kill this house! Sprinkle the cup of the gods that you drank!" (To be continued.)

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