Grasping Evil

Chapter 806: The bone of the fairy, Jun Changdong

Recovering the mind, Ning Fan's eyes are unpredictable. . .

Look at the back of the purple woman, faintly with some inexplicable...

"Luo Luo has repeatedly reminded me that this Luo family is not good at the character, and he must not be offended... She has the qualification to negotiate the position of the Luo family to keep the grave..."

The information on the tomb ratio, Ning Fan knew before, and the information of the bell festival, he also bought a lot from the business court. Although there is no intelligence related to confidentiality, it is enough to understand the meaning of the word "sacrificial".

At the Shenxu Pavilion in the Eastern Stars, every minute of the year, a bell festival will be held on the Nether Star.

Before the bell festival, a tomb ratio will be held on the gods.

At the time of the tomb, many of the forces that make up the sacred court will choose to send out the tombs and participate in the big ratio.

Only those with a level of seven or more are eligible to send a grave guard to participate in the event.

The grave guards who participated in the tomb ratio can get different rewards according to the different rankings obtained by the big ratio.

If you get the top 50 results, you can also get a different number of nothing.

If you can get the top ten results, you can not only get the vain order, you can even get the seal of the gods, and get a cup of **** spirit from the next bell festival.

The vain command is the voucher to enter the third layer of the tomb of the gods, and it is also the key to gaining the opportunity from the last three layers.

As for the Yuanshen wine, it is a great nourishing thing.

If it is the mysterious man, the ghost of the realm of the immortal monk, take a cup, retreat for a hundred years, its cultivation has a great chance to skyrocket a small realm!

It is the real fairy, the empty space, the broken thoughts, etc., which can be used to make the Yuanjin wine.

It is the Xianzun, Xianwang, and Xiandi above the ancient times, and they all get great benefits from the Yuanshen wine.

Due to the existence of Yuanshen, Zhongye won the attention of countless old monsters in Dongtian.

The tomb ratio has also received much attention because of the rewards such as the gods and the emptiness.

"The bell a list of sacrifices made by the various forces of the gods, and finally choose one from the list and sacrifice it to the town Tianzhong. After the sacrifice, the **** will be turned into a fairy wine. For some strong drinkers At the time of the sacrifice, all the sacrifices of the sacrifices have the opportunity to break through the secret of the remains of the Emperor Dongtian in the Tianzhong of the town..."

"The gods have been inherited for many years, and the bell festival has been held countless times. However, no one can break the secret of a star and a half from the town bell... Nowadays, the bell festival is simply a 'murder sacrifice, a group of wines 'The ceremony, nothing more..."

"The woman whom Sen Luo loved was once a sacrifice. It was sacrificed to the Tiantian by the gods and strong people. Is it the **** of the gods?"

"Aci's name is also in the list of the gods' sacrifices..."

By the tomb ratio, Ning Fan once again thought of the relevant information of the bell festival, and there was a faint anger in the eyes, which was silent, but it was hot and sultry.

On the bright side, the little demon girl is the **** of the status esteem.

In the dark, the name of the little demon girl is in the list of the sacrifices of the gods, and one is careless. It may be chosen as a sacrifice and sacrificed to death.

Fortunately, Senlu destroyed the town’s Tianzhong, and the bell festival that the Shenxu Pavilion painstakingly prepared had to be cancelled.

Ning Fan does not have to worry about it. The little demon girl may be reduced to a sacrifice, and she is divided into gods by the group of cents.

Just from the moment of thoroughly understanding the identity of the little demon woman, Ning Fan can no longer have any good feelings for the gods.

"In the temple of killing, it is also cold-blooded and ruthless. But the kind of killing, after all, is still in line with the concept of 'existence and weakness" in the realm of cultivation. Where is the killing is to hone. It is to let each disciple Fighting each other, training a strong ability to survive. Although the means are extreme, but the murderer may not be happy, but helpless, but have to kill, nothing more. And the gods of the cabinet... they hold the bell festival, group The celestial beings are complacent because they are eating the gods of others. They are happy to kill..."

"If the person of the sacrifice has nothing to do with me, maybe I will ignore it all. After all, when the sacrifice is made, it is almost common in the realm of cultivation. However, if one day, the town bell is repaired, the bell festival is reopened, and Axicha I was chosen as a sacrifice to sacrifice. On that day, I was afraid that I would do crazy things like Senro."

"Just a little bit, I am far from Senro, and that is repairing. Sen Luo dares to fight against the East, relying on the high-level cultivation. And I am just a ghost, just stepping into the second Steps of the immortal... On the top of the immortal, there are ferry, empty, broken three-level real immortals, but also the immortal, immortal, and emperor of the ancient realm... Sen Luo can be one person I am alone in the 12th Emperor, and I am..."

"Today, I am the body of the immortal, who has stood above 10,000 people, but there are still thousands of people on my head..."

Ning Fan’s eyes were deep and deep. After the purple woman entered the third floor, she also walked toward the third floor.

The other half of the bottom of the tomb of the gods is inherited, and he will strive to acquire, everything, in order to further enhance the cultivation and strength.

There are two ways to get the inheritance of the last three layers of the tomb of God.

First, with the help of the Emperor of Heaven and Air, he personally opened the inheritance for the monks to comprehend.

The second is to obtain the quota of the grave guards, and to open the inheritance by the vain.

He wants to choose the second, the first... no matter how you think it is difficult to achieve.

Generally speaking, the seven-level strength has one or two grave guards, the eight-level power has three to four places, the nine-level forces are six to eight, and the ten-level forces are twelve.

Luojia has a broken mind to sit in the town, for the nine-level forces, this time tomb, a total of eight places.

Ning Fan had a deep talk with Luo Wei on the same day, and Luo Yu’s words made Ning Fan feel excited.

Any one of Luojiakeqing, as long as he has the identity of the monk of Dongpu, and will succeed in the first change of the God of War, is eligible to participate in the competition for the Luojia Shouge.

Naturally, the final vesting of the quota requires the consent of the Luojia family and the young masters.

"There is almost no intersection between me and me. I will never be evil with her for no reason... and although I promised to leave the little one and help her buy lava, she only needs to buy the top grade, and she does not have to get involved in this best. In the battle for the lava heart. This thing is useless to me. For a useless thing, it is not wise to compete with Luo Wei and other grave-keepers.

Ning Fan had a decision in his heart and came to the third floor of Shangge by the power of the transmission.

The third floor is smaller than the second floor. There is only one store, and there are many rare treasures in the store. Mostly what is needed for the true fairy.

This third layer has always been only a true immortal.

At the counter, there is only one boy here, responsible for reception.

The boy has a broken sham, and his face is sloppy, and he is calling the abacus indiscriminately.

When I saw Ning Fan stepping into the store, my eyes turned.

He also perceives the breath of the middle of Ning Fan’s ghost, shaking his head and shouting.

"How did the ghost monk come to the third floor..."

嘀咕 嘀咕. Seeing that Ning Fan is approaching, the boy is still very polite,

"I don't know where the seniors came here, what do you want to buy?"

Ning Fan’s gaze swept through the treasures in the store, calming like water.

This place is built in the upper level of the repair of the true star, although there are many treasures in the pavilion, but few can make him tempted.

After a while, I replied, "I want to have a lava heart. Two or two."

"What...what! The predecessors actually want to buy a lava heart!"

The face of the boy suddenly changed. The top grade lava heart is a valuable thing. Here, one or two can sell four billion crystals.

This kind of valuable thing. Many real immortals can't afford it.

Immediately, the boy knew that he was looking away.

The white predecessor in front of him may not have reached the standard of entering the third floor, but his family is not thin.

The boy has been indulged. I suddenly remembered something, and I asked Ning Fan again.

"The predecessors are sure to have two or two lava cores? Not for the one or two lava cores?"

"No. I just have to go to the product."

"In this way, the predecessors and directly enter the warehouse on the fourth floor of the commercial cabinet, the cabinet of our cabinet is there. More than one billion transactions, all need to be personally hosted by the treasurer, the seniors can buy this directly to the big treasurer. But one thing The predecessors must pay attention to it. Outside the fourth floor warehouse, several seniors who compete for the best lava heart are making big shots at this moment. The seniors should be careful not to get involved in this trouble."

In a word, the boy took out a squad and made a glimpse of the token. Immediately inside the store, there was a golden light transmission array that went straight to the fourth floor of the store.

After doing all this, the boy took out a piece of voice, and by voice, he seemed to talk to someone.

After a moment, I respected Ning Fan,

"The younger generation has already told the seniors to tell the big treasurer, and the seniors will go to the fourth storeroom."

"The fourth floor warehouse..."

Ning Fan has a squint of light. As far as he knows, Shangge generally opens the first three floors to customers, and the fourth floor is a warehouse, which is rarely open to customers.

Is it because someone on the fourth floor is playing a big fight, so that this shopkeeper has no innocent avatar, only gave him the opportunity to enter the fourth floor of the commercial cabinet...

No more words, Ning Fan stepped into the transmission array step by step, appearing in the fourth floor of the commercial pavilion.

The fourth floor of this commercial pavilion is an innocent void, in the void, floating two huge islands.

On one of the islands, the storehouse of the commercial pavilion was built. Outside the door, there was a man with a sigh of sigh sitting on a gold ingot, looking at another island and sighing again and again.

On the other island, there is a fighting platform. At this moment, two ferry monks are fighting on the stage, and there are more than ten people on the side.

Ning Fan uses the power of the law to transmit it to the island where the warehouse is located.

When Ning Fan appeared, the monks around Dou Fatai swept the gods to Ning Fan, but when they noticed that Ning Fan was only in the middle of the ghost, no one cares.

Only Luo Zi, who dressed in purple clothes, had a look at the eyebrows and looked at Ning Fan more, but he also stopped paying attention to Ning Fan.

"Oh, you are the friend who wants to buy the lava heart? You come to the timing, some unfortunately... the top grade lava heart, I am afraid you can't buy it, the old man can only sell you one or two lava cores. .."

Sitting on the gold ingot on the old man in Ma, smiled at Ning Fan.

This person is called Shanglong. It is the big treasurer of Tianmu Xingshangge.

"Can't buy? What is the meaning of this?"

Ning Fan's eyes swept the sweeping platform, and looked at Shang Long, his brows were slightly wrinkled.

"If the Taoist friend came early for an hour, he would like to buy two or two lava cores. It is not difficult, but now, hehe..."

Shang Long raised his finger toward the fighting platform, saying,

"The two people who are fighting on the battle platform, the white-haired youth, have bought all the wares and top grades of the 敝 在 before an hour, and are still vying for the best lava heart here. Since the old man has not yet I told the subordinates about this matter. However, no one told Daoyou that the lava heart had been sold out... There was only one or two lava cores, and this person did not buy it, it seemed to be disdain. The old man could only put the two lava cores. Sold to the Taoist friends... If you want to do it, you can trade with the old man, and you can sell the core one or two. The price is 500 million Daojing."

After all, the old man’s eyes were once again attracted by the fighting platform, muttering to himself.

"Who is this white-haired youth? Dare to compete with many grave-keepers for the best lava heart. The strength is not weak, and the timidity is not small... This person should not be the person of the East Star, or even often in the East. The monk walking around, his appearance, gave me a sense of familiarity, like where I have seen it, and can’t say it..."

Ning Fan's brow wrinkled deeper, he couldn't think of it, after coming to the fourth floor. Even the two or two lava cores can not be bought.

Not looking at the fighting platform, Ning Fan faintly said to Shang Long, "The next product is lava, Ning does not. Depart."

In the end, Ning Fan would have to leave by transfer.

I can't buy what I need, and Ning Fan doesn't force it. It doesn't mean to mix with this trouble.

I can't buy it here. It’s a big deal to buy other business houses that have been repaired.

Shang Long sees Ning Fan not to smelt the core of the lava, but sighs slightly, but does not say anything. Just apologize.

When Ning Fan is about to leave, the battle on the stage will rise suddenly!

On the battle platform, two people are fighting, one of them is a white-haired youth, and there is a repair that is close to the middle of the ferry.

The other person is shaped like a zombie, and his body is full of magical robes. He is dressed in a black robes. At the same time, he is inferior to the white-haired youth.

The white-haired youth and the zombie men have been fighting for a long time, and it is difficult to win or lose. Suddenly, the white-haired youth cast a very strange supernatural power, extracting the bones of the spine from the body, acting as a long bone whip, and smashing toward the zombie man. .

Under this pumping, the zombie man who immediately smoked the skeleton of his body, and then collapsed with the whole body, banged and exploded into countless flesh and blood!

Only the **** of the gods, fortunately not dead, is obviously a white-haired young man.

"Qin Hong, you are not an opponent of Jun, change to be your big brother, but there is still a bit of a look!" The white-haired youth looked cold and disdain.

"It's him! The last tomb is the ninth-ranked 'Bone of the Immortal', Jun Changdong! It is said that the previous Dabu, if it wasn't for this person's prior calculation, it would be a big hope for the top three. !"

Under the fight against the law, I saw the white-haired youth supernatural powers. When I heard the white-haired youth speech, several monks immediately exclaimed and recognized the identity of the white-haired youth.

"He is not a monarch of the East, I am afraid that it is a bone-shaped avatar that has been cultivated by Jun Changdong. It is no wonder that the appearance will be so strange." Shanggeda's shopkeeper Shanglong said with gaze.

In the late period of his training, when he talked about Jun Changdong, he was quite a bit jealous.

And the zombie man’s god, after being smashed into the flesh by a white-haired young man, immediately recognized the identity of the white-haired youth, and immediately revealed the anger.

"Jun Changdong! It's you! You dare to ruin my body, my big brother will not let you go!"

After all, the zombie man swept his eyes to the entire fighting platform, and then swept to Shanglong and Ning Fan.

When I saw Ning Fan, my eyes suddenly lit up.

"The junior, the flesh borrowed me a battle, after the Qin will reward you with tens of millions of crystals as a reward!"

After all, the zombie man’s **** suddenly turned into a black mang.

Suddenly, next to the shadow of Ning Fan’s feet, he actually gave birth to a second shadow.

And his body suddenly has a feeling of losing control.

As for the second shadow, suddenly a grimace was born, and Ning Fan’s anger was made.

"Senior, don't be afraid, Qin will not treat you in the flesh, and won't take it! It's just that you are obedient, let Qin Qin drive you a scent of the flesh, after that, some are your benefits! It is pointing you one or two Magical power is not impossible!"

Qin Hong’s words are arrogant, and he has his own qualifications.

He is the priest of the Eighth dynasty of Dongpu, the keeper of the shadow sect, and the true power of the early Tang Dynasty.

In his eyes, Ning Fan is just a ghostly junior.

For a junior, he thought he was very polite.

Ning Fan’s eyes were amazed, and he was amazed at the mysteriousness of this man. He also saw the mystery of this magical power.

With his eyesight after the unity of heaven and man, he can see at a glance that this magical power of Qin Hong should be controlled by the shadow, and then seize the control of the flesh of others.

This Qin Hong is only the beginning of the crossing, but it is not strong enough to allow Ning Fan to compete.

Ning Fan has never seen this kind of supernatural powers before, and this will be the control of Qin Hong.

Break this technique. Not difficult.

As for the possibility of being defeated by Qin Hong, it is completely zero.

Ning Fan did not talk nonsense with Qin Hong, but the mana shocked and instantly regained control of the body.

Then he lifted his foot and the magic fire immediately spread out under his feet, burning to the second shadow on the ground!

If there are thousands of ancient geeks here, you can see that the position of Ning Fan’s foot is the rule of the law of this film control!

"The film control is broken! How is it possible! This is obviously a ghost!"

Qin Hong’s face changed, and he said nothing. Unsolved the shadows, scattered the second shadow of Ning Fan, avoiding the magic fire.

His gods flashed and re-emerged on the battle platform, and looked at Ning Fan with a fascinating look across countless distances.

The monks under the fighting platform are also looking forward to the Ning Fan, each with varying degrees of movement.

"The ghost Xuan Xiu can actually break the shadow control of the shadow sect! What is this head!"

It is especially difficult for these people to be shocked. In Dongpu, it is not a small name.

In the early days of Qin Hongdu’s cultivation, I’m afraid that there aren’t many of them that can avoid this technique.

However, Ning Fan is only a monk who is a ghost of Xuan Xiu, but understates the magical power of Qin Hong. How can this not surprise everyone?

Luo Weimei is a splendid one. Once again, I looked at Ning Fan, but this time, there was no arrogance in her eyes, but there was a lot of inquiry.

Shanggeda shopkeeper Shanglong. At this moment, it is also a slight gaze. He can't see the rules and can't see the mystery of Ning Fan's foot. However, it is vaguely able to see that Ning Fan stepped down and was extremely extraordinary.

That kind of extraordinary, beyond his understanding...

Ning Fan's eyes were slightly cold, and he swept Qin Hong.

He does not like to be counted by anyone. This Qin Hong is arbitrarily arbitrarily, exerting his control on him and committing his jealousy.

If you don't see Qin Hong's innocence, but he is eager to borrow a flesh, he will not lightly Qin Qin.

"Your good means, I heard that you are coming for the lava heart?" The white-haired youth suddenly spoke and snarled in the direction of Ning Fan.

"What is it!"

Ning Fan frowned and looked at the white-haired youth.

From the eyes of this white-haired youth, he saw the expression of interest.

"Get it!"

The white-haired youth suddenly threw out three jade boxes, and the three jade boxes were turned into three bright white light, which was like a stunned rainbow.

The seals of the three jade boxes have been untied, and the atmosphere that is emitted is, in turn, the middle, the top, and the best lava!

Among them, the middle and top grade lava cores were bought before him.

The best lava heart is that he is unaware of the ghosts and steals from the big treasurer of the commercial cabinet. No one knows here!

"The best lava heart! How can it be in the hands of Jun Changdong!" All the monks in this place were shocked.

"When did he steal this thing!!!" Shang Long’s heart was the most shocking, and Shen Shen swept the storage bag, and his face was immediately ugly.

He is still a late monk in the late stage of the cross, and he is the treasurer of the commercial cabinet. He will be robbed of the treasure without knowing it.

Three jade boxes flew toward Ning Fan. When they approached, suddenly, the three jade boxes were flushed together, like a thunder.

The thunder of this thunder is quite amazing. It is the monk in the middle of the cross, and it may not be able to block the thunder and stop the jade box!

Either thunder, or lightning, in short, want to catch this thunder, it is difficult.

"Take the skill of the bones of Jun, they belong to you! If you can't get it, you will avoid it early, otherwise you will die if you die!"

The voice of the white-haired youth suddenly came into Ning Fan’s ear, with a bit of teasing.

Ning Fan’s eyes are condensed, and his mind is flying, but he is not retreating.

What is teasing... good! This thing, he accepted it!

At this moment, his gaze seems to penetrate the rules of the Dafa of this jade box.

At this moment, Ning Fan's eye-catching Taisu Leixing secretly spurred, did not display any magical powers, directly slammed the sleeves, shot like electricity, and explored to grab the three jade boxes.

He, as a descendant of Tai Su Lei Di Lei, fears that this area is bone thunder!

"Empty hands and thunder!" The white-haired youth’s gaze suddenly shocked. When I looked at Ning Fan, it was a bit more solemn.

The three jade boxes are firmly in the hands of Ning Fan, and the bones that sizzle can not hurt Ning Fan!


Ning Fan waved a hand, wiped out the thunder of the three jade boxes, received the jade box, and took a deep look at the white-haired youth, then turned and stepped into the transmission array back to the third floor.

Because of the golden light in the vertical, his mana was seriously depleted, and at this moment, he only recovered a little. After two shots, some of the mana that has been restored has been spent, and then left unintentional.

"If this person participates in the tomb ratio, it will be the enemy of this year!" In the eyes of the white-haired youth, Huo Di ignited the flame of war. Among the many tomb guards in the tomb ratio, he could reveal such expressions, no more than five people.

"I don't think there is such a powerful ghost in the world. I don't know who this person and Luo Wei said, and they are weak and weak..."

Luo Jia, the master of the Luo family, was shocked, and it took a long time to return to God.

When she returned to God, Ning Fan had already left this place.

Her heart is not annoyed. If she is not lost, I am afraid that I will have the opportunity to recruit Ning Fan and bring this person to Luo Jiakeqing.

"There is nothing wrong with it... Well, the man in Luo’s mouth may not be inferior to this person..." Luo Hao comforted himself.


Outside the commercial pavilion, holding three jade boxes in the hands of the little ones, and the untouched tens of billions of crystal storage bags, I was surprised that the underground bus would fall to the ground.

"Eleventh two lava cores, seven or two lava cores, one or two lava cores... so much, how can it be so much!"

"The most important thing is, you bought so many things, didn't even spend half a hole?! This is impossible! I don't believe it, I don't believe in killing me!"

"Don't you say, you, you, you... you are against me..."

Suddenly from the small, he stretched out the delicate jade finger, pointing to the nose of Ning Fan, full of shame.

With her IQ, she can only come up with a possibility that Ning Fan is lying.

She does not believe that Ning Fan has bought so many things without spending a penny.

These things add up, the value is afraid that it is close to 100 billion Daojing...

The possibility that she can think of is that Ning Fan has spent hundreds of billions of crystals to buy all the lava hearts in order to please her, but lied that she did not spend money, just to let her take the peace of mind, with a clear conscience.

"In order to help me repair ‘swallowing the sky,’ he did not hesitate to spend hundreds of billions and bought so many lava hearts...”

"In order to prevent me from using my peace of mind, he lied that these lava hearts are white and have no money..."

"Why should he be so good to me, I used to rob him every day... Is he, really, like me!!!!!"

"And... he is too rich! It is a lava heart worth hundreds of billions of crystals. He gave me no pain!"

"He is simply... love!"

Xiao Yan’s mind is in the middle of the sea, and the little face is red all the way to the ear.

The badness of Ning Fan, who had recited the day and night in the past, has also changed.

When I thought of my previous oppression of Ning Fan, I repeatedly robbed me, and I regretted it when I was young. I blame myself.

"You are not quite right... This state, can you accompany me to the Shenbing Lake?" Ning Fan looked strangely at the small.

"Can! Love St. Brother, this small will take you to the Shenbing Lake! Guarantee to complete the mission!"

From the small vows, he immediately swung, and turned into a black and half white feather demon body, indicating that Ning Fan can ride.

Ning Fan stood in the same place with a black line.

When did he become holy? This is the nickname...

Any title in his life may be obtained, but this title is basically not with him, but also suffers from it...

What kind of love is he, is this strange thing in his little head?

"Freaks..." Ning Fan once again gave his heart to the evaluation. (To be continued.)

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