Grasping Evil

Chapter 811: First battle into the tomb

Ning Fan’s eyes were slightly on the side, sweeping away.

The beautiful woman in front of her eyes is nothing more than the repair of the broken three heavens. Although her appearance is beautiful, Yuanyin is no longer there. It is no longer complete.

The body has a faint and fragrant smell. Generally speaking, only some of the four days of the magical Taoist woman repair, will be embellished with this charming incense on the body...

"You want to give me a guide?" Ning Fan retracted his eyes and asked faintly.

"Yes. The younger generation has been practicing in the middle of the tomb for many years, and this place is well known. The predecessors only need to pay a thousand crystals to the younger generation, and they can be guided by the younger generation. Of course, even if the predecessors have 'special requirements' for the younger generation, the younger generation will also be one by one. Answer..."

Speaking of the special requirements of the four words, the broken three beautiful women are as sweet as the eyes, the eyes wave with the charm of the heart, the red lips slightly open, Chao Ningfan gently spit out a sigh of red mist.

Ning Fan's brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes were sharp, and the red fog immediately disappeared, while the beautiful woman was slightly white, and some of them stood unsteadily and looked at Ning Fan unbelievably.

This red fog is the charm of her refinement for many years, coupled with her arrogant beauty, used to seduce the ancestors of the older generation to sleep together, and tried and tested.

However, when used to seduce Ning Fan, it was broken by Ning Fan’s eyes...

Undoubtedly, Ning Fan is a master of charm, and his charm is repaired. It is far from being comparable to her three broken monks!

"Excessive things, don't do it! Just give me a guide!"

Ning Fan glanced at the beautiful woman with a warning, and then raised his hand to take out the storage bag containing a thousand crystals and hand it to the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman received the storage bag and immediately pleaded guilty to Ning Fan with sincerity and fear, and then dared not seduce Ning Fan.

At this moment, she has already determined that Ning Fan is a powerful magician who is completely ignorant of the weak form of the text, and must not be offended.

I calmed my mind a little, and respected Ning Fan. "Predecessors come here, I don't know if I want to buy the ancient sacred magical inheritance. Or challenge the various tombs? If the former, the younger generation can bring their predecessors to this place to repair the city, buy one should The practice of the law, the inheritance of the crystal. If the latter, the younger generation can tell the rules and benefits of the tomb palace for the predecessors."

"First take me to see the city of Xiuzhen Square." Ning Fan faint.

He had already heard of the tomb of the Eastern Heavenly God. From time to time, he circulated the methods of the various ancient deities and gods.

The beautiful woman welcomed the answer and immediately took Ning Fan into the city and explained it.

Within this city, there are generally only two shops.

The shops opened by foreign monks are generally speaking. The highest will only sell one to Samsung's magical magic, inheriting crystal.

The shop opened by the monk of the sacred court will sell one to six stars of magical magic.

Naturally, there are also many shops selling medicinal herbs here, providing supplies for those who challenge the tomb.

Ning Fan’s mind swept through the shops in this place, and his eyes gradually became moving.

Here, the jade of the Taikoo magic and magic is like a cabbage, full of shelves of various shops.

One to Samsung is cheaper, and thousands of crystals are generally available.

The four to six-star power method is quite expensive, ranging from tens of thousands to tens of millions of crystals.

He stepped into one store. The eyes swept through the shelves one by one.

On a store shelf, Ning Fan even found the four-star magic that he had cultivated - "The Dead Man", which sold for only 10,000 yuan...

There is even a six-star magical work of the Neptune's cultivation, the Nirvana Sutra, which sells for 14 million crystals...

Occasionally, there are shops selling half-star exercises "Yin and Yang". The price is only a few dozen crystals, but nobody cares at all...

The five-star magic power "Black Devil" is not complete, only some of the remnants, so Rao is also sold for more than 30 million Tao.

There are still people standing on the street in this place. Acquired the complete "Black Devil", bidding tens of billions, this price. It is enough to buy seven or eight stars.

Wanting to acquire the complete work of the "Black Devil" is an old genie who is close to crossing.

He put a sign on the booth, and on that brand, there is a partial introduction to "Black Devil".

""Black Devil", the master of the Northern Dark Black Devils, the person who has the merits, is the Lord of the Dark Devil. If someone holds a relatively complete "Black Devil" practice, the old man is willing to billions Purchase it!"

Ning Fan’s eyes were slightly condensed and muttered. “A five-star gong can actually sell billions...”

"Predecessors don't know, some gods and magics are not high in level, but they have special effects, so the price is also extremely high. For example, this "black devil" is the headwork of an ancient power in the northern heavens. Therefore, the price is quite high. Unfortunately, there is no 'black magic tomb palace' within the tomb of the gods. There is no other way to get this practice. The incomplete "black devil" sold here is generally the monk here. The way to get it."

"It turned out to be..."

Ning Fanfu looked at the old booth and shook his head and left.

It is naturally impossible for him to sell the black magic faction to the outsiders for the tens of billions of crystals. This is the practice that the old demon taught him, and it cannot be passed lightly...

Within this city, the jade method is the lowest price category.

The higher price category is the inheritance of crystal.

Inheriting the crystal can directly introduce the cultivation memory of the magical magic method into the sea of ​​the monk, and save a lot of cultivation time. Therefore, in terms of price, it is generally ten times that of the same level.

In addition to inheriting the crystal, there are very few shops selling something called ‘God Relic’.

This **** magic relic, is the most expensive thing in the city of Xiuzhen Square, any **** magic relic, the price is billions of crystal.

In a shop opened by the old geeks of the late period of the dynasty, Ning Fan saw a 'poisonous relic', which sold for 5 billion yuan.

In this poisonous relic, there is a faint light of regular light.

"The relic is the only thing that will be generated by a few tombs. For example, this poisonous relic is the spoils obtained by the store owner in the previous section of the poisoned tomb palace. This relic is against the poisonous demon. For the practitioners, there are endless benefits, but for the practitioners of other exercises, there is no use.” The broken Sanmei woman explained.

Ning Fan nodded slightly and left the store.

At an hour, he has traveled through this small square city. At the end of the city, there is a small square, the center of the square, with a huge jade monument of 100 feet high.

On top of this jade monument, there are thousands of names. Each name is followed by a score, which is also ranked by rank based on the score.

"This is the tombstone of the previous generation of grave-keepers' tombs." The people on the tablet are the grave-keepers of the previous tomb." The beautiful woman explained.

Ning Fan's eyes swept slightly over the tomb of the tomb, and on top of this monument, the lowest value of the tomb was only a few hundred points. The highest, there are millions of tombs.

Above this monument, the value of the tomb is ranked first. It is ‘Bone of the Immortal’ – Jun Changdong! Its tomb value is 3.4 million!

"The value of the tomb is to be obtained by challenging the tomb palace. Only the previous tomb guards can have it. The value of the tomb can be converted into Daojing in the Shenxu Pavilion, or exchange rewards, medicinal herbs and many other rewards. There is no inevitable connection with the specific position of the grave guard in the tomb ratio, but it can also reflect the strength of the grave guard to a certain extent. The number of grave guards in this tomb ratio has not been determined yet. The name above will be replaced by the name of the grave guardian." The beautiful woman said again.

Ning Fan looked at the name of Jun Changdong, silenced a little, and then asked the beautiful woman about the rules of the tomb palace, which made the beautiful woman leave.

The tomb of the **** is divided into nine layers. Among the first six floors, each floor has countless tombs, divided into three categories: the heavenly tomb, the tomb, and the tomb.

There is no danger in the tomb of the people. It is a place for the monks to retreat to enlighten the exercises.

There are different dangers in the tombs. After the smashing, you can get rewards such as the martial arts jade and the inheritance of crystal.

Among the tombs of the heavens, there is the illusion of the owner of the tomb. If you can defeat these illusions, you can get the special product of the Tomb of Heaven.

To start the tomb, you need to consume the crystal.

Different levels of tombs have different restrictions on their cultivation. Those above the upper limit cannot enter the tomb.

The limit of the number of people in the tomb is one in the first house. Only one person can practice at a time, and the second person is absolutely inaccessible.

The number of people in the tomb is limited to ten. One person can't make a decision, but ten people can join hands and get together.

The number of people in the tomb is limited to fifty.

Ning Fan flew up and flew toward the tomb palace far away.

He came here this time to seek war, so he directly ignored the tomb of the people, and he read the tombs and the tombs of the heavens.

Among the millions of tombs, the tombs accounted for 90% of the tombs, and the tombs accounted for one percent. The tombs of the heavens were only a few.

The tombs of the first layer of the tomb of the tomb of the tomb, the tombs of the heavens, are mostly limited to the limitations of the tombs. Occasionally there are several tombs, which are limited to the early days of the humanity.

Walking through the first floor, Ning Fan sighed a little, and with his cultivation, he could not challenge this tomb. At the end of the world, a huge light door, Ning Fan sent to the second floor of the tomb.

In this second layer, there is no such thing as the existence of the repairing city, and the number of tombs is only tens of thousands.

This second layer of the tomb palace, repaired to limit the general to the early days of the ghost, but Ning Fan is now repaired, still can not enter.

"Can you only go to the third floor?"

Ning Fan's body shape is a vertical, turned into a streamer, and goes straight to the third door of the light door.

After entering the third floor, Ning Fan immediately landed on the ground and spread the mind.

Within this third floor, there are only more than 9,000 tombs, and the repair of the tombs in this area is limited, and most of them have been upgraded to the peak of the true.

Almost all of the tombs of this layer have been opened, and many of them are broken and sacred, and even the true immortals are all settled in this place.

There are only a thousand tombs on this floor, and there are only four tombs on the tomb.

Ning Fan's body shape, before he came to the tomb of a tomb, his eyes swept to a monument outside the tomb.

On top of this monument, the repair of the tomb is marked as a limitation, and the number of crystals required to open the tomb.

"This tomb is the burial palace left after the death of "Lian Huo Huo De". The inheritance of Samsung Magic Gong "Lian Jing Jing", to open this tomb, one person needs a thousand crystal."

Ning Fan regained his gaze and went to the tomb of the tomb.

This giant door is still sealed and cannot be opened. Outside the giant gate, there are two ancient bronze statues.

According to the introduction of the beautiful woman, Ning Fan took out a storage bag containing a thousand crystals and sacrificed it to Tianyi.

Immediately, the storage bag turned into two light rays and flew into two bronze statues.

The eyes of the two bronze statues ignited the purple light, and at this moment, the tomb of the tomb palace slowly opened.

Ning Fan did not say anything, jumped into the tomb, and the next moment, the tomb door closed.

At the entrance, the sky is dim, the clouds are covered, and the foot is a large cemetery built in the volcanic valley.

At the moment when Ning Fan arrived. The soil of these graves suddenly turned, and from the ground, constantly climbed out of the flames of the dead.

These undead souls were cultivated as high and low, ranging from the pulse to the broken. Once they appeared, they immediately attacked Ning Fan.

With Ning Fan's eyesight, one can see that these undead are illusions, not entities.

It should be said that the world in the entire tomb is a world of illusion changes. Everything is false.

But in this illusionary world, if one is inadvertent, it will be attacked and injured by the undead, and even fallen... This injury, this death, is true!

“The third floor of the tomb seems to be a bit too simple...”

Ning Fan has a hand in his sleeve, and immediately there is an unimaginable power to blast. Burn these flames into pieces!

After killing a batch, even the second batch appeared.

Kill the second batch, and the third batch...

One hour passed, and Ning Fan had annihilated a whole hundred undead.

It is at this time. There was a huge flame troll between the heavens and the earth, with the repair of the broken and ugly heaven. Once it appeared, it immediately lifted its foot in the direction of Ningfan.

Ning Fan does not say anything. Raise your hand and point out, here the world is like a Ning Fanyi.

With just one finger press, it seems like a whole piece of heaven and earth blasted to the flame troll. Kill it.

At the moment of killing the flame trolls, a fire of fire came from all directions, and made a flaming jade, floating in front of Ning Fan.

Ning Fan slaps a photo, and God reads the contents of the jade, revealing the color of thought.

In the next moment, the tomb of the tomb was slightly trembled, and Ning Fan was sent out of the tomb.

"Samsung Magic, "Lian Jing Jing"?"

Ning Fan shook his head and took away the jade slip of "Lian Jing Jing", and then flew toward other tombs.

In the past four hours, Ning Fanfu passed through the other four tombs and won three Samsung magic tricks and a heritage crystal of a certain Samsung.

For him, the Samsung magic trick is useless, and challenging the third floor tomb can not make him fight.

He looked at the four heavenly tombs in the distance, and looked at the giant gates in the far distance and sank.

Today, he is not a grave guard and is not qualified to enter the fourth floor.

If you don't want to challenge the tomb, the only option is to challenge the tomb.

On this floor, there are three towering tombs, three of which are dimly lit, and only one is still emitting a lot of light.

Those who are dimly lit are the tombs that have been smashed by people. They will be in a state of silence for decades and cannot be opened.

This is also the difference between the Tomb of Heaven and other tombs. If the Tomb of the Tomb is broken, it will take decades to recover.

Ning Fan swayed and flew to the tomb of the heavenly sun.

This tomb is called 'Shi Mo Tian Tomb' and enters this tomb. Each person needs to pay 200,000 crystals.

Outside the Tomb's Tomb Palace, more than forty monks gathered at the moment, and they are recruiting people to try to cross the tomb.

These forty people, except for a few scattered fairy, are not the second step!

There are twenty-seven people in Xuan Mingxian, and fourteen in ghosts.

Among the fourteen ghosts, there are several more people.

"Today I am waiting to gather here, just to get through this 'Shi Motian Tomb' and get the stone magic relic. At this moment, even the old man, 44 friends are here, and then call 6 friends, you can join hands. Tombs... If you have relics, the old man will thank you for your help!"

A young man in the yellow robes of Xuan Zangfeng is talking to the rest of the monks. Suddenly seeing Ning Fan arrive, he immediately looks bright.

"The old man Huang Xuanzi is the inner disciple of Zongge in the four halls of the gods. Do you hear the old man want to break the tomb of the stone demon, come here to help the old man!"


Ning Fan faintly shook his head and crossed the crowd, walking alone toward the tomb of the tomb of the stone tomb.

On the side, there were a few counts of immortality.

"What does this person want to do? Does he want to break through the stone tomb of the Heavenly Heaven with his own power? With his mid-term cultivation of the ghosts, he alone enters the Tomb of the Stone Devil, and there is definitely a dead end!"

Huang Xuanzi’s eyes are slightly gloomy and cold. “Do you want to rely on the power of one person to smash the tomb? You can know that there is a phantom stone magic near the tomb of the real magic. The old man advised the Taoist friends, or did not want to make a joke about their own lives. It is a wise move to team up with the old man and other people to join the tomb of the heavens!"

"Is it close to the illusion of the real magic stone?" Ning Fan's eyes are in the blink of an eye, but the pace is non-stop.

What he is asking for is to fight with the illusion of at least such strength!

Only in this way can we completely stabilize the war and continue to serve the crystal.

At the gate to the gate, Ning Fan handed over the 200,000 crystals needed for the tomb. When the giant door opened, he stepped into the giant door.

At the entrance, the heavens and the earth are ridiculous, and the ground is not full of gravel soldiers.

On this ridiculous land, there is a huge mountain with a towering height, and the silence lasts forever.

At the moment when Ning Fan stepped into this place, the mountain magical power appeared, giving birth to the head and hands, and turned into a huge black stone giant of 100,000 feet!


Outside the stone demon tomb, Huang Xuanzi and other monks should look hard.

In particular, Huang Xuanzi, who succumbed to Ning Fan’s self-destructive identity, was turned away; he was convinced that the other party did not listen. This point makes him quite dissatisfied with Ning Fan.

"This is not the middle of the ghost, but with his cultivation, he challenged the stone demon alone, and he is simply looking for a dead end!"

Huang Xuanzi snorted and was unhappy.

At this moment, within the tomb of Shimotian, suddenly there was a scream of sorrow and sorrow, and this scream was not Ning Fan.

"In the tomb of the tomb, the stone demon is actually screaming, what happened inside this tomb palace!"

In an instant, Huang Xuanzi’s face changed greatly, and the monks outside the tomb were almost untouched!

(1/2) (To be continued.)

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