Grasping Evil

Chapter 822: Heavenly purple

Lv Wei is standing on an abandoned star at this moment. This abandoned star is far away from the Yinyue Star, but with his strong mind, it is natural to see everything that happens on the Yinyue Star. . .

Although Ning Fan has hidden the Emperor Huang in the Xuanyin world, there is one point that Ning Fan does not know.

Even if the order is hidden in the middle of the world, it can be perceived, provided that the other party holds the token at the same time.

Lv Wei screamed at the Qin Ghost, and only slightly received the anger of the anger, looking at the instructions in his hand, immediately sighed.

On the order of the decree, there is an unrepairable crack, and the rift represents that he is a southerner abandoned...

"The seven lords are one of the few ancestors that the old man has found hard to help the old man to recover a little. Unfortunately, he is dead... If the other person kills him, the old man will not let go, but Changed to Zhao Jiandao, the old man did not dare to pursue it..."

"It’s just that the old man can’t think of it. The Zhao Jiandao friends who met on the same day are just a ghost of Xuan Xuanfeng... but it is also possible that this ghost Xuan Xiu is the repair of his pretense to pretend to be... The old man is still unable to see through it completely..."

"And regardless of his true cultivation, the fact that he is a South ethnic group alone is not something that the old man can't afford. Among the top ten secrets, the southern tribe is the most short-guarded, and the people of this tribe are killing each other. No one has asked, but if an outsider shoots and hurts the people of the southern tribe, he will certainly suffer revenge from the southern tribes. The East Heavenly Immortal World is afraid of no forces and can withstand the four southern tribes. The anger is the temple of the gods, the temple of killing, and the four ancestors, and they are simply untouchable..."

At the thought of the horror of the southern tribe, Lv Wei could not help but slap a cold.

Think again, if it is not timely, it will stop the stupid behavior of the ghost ancestors, and say no. The ghost ancestor has already shot Ning Fan...

Once I shot Ning Fan and caused revenge on the Nanzu, the four great emperors came together. The consequences, Lu Wei could not imagine...

In this regard, Lv Wei’s heart is in full swing, and once again, he rumors about the ghost ancestors.

"Qin ghost, Qin ghost, the old man warns you! If you can't calm down this person's anger, insist on offending this person. You don't have to wait for someone behind you to kill you, the old man is the first to shoot and slapped you!"

The words of Lu Wei’s angry anger, one word and one sentence, are extremely clear, all of which were introduced into the ears of the ghost ancestors.

At this moment, the ghost ancestors completely stunned, looking at Ning Fan's look, with extreme shock.

The ghost ancestors could not imagine. What is Ning Fan’s first come, even the fiercely ‘瘟王’ Lv Wei is afraid of it.

"This sub-district Ghost Xuan, even if it is behind the East Tianxian Emperor. It is absolutely impossible to make the Tang Dynasty King so fearful... This Lu Wei has always been a fierce name, but it has not killed the descendants of the Emperor. Later, it was the disciple of the Emperor and the Emperor. He also killed many..."

"This person can make Lu Wei fear like a tiger. There is only one possibility! This person is behind the mountain, it is a terrible existence than the emperors of the East Heaven! It is a stronger existence than the gods! The power behind this person. Could it be? ...mysters?!"

At the thought of this possibility, the ghost ancestors immediately stunned and pale, and there is still a little predecessor's demeanor.

If Ning Fan is really a secret person, it is said that the ancestors of the ghosts did not dare to move him. Lv Wei did not dare to move him. This is why the Emperor of the East wants to move him, so he must measure it...

In the four days of the fairyland, there are almost no monks who dare to move the secrets.

Only the people who are as crazy as Sen Luo, dare to enter the dark people, kill the dark emperor... others, no such timid.

But even Sen Luo, who had been besieged in front of the behemoths and other behemoths, was on the verge of falling.

In that year, the emperor of the dark tribe was killed by Sen Luo, and the soldiers were on the verge of the gods. It was the scorpion of the year, and only compromised. They had to make a great sacrifice before they calmed down the dark anger and saved the Senro. One life...

These secrets, the ghost ancestors did not know, but this did not hinder his awe of the secret.

"It can't be wrong! The meaning of the king's words is clearly suggesting the old man. This is the secret person! This is not an old-fashioned area."

His ugly face, the original haze color disappeared, turned to Ning Fan, and squeezed an ugly smile.

He looked at Ning Fan's gaze, but he didn't feel as gloomy as before, but he was as cheerful as he was. He seemed to look at his friends who had not been there for many years, and he said with great enthusiasm.

"Small friendly and timid, the old man admire. The words that the old husband said before, just want to try the little friend's guts, not really want to be a little friend. This, I hope that the young friends should not misunderstand."

The ghost ancestors are solitary, sinister and sinister, and look at the East, which will allow him to wait for the monks, generally only tens of thousands of ancient strange.

According to his personality, this is absolutely impossible to be polite to a ghostly junior, not to mention the ghost of the younger generation, or the murderer who killed the fourteen soldiers.

The group repairs that were present, whether they were monks from the Treasures or the monks of the Ghosts, were unbelievable at the sight of this situation.

It is Ning Fan, but also his eyes sinking. When he looks at the ancestors of the ghost soldiers, his eyes are more and more incisive.

"This person has a false speech... his previous killing of me is by no means a temptation. He really wants to kill me! But the intention of showing good at this moment does not seem to be disguise... there seems to be something in Changed his decision in a flash..."

"Is it because this person is aware that I am in the air, or on this person, something that I don't know..."

Ning Fan’s mind flew and his brow was locked.

Suddenly, his eyes moved and he noticed a touch of inspiration from the Xuanyin world.

That induction comes from the emperor!

With his gods, it is impossible to find Lu Wei, who is far away from the Yinyue Star.

But this order is at this moment, vaguely sensing the existence of the command of Lu Wei!

"It’s Lu Wei! Can you say..."

For a moment, Ninfan’s minds showed countless speculations. Some doubts before it seemed to have an answer.

What he did not think was that even if the order was placed in the Xuanyin world, it was impossible to shield the tokens from each other.

In this way, most of his true identity has been exposed to Lu Wei, which may be a small trouble...

"Several people still stay with my ghost soldiers. The old husband is dead. There are no more than four soldiers in this place. No one has given you a magic weapon. You can all roll!"

The ghost ancestors suddenly looked at them and gave a cold drink to the seven second-hand monks who were watching here.

Then he was swayed by the pressure of the air, and immediately shocked five fateful people to vomit blood and retreat. It was the two ferry, and they were all ruddy, **** and reversal, and they were panicked.

The seven people were scared and never dared to stay here for a long time. Hurry to the outside of the Yinyue Star.

Upon seeing it, the ancestors of the ghosts and ancestors screamed and screamed, and they shook the blood of the priests and screamed blood.

"Everyone has rolled back to practice. Within three months, they are not allowed to step out of Dongfu! Today's business, let alone mention it!"

"Yes!" All the disciples rushed back to their respective caves, and they dared to stay here.

The ghost ancestors are not good at all. It will not be polite to any juniors, and it is always unscrupulous to start. Ning Fan, just one column.

If Lu Wei has not arrived, the ghost ancestor is likely to have shot on Ning Fan...

"Predecessors have driven everyone out of this place. Is there something to say to the younger generation?" Ning Fan said indifferently.

"Oh, the old man rushed away from others, just want to get along with the little friend alone, to clarify some misunderstandings. The fourteen soldiers. In name, I am a child, secretly, actually only the container of my magic weapon. Their lives. Sooner or later, they will be swallowed up by the magic weapon, so the younger friend will kill them. The old man has no dissatisfaction. The container is used up, you can find it again, isn't it? But the fourteen **** beads, small friends can not.. ."

In this regard, the ghost ancestors suddenly revealed the color of the promise, a pair of hope that Ning Fan will return the appearance of fourteen orbs.

Since such a person said, he does not value the life of the fourteen disciples. Even if Ning Fan does not shoot, the fourteen people will soon be killed by the ghost ancestors for the sacrifice of the orbs.

At this point, Ning Fan has long known that when he first saw the secret inside the body of the 14th soldier, he knew how cold and ruthless the ancestors of the ghosts were to their own children.

This point is also the place where Ning Fan is the most devastating ancestor of the ghosts. This person is a teacher...

As for the **** beads, Ning Fan is not very valued. In his opinion, where is the **** bead, what is a magic weapon, clearly is a kind of life.

The host of the **** bead can be slightly improved by the power of the bead, but it needs to be engulfed by the flesh and blood.

When the host is degraded, this bead can also find the next host and continue to absorb the flesh and blood essence of others...

Swallowing this bead means step by step to death. This kind of drawback is a great magic weapon. Ning Fan will not use it.

But it is not so easy to let him return the **** beads.

Before embarking on the Ghost Warrior, Ning Fan still cares about the friendship between Luo Jia and the ghost ancestors, and is slightly polite to the ghost soldiers.

At this time, he did not have any good feelings for the ghost soldiers.

"Loshi has concealed me and told me that behind the ghost soldiers, there is a fairy king standing. Now it seems that the fairy king is mostly Lu Wei..."

"Before I killed the Seven Sovereign, this person seemed to be practicing a technique. At that time, I didn't care about it. Now I want to come, it is like a martial art..."

"The seven masters are low-minded, but they are over-emphasized by the ghosts. It is probably because there is a relationship between this person and Lu Wei. This ghost ancestor has a great change in attitude towards me. I am afraid that it is also caused by Lu Wei..."

"Lv Wei thought that I was a Nanxi monk, so I was afraid of me as a tiger. I used to pretend to be a Nanxi monk. I was afraid that it would cause trouble, but it was not worth the loss. But now, I have been identified by Lu Wei and I am identified as South. The family monk has only one way to play this identity. If Lu Wei knows that I am not a Nan nationality, I am afraid that he will be the first person to clear the old account with me..."

Ning Fan’s thoughts flew, and finally there was a decision.

"Oh, I wonder if the little friend can return the **** beads to the old man?" The ghost ancestors looked respectfully, and there was a majesty of the ancestors.

"I don't need to pay any price to get back to blood and beads..."

Ning Fan's tone is extremely weak, but this statement falls in the ghosts of the old ancestors, but it seems to have heard the dissatisfaction.

The ghost ancestors immediately had a fearful color in their eyes. The heart was finished, and their fourteen idiot containers really sinned Ning Fan.

Ning Fan, this is the rhythm of ripbing! The ghost Xuan Xiu is, dare to knock him on the empty bamboo bar, and only the secret monk has this courage!

To be honest, if you want to get back to blood, the ghost ancestors don't care.

But he saw that there was fire in Ning Fan's heart. If you don't calm down the fire, don't say that Ning Fan is behind the South, that is, Lu Wei will not spare him...

"Oh, my ghost soldier has offended the young friend first, paying some price, since it is natural, I don't know what the little friend wants?" asked the ghost ancestor.

"That depends on your sincerity." Ning Fan smiled deeply.

"Sincerely, let's say, let's say... this thing, Xiaoyou took it. It can be seen that the old man is sincere!" The ghost ancestors were slightly indulged, and with the decision, they directly solved the waist storage bag and handed it to Ning. Where.

Ning Fan Shen swept the storage bag, which has a thousand crystals, and there are many finished magic weapons.

These magic weapons are at least Xianbao, and a few are the aftertastes.

There are even a few pieces of the celestial treasures, and the grade has reached five. After the Five Nirvana Heavenly Treasures, that is the customary thing used by the early monks in the early days...

"This sincerity. Enough?" Ning Fan smiled and asked.

This smile fell in the eyes of the ghost ancestors, and immediately triggered the fear of the ghost ancestors.

This is where I am laughing, this is dissatisfaction.

"Not enough... Sure enough. The secret monks, all of them are eyes above the top... Dao Jing Gu, no matter, the magic weapon in this storage bag is to be tempted by the empty monster. He is fundamentally I can’t see my eyes... the secret monks are like this...”

The ghost ancestors slightly bite their teeth and thought about it. Suddenly a little eyebrow, a purple cloud immediately flew out of the eyebrows.

Quenching a little, the purple cloud immediately floated away to Ning Fan.

"Little friends, can you know this thing?" The ghost ancestor hid his face with a painful color, and asked a few smiles.

“‘Heavenly purple,’ I know naturally...”

Ning Fan grabbed the purple fog group, and his expression was still no wave in the ancient well, but his heart was moved.

Tiandao Ziqi, the former Ning Fan has only heard of it, and today he was able to see it with his own eyes.

Every tens of thousands of days of Tiandao will produce a purple gas between the heavens and the earth, and its source will determine that this object is extremely rare.

This object is often used by monks above the air to serve as a warm-up soldier, which can greatly enhance the power of the Tao. A purple gas can be sold to about 300 billion yuan, and generally there is no price.

If you use two or three purple gas in ordinary air, you can be invincible at the same level with the power of the Taoist soldiers.

As a generation of refiners, the ghost ancestors will be wearing a purple gas, but it is not surprising.

"Oh, what do you think of Xiaoyou? This day, the purple air, may see the old man sincerity?" Seeing Ning Fan know this thing, the ghost ancestors immediately relieved.

This day, the purple gas is extremely precious, so he is reluctant to use it easily.

Now that he has taken out the gift, he feels painful in his heart, but if he can make up for the mistakes before and ease his relationship with Ning Fan, the area is a little purple, but it is no big deal.

"In any case, there are three purple spirits on the old man... This is the old man's life to refine the magic weapon for the people, all the accumulated savings, the things in the storage bag, what is it!" The ghost ancestors thought.

"The value of this thing is naturally far above the fourteen heavenly treasures. The seniors gave me this thing, and the younger generation is very willing to return the **** beads..."

When I heard Ning Fan’s words, there was a tendency to write off each other’s grievances, and the ghost ancestors immediately overjoyed.

But he still has a happy moment in the future. Ning Fan’s next words immediately made him laugh...

"...but, the predecessors only intend to give the younger generation a purple gas?" asked Ning Fan.

A green mangled in his eyes quietly, no one noticed.

At a glance, he saw that there are three other heavenly purples in the body of the ghost ancestors...

"Oh, Xiaoyou said with a smile, Tiandao Ziqi is a precious thing, the old man can have one, it is rare, there is absolutely no second..."

The ghost ancestors did not finish, and was interrupted by Ning Fan.

"Wrong, there are three purples in your body!"

Ning Fan's eyes suddenly condensed, and a green mang flashed, and immediately there was an invisible avenue of the avenue, coming to the ghost ancestors.

At this moment, the ghost ancestors did not feel anything uncomfortable, but there was a feeling that they were seen through the body.

It’s a ridiculous thing to be seen by a ghost.

But things happened, but the ghost ancestors had to believe that all this is true!

Ning Fan’s words broke the amount of purple gas in his body, and it’s not true!

And at this moment, Ning Fan has an ethereal temperament that is as ethereal as the Tao.

The ghost ancestors only felt that it was not a person who stood in front of them, but the heavens!

"All the remaining three purple gas will be handed over to me, and the grievances of Ning and your ghosts will be written off, otherwise..."

"Good! Give, three purple, all for you!"

No need to threaten any threats, the ghost ancestors have a very eye-catching eyebrows, take out three other purple gas, and give it to Ning Fan.

The fear of the top ten secrets in my heart is once again elevated!

"A ghost in the district, only because of the origin of the secret family, there is such a supernatural power, these ten secrets, it is not that I can be offended by ordinary people."

Far away, on the abandoned star, in the eyes of Ning Fan flashed through the green mans, Lu Wei suddenly revealed an incredible look.

"Heaven and Man are one! That green mang, can't be wrong, absolutely heaven and man!"

"Don't that day igniting the vision of heaven and man in the East Star field, it is actually Zhao Jiandao's friends!"

"So it seems that he can't be a ghost, it is definitely a eternal, and it is still the kind of eternal genius of the Nanzu! He is a ghost, it is absolutely fake! Because it is in my southern ethnic group. Among them, the ancient monks who can understand the unity of heaven and man are also one of the ten, but as for the ghosts, it is impossible!"

"He hides and repairs, sneaked into the East, and the picture must be great! Powerful, powerful! Zhao Jiandao, this repair is so hidden, so true, it is the old man, I am afraid that the Emperor and the Emperor can not see the repair True or false!"

"I don't know what Zhao Daoyou wants to do in Dongpu. Well, it is a top secret task that the old man in the family sent him. If I can help him in the process of his mission, he cares for me." In the future, I will return to the South, and I will definitely be in the face of the emperors, and will be beautiful for me!"

"Sure enough, the old man is not wrong, this Zhao Jian, is the old man's hit noble!"

(1/2) (To be continued.)

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