Grasping Evil

Chapter 845: Your request, the Emperor is not allowed!

During his long life, Lei Jinshi never felt that death was so close.

The power of Lu Wei’s huge Taoist thoughts was suppressed, and it seemed that the sky was overturned, and the pressure of Lei Jinshi could not be moved at half point.

The purple and black colors of Lei Jinshi are more and more, and the gods in Dantian are dissolved into pus at the speed of the monks.

At this moment, Lei Jinshi seems to be no longer a sensation in the later period, as if he had returned to the mortal era before the monastic prefecture.

A mana, unable to mobilize a half point, under the great power of Lu Wei, step by step to death.

Only in the past, his **** has melted two-thirds, and he has fallen to the beginning of the broken thought!

"瘟王! Stop!"

Among the remaining eight deities of the elders, four of them immediately changed their face and stood up, trying to save Lei Jinshi.

Far away from the starry sky, there is also an earth-shattering dawning from far and near, galloping, and there is a cold drink coming from afar. "Lv瘟! Let's keep people!"

Lv Wei’s expression was unmoved, and looking at Lei Jinshi in the distant high places, it was like treating a dead person.

A mourning full of plagues was swept away, and the four gods smashed the elders and immediately vomited blood and retired.

Did not give anyone the opportunity to rescue Lei Jinshi, Lu Wei directly hands squatting, cold drink a word, "Solution!"

Immediately, Lei Jinshi’s body slammed and slammed directly, and the purple-black splattered the ground.

His god, at the same time, dissolved into pus and blood, extremely miserable.

Until he died, he did not want to understand why Lu Wei would take his own shot.

"Hey! It’s a god!" He actually killed Lei Jinshi!"

"The old man has long heard that this person is acting ruthlessly. I can't think of seeing him killing a person today. Killing a deceased elder, even the eyelids are not awkward!"

"Plague plagues! Good horrible thoughts! Killing and killing the late stage, just one thought! This is the strength of the king!"

On all sides, the time is high. Until the far-reaching starry sky, an old man with a face of blue was coming, and the audience was only quiet.

The comer is a brown-haired old man. A golden armor, sitting on the back of a golden dragon turtle, Zhou down, revealing the powerful momentum of the fifth robbery of the ages, is undoubtedly a fairy king.

Once this person arrived, he immediately took the dragon turtle mount and landed on the north platform. He waved through Lei Jinshi's storage bag and looked at the land left by Lei Jinshi. After a while, it was helpless.

He is still late.

"It is the mysterious fairy king! The first fairy king of the gods! The next one of the Emperor of the Emperor of Heaven!" Immediately on the high platform, there was a lot of exclamation, and the identity of the golden armor was broken.

"Xuanshen Shaodi" Ning Fan's eyes are slightly congested.

He did not think that Lei Jinshi would be so disregarding his identity, in the presence of millions of monks, violently attacked himself.

He did not even think that Lu Wei would be in his own fortune and killed Lei Jinshi in public.

He did not think of it either. After a death of Lei Jinshi, there will be a mysterious fairy king, and this mysterious fairy king, still like him. There is also a minority identity

Quiet! The four sides of the platform are dead, and everyone is speculating how the mysterious fairy king will deal with the fall of Lei Jinshi.

However, seeing the mysterious fairy king put away the storage bag of Lei Jinshi, his eyes are cloudy and uncertain. Seemingly hesitating.

After ten interest rates, this person finally had a decision and looked at it.

A look back. A look, like the whole sky, must be turned into ashes under his gaze!

"Lv Wei, the gods and the emperors can not be closed, this time the tomb ratio, the old man is the highest person in charge. Lei Jinshi is the eighth elder of my dedication, you are today in the face of thousands of monks, To kill, you must give the husband a reasonable reason! Otherwise, even if you are a secret person, the old man must also severely punish you!"

At the moment when the voice of the mysterious fairy king fell, on the four sides of the high platform, there were a lot of old strange eyes.

The identity of the Lv Yu secret family is abandoning people, and few people know about it in Dongtian. At this moment, I suddenly heard such secrets, and many old monsters were shocked.

Lv Wei’s gaze was slightly condensed, facing the Xuan Shouxian Wang, even though he did not dare to be too rude.

It’s just that he is unruly temperament, that is, he is faced with the sacred emperor, facing Sentuo, and there is not much fear. In the face of mystery, nature will not be afraid.

Countless strangers waited for Lu Wei to reply, giving a reasonable reason to kill Lei Jinshi.

Before everyone's gaze, Lu Wei was silent for a long time, and suddenly he laughed and looked at Ning Fan.

"The old man can't understand that Lei Jinshi is bullying! This is the reason for the old man!"

Upon hearing this, many old blame's eyes immediately slammed and fell on Ning Fan.

Even the mysterious fairy king, but also a gaze, swept to Ning Fan.

At this moment, most of the old geeks have already seen that Ning Fan had encountered sinister danger in the tomb palace before, and it was vaguely related to Lei Jinshi.

After Ning Fan won the tomb than the first, Lei Jinshi even disregarded his identity. It was also at this time that Ning Fan’s attack was at this time, and Lu Wei was killed to kill Lei Jinshi.

Look at the meaning of Lu Wei, he killed Lei Jinshi, is it for Ning Fan?

"He, just a junior! The old man does not believe, you will kill Lei Jinshi for a junior!" Mysterious eyes sank, only looked at Ning Fan, and then regained his gaze.

Even if Ning Fan has the qualification to become a celestial celestial being, it is not worth mentioning in his future celestial emperor.

"He is a junior, but he still has an identity. It is the brother of Lu’s brother! This reason is enough!"

Lv Yuyan stopped, his body shape swayed, directly fell in the center of the venue, and fell on the side of Ning Fan.

Lv Wei’s body was originally obese, but at this moment, there was a majestic momentum in him.

He will keep Ning Fan behind him, his eyes will be swept over the four seats on the high platform!

When his words came out, on the four sides of the high platform, there were countless strangers immediately showing his surprise.

"The sage of the devil, Ning Fan, is actually the brother of the 瘟王's brother-in-law?! There will be such a thing!"

"This matter is too ridiculous. Lu Wei was so lonely. The old man never heard of any brothers he had. He didn't have a friend but he looked at Lu Wei's posture. He didn't even seem to lie. Could it be this Ning Fan? You can't be a good brother!"

The look of Xuan Shou Xian Wang immediately shocked and moved.

If Ning Fan is a brother of Lu Wei, and Lei Jinshi has provoked Ning Fan several times. Lv Yu killed Lei Jinshi, but it is also a good reason. Although there are many wrongs in the assault, but also blame Lei Jinshi for the death of Ning Fan, this time, resentment

Behind the mysterious fairy king, the eight elders of the deity were all shocked, and even the nine elders Luo Shi were shocked.

Luo Jiaqun repair, no one is not surprised, Chen Jiaqun repair, Lei Jiaqun repair. No one is afraid!

Among the Dongjiao Lei family, the strongest is Lei Jinshi. In addition to Lei Jinshi, there are only three people in the family.

When Lei Jinshi was in the world, Lei Jia also absolutely could not provoke Lu Wei. Nowadays, the reason for the fall of Lei Jinshi is that the reason for the fall is because the three sons of Lei’s righteous family, Lei Jia, can’t imagine that with Lei Jinshi’s death, Lei’s family will be madly revenged by Lu Wei!

Chen Jiaqun’s repair is even more frightening. Especially Chen Xuan, the master of the Chen family, regrets at the moment. I regret why I have to listen to the orders of Lei Jinshi, and repeatedly kill the killer of Ning Fan.

Ning Fan is actually the righteous brother of Yu Wang! This identity is what Chen Jia can get!

There is hardly any hesitation, and the three Lejia homes take a step at the same time as the Chen family. Lu Wei, who was in the center of the venue, pleaded guilty.

It is a pity that the words of their sin have not yet been said, and they have already ushered in the murder of Lv Wei.

"Now I want to beg for mercy, it is late! Lumou is not the king of war. I look after the front! Lv's people, who moves, who is dead!"

At the moment when the voice falls. A plague that was as substantive as it immediately spread out and swept away from the Lei family and Chen family.

This plague avenue avoided the monks under the ghosts, and the two monks above the ghosts, almost all of a moment, all the lips purple, mouth spit, and fell to the ground!

Lei family three empty, Chen family master Chen Xuan, all with a terrified expression, only a moment, all fallen under the power of Lu Wei!

"Lv Wei, you!" Xuan Shou Xian Wang was shocked and was about to blame Lu Wei for violently killing the murder.

Lv Wei was the first to speak coldly and interrupted the words of the mysterious fairy king.

"Mysterious, the old man left Chen, the low-ranking monk of Lei family did not kill, it has already given you face! Otherwise, according to the old man's heart, Lei, Chen and the two dare to move the old man, all the slaughter, no one can live This matter is to the front of the two emperors, the old man can also reason!"

After all, Lu Wei’s eyes fell on the Xu family seat, and he sighed coldly.

"Who is Xu Yuan really!"

A cold drink, killing the machine, and shocked Xu Jiaqun to repair cold sweat.

On the Xu family seat, an old man with white hair and land immediately stood up and bowed to Lu Wei.

"The younger generation is Xu Yuanzhen, the master of the Xu family. I don't know what the king told me!"

This old man has been trained in the air, and it is Xu Yuanzhen, the owner of the Xu family.

When Lu Wei clicked on the name, Xu Yuanzhen dared to sneak and replied immediately, but his heart was awkward.

Xu Yuanzhen is the owner of the Xu family. He naturally knows that the family man died in the hands of Ning Fan.

He knows that Lu Wei’s name is mostly for his new year.

"Xu Yuanzhen! The old man heard that your ethnic group has a new year and a fair confrontation with the old man and the righteous brother. The skill is not as good as the people. You can have this! The old man also heard that your ethnic group Xu Dao, intends to make a fortune in the early years, looking for the old man. Brother trouble, can have this!" Lu Wei old eyes, chilly.

Xu Yuanzhen was cold-eyed on Lu Wei, and immediately stunned and screamed, sweating and sweating. He took a look at Xu Dao in the venue and confessed his fist. "May died in a fair confrontation, his death, no wonder anyone! His cousin Xu Dao may not be jealous at the moment, and he is not inferior to Wang Yidi. This point, the old man does not know it at all, it is not my intention!"

"You don't know? Hehe"

Lv Xiao smiled and looked at Xu Daowang at the meeting.

It was swept by Lu Wei, and Xu Dao, who was repaired in the middle of the period, immediately felt a sense of life and death.

There was hardly any hesitation, and Xu Dao immediately feared and hugged his fists to Lu Wei. "The younger generation has already dispelled the hostility to Ning's brother! I am willing to swear by my heart, this life will not be the cause of the new year, and then I will find any trouble for my brother. !"

"Oh, remember your vows! If you swear by this oath, the old man will let you pay the price! The Xu family behind you will also be destroyed by you!"

Lv Yu mouth smiled, revealing the white teeth.

Xu Dao and Xu Jiaqun saw the expression of Lu Wei, and they all shuddered.

Lv Wei sneered, his eyes swept over the four sides of the venue.

Since he has decided to help Ning Fan, he will help Ning Fan once again, with his fierce name. Helping Ning Fan to be shocked and small, to avoid endless troubles in the future.

After confirming that there was no more Ningfan’s enemies in the place, Lv Wei was nodded with satisfaction and said a few words to Ning Fan, and his body shape shook back to the high seat.

Ning Fan's eyes looked at Lu Wei intricately, and in his mind, he still echoed a few words of Lu Wei.

‘Ningdao friends are assured! Nowadays, you have to hide and repair, and you can't show the strength of the king. It is inconvenient to act. If there is a danger. The old man will help you! ’

‘Today’s old man is good at making claims, calling you a righteous brother. This is an expedient measure, and I hope that Ningdao’s friends will have to care about it. ’

Ning Fan sighed slightly, and Lu Wei helped him. How could he compare with Lu Wei?

斩雷金世, 强雷雷, the strong man above the Chen and the two ghosts, shocked Xu Jia, gave himself the identity of 瘟王义弟弟

Everything that Lu Wei did. They are all thinking about him, how can he not appreciate it.

Even if Lu Wei did all this, it was based on a misunderstanding, based on the identity of the 'Southern monk' who did not exist in Ning Fan. Today, he will also secretly write down.

The Xuan Shouxian dynasty looked at Lu Wei’s direction, but he couldn’t help but sigh, and several sacred monks went to Chen Lei’s home. Helping to clean up the corpses, and waving a hand, took out a roster.

"Lei Jinshi's fall is a matter of ignorance. Now the old man is personally rewarding the tomb for the tomb!"

There are 4175 names of grave guards on the roster. As Xuan Shou Xian Wang takes out another jade slip, this jade slip records the scores of all the grave guards in the first two rounds and has been converted into scores.

The Xuan Shouxian dynasty jade slipped a glimpse, and immediately, there was a constant light in the jade slip into the roster.

After the interest rate, there are only one hundred names left in the roster, arranged according to the different rankings.

Among the 100 people, the number one is Ning Fan!

The rest of the people are the top 100 monks in this year's tomb.

The roster must be, the Xuan Shouxian Wang eyes light sweeping the roster, and then hit the roster.

Immediately, the roster was turned into a golden rainbow, and it flew up in the sky. It grew up in the sky and turned into a huge scroll, which was a little bit open.

One hundred names on the scroll, flashing golden light, can be seen clearly by the power of the gods.

"When the ranking is 19, I know that Ning Xiong will pass the twenty-fourth tomb and cancel the third round directly. I should have more tombs and get better results." Jun Changdong smiled slightly and failed to obtain The top ten did not care.

"The third place" month cold bite bite lip, looked at Ning Fan, sighed sigh, unwillingly reluctantly regained his gaze.

Ning Fan's strength far exceeds her imagination. Even the twenty-four tombs are not comparable to her.

And Ning Fan turned out to be the identity of Wang Yidi, too embarrassing, that is, she did not dare to provoke Ning Fan.

"The second thing" Xu smiled bitterly and closed his eyes.

As soon as he saw the strength of the Twenty-four tombs of Ning Fan Lian, he had already dispelled all kinds of hostility towards Ning Fan. Nowadays, even more of the king, he naturally does not dare to incite hostility to Ning Fan.

The tomb is richer than the top 100, and there are rich rewards. The top 50 in the rankings, above the original reward, there are rewards of nothingness.

The top 50 grave guards can get a vain reward after the tomb ratio.

The top 20 grave guards can get two vain orders.

The top ten grave guards can get four vain orders and receive the Xianjun title given by Shenxuge.

The number one keeper who keeps the grave can make a request to the sacred court, but no one can answer it!

Did not immediately award the reward to the number one Ning Fan, Xuan Xian Xian Wang began with the lower ranks of the monks, one by one awards.

Most of the people in the top ten have won various awards such as medicinal herbs, magic weapons, exercises, and vain.

These monks often only need to go forward, give a gift to the mysterious fairy king, reveal a face, get rewards, you can go to the following.

At the tenth place of the monks, the awards began to appear solemn.

The mysterious fairy king walked to the front of the high platform, looking at the ten remaining grave guards at the bottom of the venue, his eyes condensed and pointed.

Immediately, Ning Fan waited for the ten grave guards to descend from the sky.

Seal the monument! One of the secret treasures of God's Court!

Most of this monument is blank, only in the upper left corner, engraved with 149 words.

Every word. They all represent a fairy seal.

The nicks of the words are deep and shallow, and the more stenciled, the more immortal the immortal.

The 148th word is the ‘Shadow’, which was engraved by Qin Emperor. He engraved this word. He became the immortal of the shadow, and obtained a secret technique from the seal of the immortal monument.

The 149th word is ‘bone’. After the word was written by Jun Changdong, Jun Changdong obtained a certain secret technique.

"Since the first tomb ratio, the gods have created a total of 149 sages. Each tomb has a chance to leave a title in front of the sacred monument. It is a pity, not any People have the ability to leave words on the seal of the monument."

Xuanbei said half of it, his eyes fell on the tenth tomb guard.

"Shendao sect, Lu luxury! You have a fragrant time, you can do your best. Leave a word on the seal of the monument! If you can get it, then the word will be your sage seal! Get this title, You can get the reward from the seal of the monument!"

The voice of Xuan Shou Xian Wang fell, this time the tomb than the tenth keeper of the grave, immediately stepped out, before the seal of the monument. His eyes are a little fascinating.

His name is Lu Xuan, a monk in the early days of Duzhen.

What he wants to engrave on the seal of the monument is ‘fire’!

But see the luxury of the land. Immediately after the fingertips, there was a fire, and it turned into a god, and fell on the seal.

He tried to engrave the word 'fire' on the seal of the monument and obtain the title of the immortal fire.

It is a pity that his attack fell on the seal of the immortal monument, only arouse the seven gods, and did not leave a trace of scratches on the tablet.

Under the seal of the immortal monument, he exerted all kinds of magical powers and still could not engrave a word on the tablet.

After a scent, time came, Lu luxury sighed, lost the qualification of the engraving of the monument, accepted other rewards, and left the venue.

After this person, the ninth, eighth, and seventh monks also failed, failing to write a star and a half on the tablet.

The attack of these people fell on the seal of the immortal monument, but it can arouse more than ten gods.

The more the gods are stirred up, the more powerful the lettering is, but unfortunately, it is still impossible to write the handwriting.

The sixth-ranked grave-keeper is a sword repairer, whose fierce swordsman fell on the seal of the immortal monument, which provoked twenty-one gods.

This is so, his sword is only enough to leave a trace of scratches on the seal.

After a fragrant effort, this person still could not engrave a word and failed to obtain the title of Xianjun.

The fifth and fourth tomb guards also failed to obtain the seal of Xianjun. The power of the two men was about twenty-seven.

The Void disciple was cold in the cold, ranking third. When she arrived, she finally engraved a month on the seal of the monument and won the title of 'The Moon's Immortal'.

The strongest magical moon of the moon fell on the seal of the immortal monument, which provoked fifty-six gods.

At the moment when the word 'month' was engraved, a moonlight glowed from the seal of the immortality and fell into her eyebrows.

No one knows what kind of message is contained in the moonlight. The only thing that can be known is the look of the moon and the cold.

The second-ranked Xu Dao engraved a ‘斩’ on the seal of the monument. His supernatural powers have ignited the seventy-five gods of the seal.

His way is to swear and break all enmity.

For this reason, he would like to avenge his revenge for the year and try to gain moral support by cutting off this enmity.

It is a pity that Ning Fan is not the kind of enmity he has won. He can only choose to forget, choose to break, and then find other detestable things to practice.

"What is the fairy king?"

Ning Fan's eyes were slightly condensed, looking at Xu Dao, facing the kind smile of Xu.

The goodwill in the smile is not a false promise, and the hatred of Ning Fan will break his hostility towards Ning Fan.

"Even if the enemy can be annihilated?"

Ning Fan regained his gaze and looked at the Fengxian monument.

The rest of the grave guards have already left, and only one of them remains here.

He is the first tomb in this year, he can get various items rewards, get the Xianjun title reward, and get a chance to make a request.

He has already thought about the content of the request.

The seal of Xianjun, he has not decided yet.

According to his estimation, Shentongwei can at least reach the intensity of thirty-five gods, which is enough to engrave clear handwriting on the seal.

At this moment, his blood loss is serious, his injuries are not light, and his ability to play is limited, but he is engraved in the seal. It is hard to beat him.

"Luojia keeps the tomb, Ning Fan! You can think of it on the seal of the monument, what words have you carved?"

The voice of the mysterious fairy king suddenly came from the northern high platform.

"Think better."

Ning Fan stepped forward to seal the monument, revealing the color of remembrance.

If you must choose a Xianjun title, he wants to choose only one.

He wants to engrave, there is only one word, it is ‘rain’

He is from the rain world. He is a rain monk. If you must choose a fairy seal, he hopes to be the immortal of the rain!

He raised his hand and called out the sorrowful sword, urging four purple swords and mans, and fell on the seal of the monument.

Immediately, Feng Xian’s monument trembled slightly, emitting forty lights.

"Forty Shinkos, Xiaofan, seems to be very hurt, can't make full use of him, don't worry." The little demon girl showed her eyebrows.

Above the four sides of the platform. Many old monsters are slightly regrettable.

They all saw that Ning Fan was wounded. If not, Ning Fan did his best and could not know how many gods he could provoke.

No one doubts that Ning Fan is fully committed. The number of gods that can be aroused can exceed that of Xu Dao and others.

At this moment, Ning Fan's face is pale and bloodless, his breath is weak and weak, and he can find out forty lights. It is rare.

A word 'rain'. Gradually formed on the seal of the monument.

At the moment of this moment, it means that Ning Fan officially obtained the title of 'The Rainy Monarch' given by the gods.

"Forty words of God light, even if this son is not injured, I am afraid it is difficult to find more than one hundred gods."

Xuan Sin Xian Wang shook his head with no expression. Even if Ning Fan has the identity of 'Yi Wang Yidi,' he will not pay too much attention to Ning Fan.

"Now, you can make a request to the old man by the tomb than the first identity! Tell your old voice to your request!"

Ning Fan’s eyes inadvertently swept through the seats of the little demon girl, and the corner of his mouth evoked a smile.

He looked up at the north and hugged his fists in the direction of Xuan Shou Xian Wang, but he saw the lips moving, not seeing the sound, and not knowing what was being sung.

The Xuan Shouxian Wang was still a pair of ancient wells with no wave expression. After hearing the request of Ning Fan, he was shocked first, then looked at Ning Fan with a gaze, and after a long silence, he was very vocal.

"Your request, passed! God's Court, will not promise! Take your reward, step back!"

In a word, Xuan Shouxian Wang flexed a finger, and the storage bag containing the prizes in his hand immediately turned into a streamer, slammed down and flew to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan did not pick up the storage bag, let the storage bag fall to the ground, and did not take a look.

His eyes stared at the mysterious fairy king, unbelievable!

He never thought that God's Court would be so rude to reject his request.

Luo Shi brows a wrinkle, stands up, respects the king of Xuan Shou Xian, and then asks, "Dare to ask Xian Wang, what request did Ning Fan make, why did Xian Wang refuse so simply? According to the tomb ratio, this session The tomb is better than the first monk, and is qualified to make any request to the gods, as long as the gods can do it, they all need to agree."

"The problem is this request, I can't do it!"

The mysterious fairy king sighed and sighed at the same time as the elders such as Luo Shi, and even transmitted the sounds of the celestial kings such as Lu Wei.

For a moment, the elders of God, including Rosie, all showed a dilemma.

Ning Fan’s request is very simple, only one sentence.

‘The name of Xiao Qianci, the lord of the gods, must be removed from the list of sacrifices! ’

If Ning Fan made this request a few years ago, perhaps the gods will not be too difficult to do, even if the little demon woman is on the list of sacrifices, most of them will agree to his request.

It’s a pity that today’s little demon girl has been named by the dark people several years ago.

"The offerings of the dark people are always inevitable. This woman has been named by the dark people. Even if the old man does not dare to casually ask her for Ning Xiaoyou, some of them are unwise. This request is not old. What does the ancestors mean? I want to play with the dark people in the southern tribe?" Lu Wei looked at the color of the thoughts, and after a moment he did sigh. I am afraid that this request will not be promised.

Even if he has the heart to help Ning Fan say a few words, it is futile.

"I don't know Ning's request, there is too much, please Xian Wang Mingyan!"

Ning Fan looked at the Xuan Shou Xian Wang without hesitation. There was no fear, only persistence.

The mysterious fairy king brow wrinkled, is about to explain, between the heavens and the earth, suddenly two colorful figures appear, it is the gods and double emperors!

"Mysterious, what is his request?" Among the two emperors, the Nether Emperor looked dignified and asked the king of Xuan Shou.

The mysterious fairy king did not dare to neglect, and immediately returned to the two emperors who came to the place.

As soon as I heard the voice of the mysterious fairy king, the emptiness of the Emperor looked at it, and then sighed and sighed, it was the request of Ning Fanti, which was related to the sacrifice.

As for the **** of the sky, it is a cold cry, and without saying anything, it directly scatters the vast emperor's mind, and it is under the pressure of Ning Fan!

"Peace, retreat! Your request, the Emperor is not allowed!" (To be continued...)

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