Grasping Evil

Chapter 92: The tomb of the bird, the Dan magic woman? (first more)

(Thanks to aa112562 for rewarding 588, thank you for the update of the book friend 130920110410320, thank you for a party, frost and reward. ps: Is it necessary to receive a drug as a wife? Can you collect anything, table bench? Really... really...)

In the inner hall of Dan Dian, Xue Qing looked up at the old face and closed his eyes. Ren Ningfan planted a ban, and gave birth and death to Ning Fan.

Xue Qing understands that he has sneaked into the secret of Ning Fan's four-in-one refining, and even guessed the identity of Ning Fanning's Dark Lord. In the magic, it is a taboo to spy on the secrets of others.

Therefore, he voluntarily surrendered his life and volunteered to become a disciple of Ning Fan.

He Xue Qing is also a person with a face in the country and become a young disciple. Is it a loss? No loss!

In a short contact, Xue Qing saw that Ning Fan was not only easygoing, but also extremely generous. For example, for Nanwei, one shot is the remedy for the country's best products - Xuan Ling Dan!

This child is probably hot on the enemy, but it is never awkward to himself. Xue Qing has lived for hundreds of years and has read countless people. He believes that he will not read the mistakes of Ning Fan, and he believes that the old devil should be a disciple and his character should be extremely satisfied.

Giving life to Ning Fan, it seems dangerous, but Xue Qingyi analysis, as long as he does not have to offend Ning Fan, there is no danger at all.

And yourself, you can get Ning Fan's wholehearted alchemy, break through four or even five refining!

Yes, he Xue Qing, above Dan Dao, has great ambitions, and he hopes to reach the ultimate in Dan Dao! Therefore, he took the world by the big, open the lid, and watched the medicinal preparation with the naked eye.

This is extremely dangerous. The refining of medicinal herbs is extremely violent. If you are careless, you must make your eyes look good. But Xue Qing is the one who is attached to Dan Dao.

In order to improve his alchemy, first of all, to improve Master's alchemy... So, he offered a collection of ancient Dans for many years and provided a clue to the Dan.

"What! Xuanyin is in the grave of the birds, and there is a Dan?!"

"Returning to Master, this is indeed the case. It is the old man’s own eyes. I am afraid that apart from the old man, even the lord may not know about it."

"Then why are you telling me..."

"You are my master, huh, if you marry the Dan magic, get the medicinal medicine, you will always give the apprentice a little soup to drink... Master, I am optimistic about you." Xue Qing smiled unscrupulously.

Ning Fan holds a roll of chopped old scrolls in his hand and asks about Xue Qingdan.

The ancient scroll seems to have been left by a five-transformed alchemist in ancient times. It records a variety of ancient medicinal herbs. In addition to Ning Fan’s knowledge, there is also a four-turned magical remedy, Huang Dao Dan. According to legend, this Dan is ancient heaven, used by the yellow towel Lux, is a secret medicine. At least the ancients did not know the prescription. It is a blessing that Ning Fan can get this prescription by chance.

Yellow towel Dan, although far less than Jade Emperor Dan, but also cherish the medicine. If it can be refining, Ning Fan has the confidence that even if he does not take the fourth Jade Emperor Dan, he can break through the realm of silver-light translucent body and reach the real silver bone. At that time, but by the flesh, Ning Fan is enough to force the enemy Yuan Ying master!

The only pity is that the main medicine of the yellow towel Dan lacks an extinct elixir - fire maple fruit. This fruit seems to have appeared in Vietnam, but it is once again extinct...

Ning Fan did not know that Ning Cheng, which he occupied, was originally the place where the fire maple fruit grew. He set aside the Yellow Turban Dan and thought about another thing.

Dan Devil!

Xue Qing told Ning Fan that there was a Dan Devil in the devil's sect. It was adult and the body was extremely powerful. According to Xue Qing, the power of the Dan Devil could kill the Golden Dragon.

And where the Dan Devil is, it is the first secret of the ghosts, the tomb of the birds!

According to legend, the ghost valley where the ghosts are located has once fallen into a bird. In the memory of the ancient times, it seems to be a true spirit comparable to the true immortal, powerful, even enough to rival the real dragon, true phoenix.

The ancestor of the four-day fairyland, the **** of the gods, chose to establish the lower sect of the sect in this place, and it seems to be also seen in the remains of the scorpion.

In the underground of the Valley of the Birds, there is a grave of ten thousand feet, a total of nine layers deep. The tomb of the bird, the yin and the sorrow, the cultivation of magic, can double the speed of cultivation. It can be said that the whole ghost of the sacred sacred, the reason why the fog and fog, the aura of the aggression, has nothing to do with the earth, just because there is a true spirit hunter here!

The bones of the bird are sealed on the ground floor of the ground. There is a true seal of the fairy gods planted by the **** of the gods. There is a ruin of the rainy world who wants to win the bones, but most of them can’t even enter the seventh floor of the earth. Talk about winning bones.

As for the mysterious yin that Ning Fan has been longing for, it is hidden in the fifth floor of the cemetery... It seems that it is too hidden, even broken and grotesque, can not find the mysterious yin.

In the cemetery, only a few high-level ghosts can enter the cultivation, and the first condition to enter it is to swear a vow.

Eternal life does not betray the ghosts! Eternal life is not to the outside world, telling the secret of the grave!

As for the Dan Devil, it has only appeared in recent decades. This matter is completely unknown to the outside world. Only, Xue Qing saw it!

He still remembers that night, he went into the third layer of the burial mound alone.

"The air that night seems to be extraordinarily cold, which makes my heart very uncomfortable. I am retreating under a dead old tree, surrounded by white bones that I have been dying for years, surrounded by darkness and some rot of grass. ”

"Suddenly, the cold wind blew through, in the darkness, the footsteps came from me, the footsteps were very light, it seemed to be a woman. There was a very fragrant smell on her body... like, Five turns of medicinal herbs are so fragrant..."

"I am delighted, suddenly turned back, you guess, what I saw!!!"

Xue Qing tried to make the night thing terrible, but Ning Fan, still zombie-like expressionless.

"You saw the Dan Devil." Ning Fan said seriously.

"Oh... I will continue to talk about it..." Xue Qing’s words are stunned, and this is rather calm, and it’s harder than the old man. It’s not a joke.

"I turned around, the face of a woman full of blood, close to my back, revealing the white teeth, sneer at me, and she, no feet! No feet, how she walked..."

Xue Qing also wants to talk about the ‘ghost story’ again, but unfortunately, when it was said here, it was cut off by Ning Fan.

"She is flying, indicating its mana, at least to reach the spirit... and you said that she is strong, can kill Jin Dan, this Dan magic, not simple, with my current strength, it is not easy to win her However, it is a woman's words... Well, Dan Devil is the body of the medicinal herbs. There is only the shape of a woman. There is no woman's body. It is not necessarily effective.

Ning Fan slightly indulged, and then said, "And the Dan magic is powerful, but you see the Dan magic, but there is no death, it can be seen that the Dan magic, not a good killer... She puts you in a horse, you still go to seek her The body of the medicinal herbs, you are somewhat wicked."

Ning Fan said this with a hint of blame, and Xue Qingyi was quite embarrassed.

Magic repair, although the shot is sinister, all the best, but want to repair the magic to the extreme, the magic also has a word, is the key.

At least, others have grace, and you go to complain and report virtues. This is not as shameful as the thief in the magic repair.

However, Xue Qing’s greed for Dan’s magic is justifiable. After all, the Dan magic is probably a five-turn remedy.

"Hey, Dan's thing, Master looked at it, and the disciples didn't interrupt..." Xue Qing lost his smile, but for the first time, he raised a respect for Ning Fan.

This respect, irrelevant to cultivation, is just personality. Ning Fan’s reputation, to be honest, not good, double practice, was pointed out by many people in the family. It’s just because of the prestige of Ning Fan’s tyrannical, no one dares to offend him.

However, Xue Qing found out today that Ning Fan is a principled magic repair. He may be ruthless, perhaps to recruit the world's women, but it has its own insistence - the benefactor does not kill!

Xue Qing asks himself, in the realm of comprehension, if other old geeks know the news of the Dan Devil in this place, they will flock to it, and if they are envious or hate, they will not be able to compare with a five-transfer drug. Ning Fan's heart is stronger than those old ones!

"But, you don't want to talk about it everywhere, isn't it a five-way remedy? It's a big fuss for the teacher to refine one in the morning and evening."

"What, what! Master is willing to send me a five-turn remedy!" Xue Qing's eyes are like a hungry wolf, even if it is only Ning Fan's air-mouth promise, but Xue Qing knows that Ning Fan is such a principled person, it must be said And must believe.

As long as Ning Fan breaks through the five-turn alchemy division, he must send himself a five-turn remedy!

If you get five turns of remedy, you must not eat, you must keep it, when you pass the family treasure, study it from generation to generation!

This time, I am really right, and Ning Fan is really generous to myself! Although, it’s just a short promise...

"Well, but the five medicinal herbs of the medicinal herbs, when you arrive, you have to go out. Well, let's go to the outer hall, it is estimated that Nanwei, I am waiting for me now."

Ning Fan smiled and took the lead to leave. He stayed Xue Qing and could not stand there.

"Five to the medicinal herbs, I want to collect the medicinal herbs myself...but refining the five medicinal herbs, at least the 5,000-year-old elixir... I sold them myself, I couldn’t change them. ..."

Hey, let's please Ning Fan well... let him take the medicinal herbs and alchemy. What he said is also a four-turn alchemy teacher. After that, it became a five-turn, which is absolutely not bad...

Xue Qing’s eyes are firm, he must be more respectful, and his identity will be played in place!

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