“This Exquisite Queen actually exploded?”

“Not to blow up, but to resurrect!”

After everyone listened, they looked surprised.

“People can’t be resurrected after death, how did this exquisite queen do it?”

“After the death of the Elite Queen, there is no one to rule the Elite Kingdom. The small neighboring countries united to attack the elite country. The Queen of Perfection signed a pact with Ghost Eyes. The ghost eye chopped all the allied troops to death. ”

“The soldiers who were chopped to death were missing an eye. Finally, even the subjects of those dependent countries were not spared. The Queen’s army slaughtered the innocent people of these nations. And brutally cut off one of their eyes. ”

“Prince Gumo was rescued by a soothsayer before he recovered a life.”

“In order to take revenge, Prince Nagumo took the opportunity to sneak into the Exquisite Queen’s residence, but saw that the Exquisite Queen was actually resurrected.”

In front of her, there were the lost eyes of those soldiers. Densely packed and laid out throughout the palace. ”

“Dr. Wen, is the legend of the Peerless Queen true?” Qi Xin asked tremblingly.

Apparently, he was not lightly frightened by the story on the mural.

“It’s just a legend, how can there be such a mysterious thing!”

Gu Yue half-subconsciously glanced at Zhang Yichen.

Zhang Yichen’s dark and indifferent eyes did not have a trace of waves.

“Everything in this world can be explained by science.”

“We’ve had weird things along the way. That one can be scientifically certified. The content on the mural. It’s just a legend. Can’t take it seriously! ”

Dr. Wen’s words made everyone feel that the queen of excellence was no longer mysterious.

There is also no interest in continuing research.

Gu Yue was banging on the four walls of the curtain wall.

Expect to be able to discover what organs.

The frescoes on the walls are carved. Although there is great research value.

But this is in a restricted area. It is also unrealistic to want to transport the murals on the walls back and study them.

For them, after knowing the content of the mural, the mural has no meaning for them.

After all, the destination of their trip was the ancient country of Pulmer.

This Gumex country has no connection with the country of Pulme.

Although Dr. Wen, who is an archaeology master, has a reluctant face.

But I can’t help the urging of this group of young people.

You can only work with them to see if you can find other valuable things.

“This Gumo prince is also too shabby. There wasn’t even a decent burial item in the tomb. ”

“The murals are so beautifully carved that it’s not just about telling a story.”



Zhang Yichen was all too familiar with this kind of voice.

This is the sound of the machine at work.

Someone stepped on the mechanism in the dark.


After hearing this.

Everyone’s faces couldn’t help but show a bit of shock.


The tomb where they were located actually emitted a dull roar!

In the next second, the black tomb bricks under their feet actually began to collapse one after another!

“What’s going on?” Qixin was the first to exclaim.

“Quicksand pit, this tomb is built on top of a quicksand pit!” Gu Yueban was the first to react.

Quicksand is a commonly used organ in ancient tombs.

Once touched, the mechanism opens, and a large amount of sand will engulf the person who breaks into the tomb alive.

Only a few rumbling sounds.

The tomb bricks under Zhang Yichen’s feet were suddenly emptied.

Zhang Yichen’s waist was hard. One rolled over and jumped onto the raised relief of the wall.

At this time, Gu Yueban and Yang Xue’er began to fall, and Zhang Yichen quickly grabbed one with one hand.

Gu Yue half-looked up and found that Zhang Yichen was dragging his and Yang Xueer’s arms in the form of an upside-down golden hook.

Due to his excess weight.

Zhang Yichen grabbed his hand, and the green tendons protruded.

It’s going to be unsupportable.

Zhang Yichen threw Yang Xue’er out of the stone gate.

With a force of both hands, he finally threw Gu Yue out of the stone gate semi-accurately.

After throwing Gu Yue half out of the stone gate.

Zhang Yichen, who hung the golden hook upside down, pushed his waist, and the whole person adjusted his posture. With both feet on the wall, three or two clicks out of the stone door.

The quicksand pit in the tomb sank extremely fast, and before Zhang Yichen could even throw out the rope, Dr. Wen’s team was instantly swept into the quicksand pit!

“Brother Chen, Dr. Wen, they!”

Zhang Yichen shook his head helplessly.

No matter what, he is also a living person.

In today’s situation, there is nothing he can do.

Zhang Yichen looked at the quicksand pit in the tomb.

It was discovered that there was actually an equipment bag on the quickbunker.

Quicksand is like a giant beast, devouring everything.

How could you leave an equipment pack?

Zhang Yichen looked at the building on top of the tomb.

Typical Western Regions tomb architectural style.

Among the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions, Gumo is a very small country.

According to the legend of the Western Regions, Gumo was an important town on the Silk Road.

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