The black glasses immediately threw out a cold firework.

The bright light dispelled the darkness, and the depths of the tomb were faintly visible, revealing a huge stone pit.

“Go over and take a look!”

Gu Yue took the lead and entered the tomb.

“Fatty, be careful!”

“Naive, you’re too careful. We didn’t come in from Yongdao. ”

Gu Yue half-pointed to the Yong Dao on the side.

This burial chamber has a large size and is supposed to be the main chamber. Generally, the passage leading to the main tomb is equipped with a large number of organs.

Dark crossbows, ground thorns, knife mountains, etc. are all used to deal with Tufuzi. Fortunately, they came in through a hole in the tomb wall.

Otherwise, the mechanism of the Yongdao alone would be enough for them to eat a pot! Several people entered the tomb one after another.

Walk up to the stone pit and take a look.

It turned out to be a funerary pit.

The pit was littered with countless bones.

There are pigs, horses, cows and sheep, and some pottery funerary objects.

“These lacquered pottery are not cheap on the market. Naive, you give an estimate! ”

As soon as Gu Yuehan saw the Ming Qi, his eyes lit up.

Gu Yue walked around the lacquered pottery twice with great interest, and did not forget to pick it up and examine it carefully.

“Did you carry it out? We can now be deep in the heart of the desert. ”

Wu Tianzhen did not forget to hit him.

“Otherwise, let’s write down the location, and after we go back, we will organize people to take these things out.”

“This is the Katel Desert, can you be reliable! Come back after we go back, this place has long been buried by yellow sand, can you still find it then? ”

Gu Yue half-listened, and her face was filled with grief. I almost hugged Wu Tianzhen and cried bitterly.

“It’s a pity!”

This burial pit is huge.

There is a ghost road paved with bluestone in the middle. Everyone carefully crossed the ghost road. The scene in front of me is really shocking!

What appeared in front of them was actually a huge corpse pit!

The range visible to the light was a mess full of miserable white bones, and there were extremely many of them. Those bones have different postures. Some lie on their backs, some lie on their sides, and some kneel. The bones were still glowing with a faint blue glow.

The scene in front of you is really terrifying and weird! Gu Yue’s eyes were sharp.

Quickly shouted: “Look! What is that? ”

Follow the direction of Gu Yue’s half finger.

At the end of the burial pit, there were more than a dozen lipstick coffins.

In front of each coffin were placed two red-glazed figurines of virgins, boys and girls. These people wear their hair in a bun.

With a smile!

Against the backdrop of cold fireworks.

The scene in front of me looks terrifying and weird.

“When emperors in ancient times were buried, they would make corpses of young boys and girls into mercury to accompany the burial. Could these be? ”

“Mercury corpse?”

“Mercury corpses are usually made into specimens. These are clearly not. ”

“Let’s just take a look.”

As soon as the words fell, the black glasses split the terracotta figurines in front of him with a dog-leg knife. A child-like body was revealed from the terracotta figurines.

“Naive, I really let you say right, these terracotta figurines are really small rice dumplings!”

“How can these corpses remain incorruptible for thousands of years?”

“In order to ensure the full appearance of the corpse, if you want to make this mercury corpse, you must use a living person, because the blood of the dead does not circulate, and it is impossible to pour mercury into it.”

“These boys, boys and girls who were used for martyrdom were all taken with mercury orally while they were alive, and their bodies were filled with large amounts of mercury.”

“In addition, a layer of mercury powder will be applied to the surface of the corpse, and the corpse will not decay even after a thousand years!”

“When dying, these boys and girls have their faces twisted and deformed due to pain. That’s why it’s made into a smiling figurine. ”

Wu Tianzhen’s explanation made the barrage in the live broadcast room explode instantly!

“Pour mercury while alive. That’s cruel, isn’t it? ”

“Alas, these poor children!”

“Evil feudal society!”

“These terracotta figurines don’t say that there are dozens of corpses of children, boys and girls, right? What a damn it! ”

“Poor children, you can’t go to the earth when you die!”

The expressions of the crowd were very sad.

Even Zhang Yichen, who usually looked indifferent, was a little somber at this time. A moment later.

Gu Yue half-spoke.

“It’s cruel! Let’s put these children in the coffin! Let them go into the soil for peace! Gu Yueban’s proposal was unanimously approved by everyone. ”

Soon, the lid of the first red painted coffin was pried up by several people.

“Everyone be careful, the tomb is the most taboo to see red. These corpses are afraid that they will be corpsed. ”

Reminded by black glasses.

Everyone was extra careful.

Inside the coffin is a female corpse dressed in a red costume and wearing a golden crown.

“Little brother, do we still want to continue?”

Wu Tianzhen subconsciously turned his head to look at Zhang Yichen.


Zhang Yichen said lightly.

Wu Tianzhen just put the mercury corpse into the coffin.

The corpse of the woman in red in the coffin changed.

The body of the red-clothed female corpse began to grow a layer of black fluff at a speed visible to the naked eye. Got up the corpse, really got up the corpse!

Wu Tianzhen can also be regarded as a person who has seen big scenes.

But the scene in front of him was really too terrifying, and it really startled him.

Wu Tianzhen subconsciously pulled out the dog-legged knife behind him and slashed at the black hair.

The dog-legged knife was not on the black hair zombie body of the machete, and it was directly shot out by the black hair zombie with the knife! Seeing this, Zhang Yichen rushed over extremely quickly.

There are no dangers!

Wu Tian really looked at the tomb wall less than a meter away from him.

If this is thrown up, keep two ribs, you will also have to spit blood!

“I!!! grass”

Gu Yue half-scolded, and subconsciously touched the submachine gun behind him.

The black-haired zombie has slapped the coffin in the face. Straight at them!

“Naive! What the fuck did you move? ”

“Black haired zombie, this is a fierce evil thing!”

Gu Yue let out two sighs in his mouth. Lifting the small charge against the black hair is a crazy strafing.

It’s just that the black hairy body is like a copper cast.

The bullet of the small charge hit the black hairy stiff body, and did not pose any threat to it. Gu Yueban’s operation obviously angered the black hair.

The black hair stiffened and let out a low roar, and opened his hands to pinch Gu Yueban’s neck. The strength of the black hair stiffness is extremely great.

His hands were like iron tongs pinching Gu Yueban’s neck.

“Obedient! Black Hair Zombie Copper Wall Iron Wall! The power is endless! Today is a real eye-opener! ”

Wu Tianzhen was stunned in place with a small charge.

“Naive! You are ready to… Put the black fur stiff… Watch the death? ”

Gu Yue was half pinched tightly by the black hair. Fat face flushed! Suddenly.

A knife sound sounded.

Zhang Yichen threw out unicorn blood towards the black hair.

The black haired zombie who was injured by the blood of the unicorn immediately burned an unpleasant black smoke on his body. It was the stench of carrion burning.

The black hair stiffened in pain, and a roar came out of his throat, and he was forced to let go of Gu Yueban. Before the black hair stiffened to react.

Zhang Yichen’s legs suddenly swept out and hit the black hairy neck with a kick! His kick was extremely strong, and the black hairy stiff cervical vertebrae were instantly misaligned!


A sound of gold and iron suddenly sounded.

The black-haired head gurgled on the ground and fell into the burial pit. The open mouth also revealed a mouth full of black and yellow sharp rotten teeth.

“Little brother! You saved my life again! ”

“Naive, why did you leave me and run away just now, you are too unrighteous.”

“What nonsense!”

“The little brother signaled us to step back, who knew that the fat master was so brave and took the lead!” Admire! ”

“Did the little brother signal? How did I not know that? ”

“It’s good that it’s just a black fur stiffness. This is if all the corpses are up. We don’t have to get rid of this yet. ”

“Shut up! Dead fat! ”

“Raven Mouth!”

Suddenly, from the pitch-red coffin in front of them, there was an extremely harsh and sharp scratching sound. In what was originally a dead silence and dark space.

This kind of sound gave everyone goosebumps.

The creepy atmosphere made many macho men in front of the screen immediately drill into the quilt.

“Me! Fatty, your mouth is from the temple, right? ”

“What a special spirit!”

“Didn’t Wu Tianzhen say that the fat man’s mouth was asked for from Wutai Mountain.”

“Muggle, there are more than a dozen red painted coffins here, I said, nothing will happen, right?”

“Upstairs! You don’t think it’s a big deal, right? ”


“The figurines are in place!”

Zhang Yichen exclaimed. The crowd reacted immediately.

The figurines that were previously placed next to the coffin were put back in their original positions. In an instant, the sound in the coffin stopped abruptly.

“Little brother, is it because we moved the figurines to make the corpses up?”

Zhang Yichen nodded.

“It seems that this should be an evil feng shui formation. Because we moved the figurine. It destroyed the feng shui here. ”

The corners of the black glasses’ mouth twitched. said slowly. ”

“It’s too evil!”

“We broke the figurine, will it have any effect?”

“The figurines are supposed to imprison the souls of these corpse children. I want them to never be born. Now we have broken the figurine. Let these corpse children have a chance to give birth to superlife. If you want to be superborn, you must find a substitute ghost! ”

Listening to the words of the black glasses, everyone’s scalp tingled. Gu Yue’s mouth couldn’t help but gasp.

“The black hair is already difficult enough. Now another bunch of small soft rice dumplings! How to start! Completely inexperienced! ”

“Fatty! What a fart you want! Come on! ”

Gu Yueban and Wu Tianzhen ran away.

When Gu Yue was running in the burial pit with his fat body half-shaken. Running and running feels something is wrong.

Turned his head and glanced behind him. Wu Tianzhen actually disappeared? Just now he was still behind him, why did he disappear in a blink of an eye!

Gu Yue shouted at the top of her throat while running in the dark.

“Naive! Is the fat master running too fast, you can’t keep up! ”


Gu Yue half-listened, and Wu Tianzhen’s voice was a little far away. Hurriedly turned around, using a wolf-eye flashlight to find the source of the sound. This is not a matter of concern.

Gu Yue was stunned directly.

Everyone is still there except himself. Dr. Wen and Wu Ying are in the same direction.

Zhang Yichen, Wu Tianzhen, black glasses in one direction. Two opposites.

No one moved. Wu Tianzhen shouted at the top of his throat.

“That’s not a big girl, you guys are still watching endlessly!”

Wu Tianzhen turned his head and glanced at Gu Yue.

Gu Yueban didn’t understand what it meant at all. Pulling his throat and continuing to shout.

“Why are you all stunned? Naive! Hurry up and run! ”

“Fatty! Guess you’ll have to come back! ”

Wu Tianzhen pointed to Dr. Wen and Wu Ying on the opposite side. Gu Yue folded back half-breathlessly.

Before he could take a big breath, he was startled by Dr. Wen and Wu Ying.

I saw Dr. Wen and Wu Ying looking at them with dull expressions, with extremely strange smiles on their faces.

“Lean! Ghost top? ”

“Dozens of ghost children, we don’t have enough points!”

Even the audience in the live broadcast room brushed up the barrage.

“When is it, this Gu Yue is still in the mood to joke.”

“It sounds weird…”

“Grass, scare Lao Tzu to death!”

“Don’t be afraid! God is here! Kill ghosts and kill ghosts, cut rice dumplings when you meet rice dumplings! ”

“Bow down! God bless! ”

“Little brother, how to break?”

Zhang Yichen grabbed the dog-legged knife in Gu Yue’s hand, and without hesitation, stretched out his palm and gently slid over the blade. A slap slapped on Gu Yueban’s brain.

The scene in front of him frightened Gu Yue’s half-fat flesh.

Dr. Wen and Wu Ying were covered with corpses.

The corpse child’s body was covered with wounds. There was also black blood outside. A pair of pupils with only the whites of the eyes, the person who looks creepy is creepy.

There was still a smile on his originally hideous face. It looks scary and weird.

Zhang Yichen handed the knife stained with Qilin blood to Wu Tianzhen. Then he slapped Dr. Moon on the shoulder.

In an instant, a crimson light appeared on the corpse child soaked in the blood of the unicorn. It was as if the corpse had been burned.

In an instant, he fled with a roar.

Seeing this, the other corpses fled without a trace.

“Little brother.”

Gu Yue took a deep breath and slowly moved closer to Zhang Yichen.

“Fatty, what’s wrong with you?”

In the face of Wu Tianzhen’s inquiry, Gu Yue walked forward behind Zhang Yichen without saying a word.

“Little brother, what’s wrong with the fat man?”

Zhang Yichen glanced at Wu Tianzhen and then at Gu Yueban. shook his head!

Wu Tianzhen did not continue to ask.

Follow Zhang Yichen directly towards the depths of the tomb. The darkness is full, and the cold is overflowing.

The light of the wolf smoke flashlight dispelled the darkness of the tomb. The depths of the tomb are still dark.

The extremely penetrating beam of the wolf-eye flashlight could not reach the depths of the tomb. Walked some distance further.

Only then can you see the structure of the burial chamber clearly.

At the end of the passage connected by the burial pit is a large hall.

The main hall is flanked by two neat rows of figurines.

These figurines are all wearing heavy armor and holding weapons in their hands. He also wore a bronze mask on his face, and his body exuded a murderous aura.

“Is there something wrong with the owner of the tomb, and when he dies, he also arranged for two rows of soldiers to open the door for him.”

Gu Yueban cursed and scolded while casually opening the bronze mask on the soldier’s face. The armor required a dried human face, purple-black skin, and yellowed teeth. It is a little weird under the illumination of the wolf’s eye flashlight.

“Fatty! Be careful! ”

Gu Yueban just turned around.

There was a sound of knives in his ears, and the knife and axe in the dry bone soldier’s hand slashed down towards Gu Yueban’s shoulder. Fortunately, Gu Yue reacted quickly, and his body flexibly dodged.

He turned around, flew up and kicked on the body of the dry bone soldier. The dry bone soldier was gasped to the ground by Gu Yueban’s brute force.

“Dare to secretly calculate your fat master, looking for death!”


All the bone-dry soldiers moved as if alive. And fenced them up.

“Fatty! Your physique that will explode when you encounter a corpse is really amazing. ”

“What’s special, dare you put two rows of zongzi standing in here?”

“It’s quite good at playing!”

“Fatty, quickly find a way to break out!”

These dry bone soldiers in front of them, armed with different weapons, slashed at them


The black gold ancient knife came out of its sheath.

Zhang Yichen jumped in the air, flew up, and kicked the neck of the dry bone soldier. This kick was extremely strong, and the neck of the dry bone soldier was immediately broken!

The black gold ancient knife rotated down one hundred and eighty degrees. The head of the dry bone soldier was cut off with a knife. In just an instant, Zhang Yichen solved the two dry bone soldiers.

Black glasses are agile.

The dog-legged knife in his hand flashed coldly, and cut off the head of the dry bone soldier. Gu Yueban and Wu Tianzhen formed a pincer attack.

Gu Yueban’s body of more than two hundred pounds showed agility that was completely inconsistent with his appearance. After a while, a soldier with dry bones fell under them.

Wu Ying also has real kung fu.

I saw him waving his fists, like iron, and landed on the head of the dry bone soldier! With another whip, the head of the dry bone soldier rolled to the ground with a grunt.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned by this wonderful scene.

“Is this buddy so wild? How didn’t I find it before. ”

“This gang of zongzi is simply not enough for Chenshen to practice their hands.”

“All of them are very brave!”

“Zongzi: Big brother, I was wrong! Let me go! ”


Ten minutes later, dozens of bone-dry soldiers were put to the ground. The ground was littered with dozens of dried purple and dry bones.

“Look! What is that! ”

Many dark green insects instantly drilled out of the black-purple corpse whose heads were cut off.

“It’s the corpse police!”

“These bodies did not rise up.”

“It’s these things that parasitize inside corpses, gnaw corpses, and even manipulate corpses!”

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