“Fatty, you fucking can’t even understand what the hell is saying? Little brother means to move lizards! ”

Wu Tianzhen shook his head helplessly.

Black Glasses and Wu Ying jumped straight into the bronze coffin. Black Glasses and Wu Ying jumped straight into the bronze coffin. The two of them exerted their strength in unison, as if they were Hercules. The huge and heavy lizard corpse was thrown to the ground. Everyone was slightly stunned.

Under this bronze coffin turned out to be a large boxy hole.

Looking down the mouth of the cave, it was dark and bottomless. It’s like connecting to hell. Looking at the bottomless hole in front of him, everything is already clear.

This bronze coffin is nothing more than an organ.

“I’ll go down first and explore the way!”

As soon as the words fell, the black glasses had disappeared into the hole. Immediately, Zhang Yichen did not hesitate at all, and jumped into the entrance of the cave.

Later, the remaining few people also followed the climbing rope left by the black glasses into the underground cave.

“Unexpectedly, there is really a hole in this underground.”

Follow the light of the wolf’s eye flashlight.

The place where they are is a circular platform. But beneath the platform is a bottomless abyss. Even the strong penetration of the wolf eye hand electrode. Still can’t see clearly below the platform.

And all around, within the visible range of the flashlight. Looming blue-black rocks. These rocks have a natural shape. There are no traces of artificial engraving.

On closer inspection, it seems that there are also small openings hidden in these stone walls. It was pitch black, and I didn’t know what was in it.

It could be a coffin, or it could be something else.

“Naive, did you smell anything and asked?”

Gu Yue half-sniffed her nose. Wu Tianzhen sniffed hard, and a strong fishy smell came to his face.

This stench is not the smell of decaying carcasses, more like the excrement of some kind of animal. Moreover, this fishy smell is getting stronger and stronger.

“His grandmother’s, this won’t be a cesspool! So smelly! ”

After speaking, Gu Yue half-covered her mouth and nose. As soon as these words came out, the audience in the live broadcast room instantly blossomed.

“The tomb owner builds a dung pit in his tomb, it won’t be that he wants to leave a stench for 10,000 years!”

“Perhaps, what special proclivities does the owner of this tomb have?”

“You have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain!”

“Not good! We seem to be falling! ”

As the stench became stronger and stronger, Wu Tianzhen felt that they seemed to be getting closer and closer to that stink source.

“Don’t panic! This platform should be a lifting mechanism! ”

Black glasses are well-informed. As the platform descends, the bottomless abyss becomes clearer and clearer.

Zhang Yichen shot the flashlight four times, and finally stopped below the ground.

I saw that in the abyss below, it was densely packed with corpses.

Looking at these mountains of corpses, everyone couldn’t help but gasp. This turned out to be a burial ground.

“So this strange smell came from here?”

Now, everyone finally understood the source of that stench. It turned out to be the smell of corpses gathered together and decomposed.

“That’s not right!”

Zhang Yichen frowned.

“Little brother, do you mean the smell of corpse rot?”

Wu Tianzhen forgot to Zhang Yichen.

Zhang Yichen nodded.

“The corpses here are more than a thousand years old. Man-eating lizard in a bronze coffin. It’s a man-eating lizard! ”

Wu Tianzhen’s words made everyone immediately alert.

“What’s more, how many man-eating lizards do you have to emit such a big stench.”

“Little brother, in those holes?”

Wu Tianzhen hadn’t finished speaking, and in the darkness, a pair of scarlet eyes were revealed.

For a while, everyone only felt that their back was standing cold. Everyone’s face was terrified.

The further down they went, the more everyone felt a strong yin qi. Descending along the platform, everyone’s vision became clearer and clearer.

The mountains of corpses were densely crawling with man-eating lizards. These lizards are eating the carrion of these corpses.

The number of these lizards is not to say hundreds or thousands. Boom!

The platform has landed firmly on the ground.

.. With the falling sound of the platform.

These man-eating lizards raised their heads one after another. The scarlet pupils are more terrifying and eerie in the dark. Looking at the densely packed lizards in front of them, everyone present couldn’t help but shiver.




These lizards grew up from snacking on dead human flesh. The whole body exudes yin qi.

With such a scene, the audience in the live broadcast room was also completely shocked.

“I’ll go, this face! Magnificent! Spectacular! Stirring! ”

“Such a lizard doesn’t look good!”

“It’s over, there are so many lizards, it is estimated that they will not be able to escape!”

“Are you upstairs not taking notes!”

“That is, there is a god of Chen, and I am afraid that it is a hammer lizard!”

Suddenly, the audience in the live broadcast room became bold.

Dr. Wen subconsciously retreated behind Wu Ying.

In this situation, except for him, everyone had a strong fighting power. Combat-ready.

“Xiao Zhang, let’s find out the mouth quickly! These lizards are afraid that they are difficult to deal with! ”

“Naive, it’s up to you!”

While speaking, Gu Yueban handed Wu Tianzhen a kettle.

“Fatty, what the hell are you doing?”

“These man-eating lizards have extremely heavy yin qi. If you want to be restrained, you must be restrained with extreme yang things. ”

“Naive, your boy urine is an extremely yang thing!”

“Fatty, your uncle’s! Net! ”

These lizards suddenly began to go crazy and began to attack them.

The lizard in front of him had scarlet eyes wide and wide. Showing his teeth like jagged teeth, he frantically pounced.

It’s too late, it’s fast!


A gunshot rang out.

The hot bullet instantly penetrated the man-eating lizard’s skull. Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of gunfire in the cemetery.

The lizards pierced by bullets were instantly eaten madly by other lizards, and some lizards were also dragged into the dark hole.


“This lizard is really ruthless, and it eats it along with the class!”

“Eating dead human flesh every day, sometimes you have to change the taste.”

As more and more lizards are hacked and killed by them.

The remaining lizards also stopped attacking them. Start a frenzied rush to eat.

“Fatty, hurry up and find out!”


The black glasses, like night vision, quickly found a way. However, the Yong Road is not narrow and can accommodate two people walking side by side.

There are not only traces of heavy objects often rubbing in the tunnel. There are also stains of blood.

“How can there be so much blood?”

Wu Tianzhen immediately became cautious when he saw these blood stains.

“What’s there to guess about. It must be those lizards killing each other! Cannibalism left! ”

“Be careful!”

Zhang Yichen had already drawn the Black Gold Ancient Knife.

Gu Yue raised his gun halfway, pointed straight ahead, and walked side by side with Zhang Yichen. Wu Tianzhen and Dr. Wen walked in the middle.

After the black glasses and Wu Ying were broken, they held a gun in their hands. Move fast.

Follow the Yong Road. There was a dark red blood stain on the ground. The pool of blood was huge.

Not far from the pool of blood, there were still drops of blood. Shocking!

The crowd immediately quickened their pace. The end of the gun in his hand was tight.

The place where the blood stains disappeared turned out to be an upward hole. The entrance of the cave is about five meters from the ground.

This hole does not seem to be formed naturally. It seems to have been excavated by brute force. The diameter of the cave entrance is more than three meters.

“Time is running out! We have to get out quickly! ”

The black glasses bit the wolf-eye flashlight in his mouth, his body jumped, stepped on Gu Yueban’s shoulder, jumped, and quickly got into the hole.

“Black glasses have such skills!”

Wu Tianzhen couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Could it be that he hid in front of you before?”

Gu Yue glanced at Wu Tianzhen meaningfully. Soon, the light of the wolf-eye flashlight came down from the mouth of the cave.

Then a rope hung down!

Seeing this, Zhang Yichen used Gu Yueban’s shoulder and disappeared into the darkness with a flying body.

“Little brother, can you say hello next time!”

“You are bold, dare to advise the little brother!”

“I just wanted him to change his shoulders! Both of them stepped on one shoulder, they couldn’t stand it! ”

The originally tense and depressing atmosphere was instantly destroyed by Gu Yueban’s words.

“Black glasses on dog days, dare to step on the shoulders of the fat master!”

Gu Yue reacted in an instant, and quickly climbed up along the rope.

As soon as he climbed up, Gu Yueban’s collar was grabbed by a force, and he jerked back. The fat body smashed heavily into the hard wall.

Gu Yue just wanted to scold.


The sound of black glasses came from behind.

In addition to the sound of black glasses, there is also the sound of animals gasping in the dark. In this quiet darkness, this sound is particularly clear.

This gasping sound is as thick as the wheezing of an ox.

Along with this gasping sound, there was also a strong fishy smell. At this time, the beam of a flashlight hit it.

This is a big cave.

In the corner of the cave, lies the Seonli monster they encountered on the oasis. The Seonli monster is still asleep.

The mouth was covered in blood and minced meat.

There are still some unfinished lizard carcasses left next to it.

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