Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 14: To touch the Tai Sui is to seek death

The fishing boat finally headed towards the undersea tomb, and the remaining four days of the voyage went very smoothly.

We didn't encounter any unexpected situations along the way.

It's just that Fatty and Wuxie are secretly watching every day, trying to find clues from Baldy Li.

But after four days of observation, this guy showed no abnormal behavior.

This old fox hides really deep.

Ji Changsheng didn't pay attention to this at all. What he cared about was the treasures in the undersea tomb.

Four days later in the morning, the fishing boat finally arrived at the water.

The boat boss pointed to a reef in the distance.

"That's the place you're looking for. It's all a reef. You don't know what you're looking for."

The fat man smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Uncle, please just wait for us here. Don't ask anything else."

The boss of the ship has rich experience. He has already guessed that these people are not a scientific expedition team, but he does not want to wade into muddy waters, so of course he will not talk too much.

"Remember, the tide will rise tomorrow morning. You must come back before the tide rises."

"Your boat is small and may be in danger at high tide."

"Yeah, remember."

The group put on their diving suits, moved the equipment to two small boats, and spent half an hour getting ready.

Just as he was about to set off, Baldy Li suddenly made a suggestion.

"Wait a minute, I forgot something."

After saying that, he climbed back onto the fishing boat along the rope.

The fat man immediately expressed his dissatisfaction.

"It takes a lot of time for lazy people to do a lot of work!"

Bald Li was a little embarrassed.

"It's my fault, I forgot to get the tool kit. You go first, I'll be right back."

The younger brother and Aning looked at each other.

This guy can't do anything, right?

But then he thought about it, this was a vast sea, and he couldn't do anything.

Just stay alert.

Ji Changsheng had already seen it, and just smiled coldly.

The rubber dinghy carried five people towards the rocks, just a few hundred meters away.

Suddenly, there was an earth-shaking loud noise from the fishing boat in the distance.

Everyone quickly looked back.

I saw a cloud of fire overturning the roof of the ship and rushing into the sky dozens of meters high.

The violent explosion instantly tore the hull apart, and the fragments flew hundreds of meters.

In an instant.

The fishing boat quickly sank to the bottom of the sea.

With such a violent explosion, the ship boss and his family must be dead.

"Damn, what's going on!"

"It's over, we can't go back!"

"What should I do, Mr. Ji?"

Both Audio-Technica and Aning were stunned and completely at a loss.

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly. He knew Baldy Li would definitely be up to something, but he didn't expect to be so ruthless that he actually killed the ship boss and his family.

A fierce murderous aura flashed in his eyes, and he pointed at the rocks in the distance.

"You go there first and wait for me, I will come later."

After saying that, he plunged into the sea.

The fat man was stunned for a few seconds and then suddenly came to his senses.

"Mr. Ji doesn't seem to be wearing a diving suit!"

The younger brother was relatively calm and waved his hand.

"Mr. Ji does things in a measured way. Let's listen to him and wait over there first."

Ji Changsheng activated the water-repelling technique, dived into the seabed, and quickly swam in the direction of the fishing boat.

For ordinary people, even with lighting equipment, visibility under water is very low, and they can only see up to twenty meters away.

But with the blessing of the full-level water repelling technique, Ji Changsheng is not affected by anything under the water. Just like on land, he can see thousands of meters away!

Soon he found Baldy Li near the fishing boat.

But the proud Li Baldy had no idea that death was coming towards him!

"Haha, if I blow up your ship, how will you get back?"

"Either die in an undersea tomb or die at sea!"

"Hmph, no one else is allowed to interfere with what our Li family likes!"

His companions had already gone to the Undersea Tomb earlier, and all that was left was to meet up with their companions. All the treasures in the Undersea Tomb belonged to them!

Li Baldy was making his own wishful thinking, with a proud smile on his lips.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front, blocking the way.

"Hey, Baldy Li, where are you going?"

The clear voice reached his ears, and Baldy Li couldn't help but trembled, showing an incredible expression!

This is tens of meters deep on the seabed. How is it possible to hear people talking? !

Could it be that he was hallucinating?

He wiped his goggles and looked again.

A person's face was almost on his nose, it was Ji Changsheng!

"Let me go, are you a human or a monster?!"

Li Baldy was so frightened that he stretched out his hand to draw the knife.

As a result, there was a sharp pain in my wrist, and my right hand was violently twisted!

"I'm saying hello to you, and you're going to draw your sword? There's no such thing as tutoring!"

Li Baldy endured the severe pain and fear and struggled hard.

Ji Changsheng smiled coldly, stretched out his hand and twisted off Baldy Li's oxygen tube.

"You blew up my ship and killed my people. Are you still planning to leave alive?"

Seawater quickly poured into Baldy Li's mouth and nose, and he hurriedly swam toward the sea in panic.

Ji Changsheng pulled him down.

"You killed the innocent ship boss and his family, then just stay at the bottom of the sea and be their companions."

Bald Li tried his best, but couldn't break free.

Soon, his face turned red from holding back, and he waved his hands around, as if begging for mercy or threatening.

Ji Changsheng was unmoved, his face as cold as ice.

"If you want to beg for mercy, just go and talk to the ship boss and his family."

"If you want to threaten me with Lao Jiumen, then I might as well tell you who comes and who dies!"

The remaining oxygen was quickly exhausted, and Li Baldy's consciousness gradually began to blur.

In his final moments, all he could think about was fear.

Being able to move freely and talk on the bottom of the sea, is this a human or a monster? ?

If it were a human being, this person's terrifying strength would be unheard of!

I'm afraid that the entire Laojiu Sect will die in his hands!

"We made a mistake, we provoked the person we shouldn't have provoked!"

"Ancestor, please don't avenge me!"

"Otherwise, Lao Li's family will... be in ruins!"

This was Baldy Li's last thought before he died, but no matter how much he regretted it, it was already too late.

A few minutes later, Baldy Li turned into a corpse and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Ji Changsheng finally surfaced and swam towards the rocks in the distance.

Soon we caught up with the rubber dinghy.

The fat man quickly asked: "Mr. Ji, what did you do just now? You didn't come up for a long time. I was really worried."

Ji Changsheng smiled and patted his shoulder and replied.

"Going to see Li Baldy."

The fat man couldn't help but be stunned.

"Ah? Is he still alive? Where is he?"

Ji Changsheng pointed at the bottom of the sea.

"Feed the fish."

These two simple words made me and Aning stay on the spot.

If Bald Li had not died in the explosion just now, there is no doubt that he was the murderer who bombed the ship!

Although he died unjustly, he was still a member of the Laojiu Sect.

Kill when you say it, no hesitation!

This man's methods are too domineering!

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