Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 147 It has already affected me

When the convoy arrived at the Tamutuo mining area, it was already past eight o'clock and night had already fallen.

The empty abandoned mining area was deserted except for them, and it seemed particularly cold and lonely.

There was only the whistling cold wind in the night sky, and there was no sign of life at all.

The fat man wrapped his jacket tightly and couldn't help but say.

"This damn place can roast people during the day, and it's freezing cold at night. The temperature difference is too big."

Wu Xie couldn't help laughing.

"It's still good here. I heard that if you go further west, the temperature difference between day and night can reach 60 degrees!"

The fat man stuck out his tongue.

"Forget it, let's go and find a sanatorium separately."

Tamutuo is a large mining area, including oil mines, dormitory areas, and logistics support areas. It is almost a small city.

After being abandoned, there are no street lights here. It's dark and difficult to find a sanatorium.

Ji Changsheng said no, and jumped onto an abandoned power tower.

At the top of the tower several dozen meters high, with his superhuman vision, he could clearly overlook the entire mining area.

He opened his eyes wide and searched for the location of the sanatorium in the dark.

At this time, a light suddenly lit up in the distance!

But it only flickered for less than a second and then went out.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but be a little confused.

The power here has been cut off for a long time, where does the light come from?

But his eyesight will not be wrong, it is definitely a lamp!

If it is not an electric light, it can only be a powerful flashlight!

Could another group of people have entered here?

Ji Changsheng immediately said to the people below.

"Brother, there are people here, you guys be careful, I'll go over and take a look!"

After saying that, he jumped down from the high tower, flew through the air, glided hundreds of meters in the air, and landed on an abandoned factory building.

Ji Changsheng ran away, his figure turned into a meteor, shuttled freely on the roof, like a big bird soaring at low altitude!

The place where the light was seen just now was about 300 meters away.

With his speed, he arrived at the scene in an instant.

But he saw that this was an abandoned dormitory area, with more than a dozen dilapidated dormitory buildings standing in the night, and there was silence all around.

Ji Changsheng looked around and found no movement, so he jumped onto the tallest building immediately.

Looking down at the surroundings, he saw an off-road vehicle not far away!

This is a barren desert, and there must be transportation to get here.

He jumped down from the roof and arrived in front of the off-road vehicle in an instant.

This is a black car, and it has been frosted, so it will not reflect light in the dark.

If Ji Changsheng's eyesight was not a hundred times better than that of ordinary people, he would not be able to see this car at all.

He walked to the front of the car and stretched out his hand to open the door to take a look.

But he stopped in a hurry before touching the door. If he triggered the alarm device, he would alert the snake.

After thinking about it, he immediately disappeared into the darkness and hid in a corner not far away.

His entire action just now was silent. Unless that person has the same superhuman physique as him, he would never find out.

"That guy will definitely come back here."

As for the others, he doesn't have to worry at all with the little brother, the ceiling combat force.

After waiting patiently for more than ten minutes, he really got something!

I saw a figure swaying not far away, and it didn't escape Ji Changsheng's eyes. It was a tall man!

This man was very cautious. He hid in the corner and looked around for a while, then he walked over on tiptoe.

It seemed that he didn't find any hunters hiding in the dark. He walked straight to the car and stretched out his hand to open the door.

Just as he was about to get into the car, a strong hand fell on his shoulder.


A fierce murderous look flashed in the man's eyes, and he stabbed back with a knife.

It must be said that this person is very agile, and his movements are fast and fierce!

Obviously a master who has practiced martial arts!

It's a pity that the opponent he met this time was an expert among experts!

The man's confident knife stabbed in the air!

His face was fierce, and he took out a short knife.

The two knives were waving wildly, and the cold light flashed.

One knife was faster than the other, and the pair of short knives danced flawlessly and fiercely!

With this knife technique, he was already a top master.

But what shocked him was.

The person behind him was like a ghost. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't touch a hair!

After more than a dozen moves, Ji Changsheng finally made a move.

"You still have some skills, kneel down!"

With a shout, the man felt his legs numb and knelt down involuntarily.

He instinctively wanted to stand up, but was horrified to find that his legs had lost consciousness!

Ji Changsheng wanted to see how skilled this person was, so he gave him the opportunity to show his skills.

The result surprised him a little. This person's martial arts was much higher than he expected.

If the young man's fighting power is ten points, this person has at least five points!

In the world of tomb raiders, those who can have half of the young man's fighting power are already a handful of top masters, all of whom are well-known figures!

"What's your name?"

Although the man was shocked by the opponent's strong martial arts, he did not give in easily.

After he heard the opponent's position clearly, his face turned fierce and the short knife in his hand flew out!

With a bang, the short knife fell to the ground as soon as it was thrown.


With a scream, the man's right arm was twisted into a knot!

Ji Changsheng said expressionlessly.

"It's easy for me to kill you."

"If you don't say it, I have a hundred ways to make you speak, but you will definitely regret it!"

The man was sweating profusely with pain, and veins on his forehead bulged.

But his bravery and determination were beyond Ji Changsheng's imagination. After knowing that he had no chance of turning the tables, he did one thing without hesitation.

Biting the tongue to commit suicide!

Biting the tongue will not kill you, even if you bleed a lot, because there are no large blood vessels on the tongue.

But if there is poison in the mouth, the result will be different.

The man twitched violently, foamed at the mouth, and fell to the ground.

In less than ten seconds, he died!

Ji Changsheng's expression changed. He was careless.

He went forward to check it out. It was highly toxic cyanide!

This thing is so toxic that it can kill an adult in ten seconds!

Obviously, this is a fearless warrior!

Warriors are not uncommon, but warriors with such high martial arts are rare.

To train such a master, you need strong strength and at least ten years!

As a result, this man died without hesitation.

It can be seen that the power behind this man must be extremely powerful, and there are far more than one or two masters like him.

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly. In the world of tomb robbers, which organization has such strong strength?

The Old Nine Gates?

The Wang family?

Or "it"? !

The most important thing is that this organization has gone ahead of Ji Changsheng and affected his next plan. He can no longer ignore it!

"Since you are eager to die, you can't blame me!"

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