Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 155: Death Warning, Cockscomb Snake

Since it was getting late, the convoy could only stay in the ruins for the night.

The village has been abandoned, and the wells cannot produce water, but there are still some low mud houses left.

Although these small houses are simple, they are most suitable for the desert environment and are a hundred times better than tents.

Because there is no vegetation cover in the desert, the sand absorbs heat quickly and releases heat quickly. It is extremely hot during the day and extremely cold at night. The temperature difference between day and night is huge.

This kind of earthen house can be insulated during the day and kept warm at night. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the local people who have lived here for thousands of years.

People were cooking food and chatting in abandoned houses to pass the time.

Ji Changsheng calmly called out Iron Triangle and Aning, and then spoke after walking far away.

"This village is not that simple. Unusual things have happened here!"

The fat man blinked his eyes and said.

"But I didn't find anything unusual. How did you see it?"

Ji Changsheng pointed to the well in the distance and said.

“Wells do not run dry, but they are filled.”

"There are still a lot of livestock bones left here, and the bones are black!"

The fat man was stunned.

"Black? Burnt?"

Ji Changsheng nodded, then shook his head.

"Not only were they burned, but these livestock were poisoned!"

The fat man opened his mouth wide and realized something was wrong.

"How could he be poisoned to death? Was it someone who poisoned him?"

Wuxie was the first to deny his statement.

"These livestock are important property of local people. How could they be poisoned? If outsiders wanted to steal them, they wouldn't poison them."

The little brother's eyes flashed and he immediately thought of the reason.

"The well water is poisonous!"

Some kind of toxin may have appeared in the well water, which poisoned the livestock. The locals then buried the wells and moved their families away.

This is a very reasonable guess!

But here comes the question, how come highly toxic substances appear in well water?

First of all, it can be ruled out that the locals themselves did it. They had no reason to do it. If it was done by outsiders, what was the purpose?

An Ning's expression changed and he said.

"Did someone find something important here but didn't want to alarm other people, so they used this method to drive away the locals!"

Ji Changsheng thought for a while and said.

"What you said is not impossible. If you want to know the reason, it is also very simple."

"Go and see what's in the well."

After that, he led everyone to the well. The well is the most important thing in the desert, more important than anything else.

Wells will not be filled unless there is a special reason.

The fat man stepped forward and looked at the filled well, and couldn't help but frown.

"If we use engineering shovels to dig, this is a big project. Even if we mobilize everyone to dig together, we will have to dig until dawn."

Ji Changsheng smiled slightly and said.

“We don’t have to do this kind of rough work ourselves.”

Everyone else was stunned. If they didn't take action, then who would dig it?

Special skill: Mind copy activated!

One second later.

I saw several round guys appearing out of thin air on the ground in front of Ji Changsheng.


This is the first time he has used this skill in actual combat, and it is very useful.

Several fat and strong pangolins started working together after receiving the order.

This thing is indeed a natural digger, and its efficiency is much higher than that of the engineer shovel.

I saw earth and rocks flying all over the sky. In less than half an hour, the well was dug!

Ji Changsheng put them into the divine space with satisfaction. They may be used in the future.

Looking down, it was exactly what he expected.

The well is not exhausted, and there is still a pool of clear water at the bottom.

The fat man had already found a roll of rope and a bucket.

A bucket of water was quickly brought up.

The little brother took out a silver needle and tested it in the water. The silver needle did not turn black.

"Is there no poison in the water?"

This is beyond entertainment. If there is no poison in the water, why should this well be filled in?

The fat man thought for a while and clapped his hands.

"I understand, it's been too long, and the toxins in the water have long been diluted!"

This could be regarded as a reason, but Ji Changsheng shook his head.

He stared down at the well, his eyes flickering slightly.

"I understand, it's not that the water is poisonous, there's something in the water!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, what else could be in this well?

Ji Changsheng did not explain, but took action directly.

Artifact: Black Water Demon Ling is activated!

The nine-foot demon silk plunged into the well. This was a water-attribute artifact. After entering the water, it quickly transformed into a black dragon.

The black dragon plunged into the water and disappeared.

Although this black dragon was transformed by Yao Ling and was not a real dragon, it was an artifact after all, and the bottom of the water was its home field. Ji Changsheng was not worried at all.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, there was a splash of water at the bottom of the well.

"Get out of the way!"

Everyone hurriedly got out of the way and saw the black dragon emerging from the water, rising into the air, and rushing out of the well mouth.

The black dragon twisted its waist in the air, changed back to its original shape, and landed in front of Ji Changsheng.

People looked down and saw that Yao Ling was tightly entangled with something. The thing was struggling desperately but could not get rid of it.

When Wu Xie clearly saw the true face of this thing, his pupils shrank suddenly and the hair on his body stood up.

blurted out, exclaiming.

"Pheasant neck!"

What was entangled by the demon silk was a snake, about one meter long, with a strange bright red color all over its body.

The weirdest thing is that there is a bright cockscomb on the head of this snake!

Cockscomb snake!

It is said to be the most poisonous snake in the world. Other snakes will retreat when they see it. It is known as the king of snakes!

Ji Changsheng was also slightly stunned when he saw this thing.

They should have seen this thing in the Snake Swamp Ghost Town, and in the original book, Aning was bitten to death by this kind of snake!

Why did this snake appear in this well?

Just when he was puzzled, Aning came forward curiously to watch, and couldn't help but sigh in amazement.

"Why does this snake look weird?"

I saw that the cockscomb snake suddenly straightened its body, and its bent body turned into a straight pole, and its body stood up all of a sudden!

When the snake stood up, it was one meter high. Aning was just bending over, and his head was facing the snake's head.

One person and one snake, less than a foot away, stared at each other in the air.

Aning suddenly felt a chill all over her body, a breath of death came over her, her breath was choked, and her mind went blank.

This feeling is the feeling of dying!

Only people facing death will feel this most primitive emotion, and it is also a warning from the body's instinct.


Aning is not a timid person. She has experienced countless storms and waves, and has a strong psychological quality.

But at this moment, for some reason, her whole body froze, as if some kind of power bound her in the dark!

Her beautiful face turned pale in an instant.

In this flash, the cockscomb snake moved!

The cockscomb snake turned into a red light and shot towards Aning's snow-white neck!

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