Wu Xie looked at Wu Sanxing beside him and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

It was different from the last time they met in Yunding Palace.

Last time, he could clearly feel that the person who claimed to be Wu Sanxing was not his third uncle, and he instinctively had some resistance and fear.

But this time, he knew clearly that this person was not his third uncle, and Wu Sanxing himself admitted it.

But Wu Xie did not have the uneasiness and disgust of last time, and even felt a little kind.

This feeling was very familiar, just like the third uncle who held his hand and took him to the amusement park before, kind and benevolent.

How could this be?

Intuitively, he could not feel that this third uncle was fake, but he was obviously fake!

At this time, the fat man in the distance shouted loudly.

"Mr. Ji, the meal is ready, let's eat!"

The four of them immediately calmed down their emotions, stopped talking about "it", and pretended that nothing had happened.

While eating, Wu Sanxing told them that he had found the way to the ghost town, rested for a night, and took them to Huanglong tomorrow!

When everyone heard this, they were overjoyed.

Ji Changsheng had known all this for a long time and didn't take it to heart.

Wuxie asked him how he knew the way to the ghost town?

Wu Sansheng laughed and answered with some pride.

"You kid still need to learn more from Uncle San. Dragon hunting is my specialty."

He didn't reveal the specific content, but he told Wuxie a piece of information that the method to find the ghost town was found by the real Uncle San and him together.

Wuxie didn't ask any more questions. At the same time, he was thinking that he would find another opportunity to ask where the real Uncle San went.

Fatty remembered something and his face changed.

"By the way, Mr. Ji said that the ghost town is the nest of those snakes!"

"Mr. Ji, is this true?"

When everyone thought of the terrible cockscomb snake and the queen who didn't show up, their faces changed.

Ji Changsheng laughed.

"Of course it's true. I don't need to scare you on purpose."

Damn, even if it wasn't intentional, it scared us, okay!

The fat man said with a bitter face.

"Then how do we get in? We don't have your means."

How many more crested snakes will there be in the nest? They don't even dare to think about it!

Ji Changsheng patted his shoulder and said.

"As long as you stay with me and don't run around, you'll be fine."

The little brother also nodded.

"If you are bitten by a snake, I will help you get rid of it."

The fat man almost jumped up when he heard it.

"Little brother, is there anyone who comforts people like you?"

"I'm still young and don't want to get rid of it yet!"

Everyone laughed. They are all heroes in the world. Since they dared to come to this place, they have already put life and death aside.

Although the snake nest is dangerous, they will not retreat easily.

After dinner, everyone was divided into three shifts to take turns to keep watch, and the others went into the tent to rest.

Ji Changsheng learned from the last lesson. This time, he sprinkled snake medicine around the camp and set up a circle of alarms to do enough defense.

This is the nest of the crested snake, and we must not take it lightly.

Aning, Jack, Black Glasses, and Ji Changsheng were on duty in the first shift.

After the others fell asleep, the camp became quiet.

Usually, there was a pair of live treasures, Fatty and Wuxie, who were very lively and joked.

Without these two guys who made the atmosphere, the scene became very deserted.

The four night watchmen were not talkative. They stared at each other and had nothing to say.

Ji Changsheng didn't care at all. He closed his eyes and rested his mind, listening to all directions.

Two hours passed like this, and it was late at night.

Ji Changsheng suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"Something is wrong here!"

The other three immediately became alert and took out their weapons.

"Did you find anything?"

Ji Changsheng glanced around and answered.

"It's too quiet here."

"In two hours, there was not even a sound of an insect within a radius of 200 meters!"

This is a dense primeval forest. Logically, there should be many animals here.

But for more than two hours, the surroundings were dead silent and lifeless. This phenomenon is very abnormal!

After thinking about it, Jack's expression changed and said.

"Could it be that there is miasma here?!"

Miasma is the gas emitted by the accumulation of plants and animals after decay. After a long time, it will produce poisonous gas.

Many deep mountains and swamps are full of miasma. It is not surprising to have miasma in such a dense primeval forest.

Ji Changsheng shook his head.


His sense of smell is more than a hundred times better than that of ordinary people. If there is poisonous gas, he would have known it long ago.

Then he said.

"Not only is there no miasma, but there is no smell at all. Smell it carefully!"

The three of them just breathed a sigh of relief, and when they heard this, they were stunned again.

Jack quickly ran around the camp, lay on the ground, and sniffed carefully like a hound.

"There is really no smell!"

"The soil, leaves, there is no smell at all, it's really strange!"

Although the smell of soil and leaves is not strong, they have their own unique smell.

There is no smell at all, this is abnormal!

After smelling it, Aning also showed a surprised expression.

"It's like this place has been carefully cleaned and all the smells have been wiped away!"

"If it was in a sealed laboratory, it would be understandable, but this is a forest!"

How could someone do such a thing in the forest?

Moreover, even if someone did it, it would leave traces, but no traces were found around!

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly, and was also very puzzled.

"How could this happen? Is our nose out of order?"

After thinking about it, he took out the wine bottle and smelled it.

A strong aroma of wine came to his nose, and the sense of smell was not out of order.

If it was a sense of smell failure, it would be a reasonable explanation.

But the sense of smell did not fail, and things seemed even more weird!

At this moment, Ji Changsheng's eyes suddenly moved and waved his hand.

"Be quiet, listen!"

Tap, tap, tap.

There was a slight sound not far away, which sounded like dripping water.

The sound was very small, and if it was normal, no one would notice it at all.

But tonight the surroundings were too quiet, and this subtle sound could be heard clearly.

Aning reached out to explore.

"It's not raining, why is there water dripping?"

Ji Changsheng wanted to check the situation, but when he thought of the last time he fell into the trap of the cock-crowned snake, he gave up the idea.

This is a primitive jungle full of dangers, more dangerous than the desert, and he didn't want to make any mistakes again.

"Everyone sit down, don't worry about it."

So people sat down again and pretended not to hear it.

But a minute later, a terrifying scene appeared!

For some reason, the surroundings suddenly turned pitch black!

It was so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of you!

Ji Changsheng was finally a little surprised.

He clearly remembered that the bonfire was one meter in front of them and it was not extinguished!

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