Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 219: Jade Clothes with Golden Threads

When Chen Wenjin said the three words "alchemy room", people finally realized it.

Those strange bronze vessels were used for alchemy!

Alchemy equipment is rare, no wonder people can't remember it for a while.

Together with the star plates next to it, this thing contains profound astrology and astronomy. In ancient times, only respected astrologers knew how to make it.

These things can only appear in the alchemy room, no one would put them in the tomb.

Even if they would, they wouldn't put so many.

The most important thing is that there are no coffins and burial objects here.

After the fat man looked at it, he frowned.

"Mr. Ji said that all the treasures found here belong to me."

"It's not easy to get such an opportunity, I can't go back empty-handed!"

As he said, he walked to the bronze vessels and pulled out the dagger.

"Since it's an alchemy room, there must be elixirs!"

"Take these things back, maybe you can sell them for a lot of money, this is an elixir from more than 3,000 years ago!"

After saying that, he was about to start.

Chen Wenjin hurried forward to stop him.

"Don't move! These things can't be touched!"

The fat man said helplessly.

"Ms. Wenjin, you are not going to learn to be naive, are you, and take a criminal law class with me."

Chen Wenjin shook her head and said seriously.

"I'm not kidding you, these things are all highly poisonous, and you will be in big trouble if you touch them!"

The fat man was frightened, and then he was a little unconvinced.

"What highly poisonous? It's the same as the curse of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh. It's scary, right?"

Seeing that Chen Wenjin couldn't calm him down, Ji Changsheng spoke up.

"Fatty, do you know what these elixirs are used for?"

The fat man ran over happily and asked.

"The ancient royal family wanted to achieve immortality, so this thing should be worth some money, right?"

Ji Changsheng smiled and said instead of answering.

"Do you know what experiment Wang Zanghai and 'it' did?"

The fat man was stunned and answered.

"It's an experiment of immortality."

"What does it have to do with this place?"

Ji Changsheng pointed around.

"The method they used to do the experiment came from this place!"

As soon as he said this, the fat man's face turned pale with fear.

That kind of terrible experiment can turn people into monsters, which is not a joke!

"Mr. Ji, is it true?"

"Don't scare me!"

Ji Changsheng walked to the bronze ware, picked up a pill, crushed it and threw it on the ground.

Inside the pill was a dead red corpse-eating king!

This is the true face of the pill, a corpse-eating pill made from the corpse-eating king!

This cruel experiment is to make people take the corpse-eating pill. It is unknown what the principle is, maybe it is a genetic mutation or something like that.

In short, everyone's genes are different, and the reaction after taking the corpse-eating pill is also different.

People with weak constitutions will be poisoned to death on the spot!

People with slightly stronger constitutions may be able to withstand the poison and not die, but their genes will undergo a violent corpse transformation, and they will soon become monsters like blood corpses!

Even people with strong resistance can only delay the process of corpse transformation, such as Chen Wenjin.

When you become Chen Wenjin's state, you can get an immortal body, and the remaining problem to be solved is the corpse transformation.

So the Queen Mother of the West invented the method of making a golden jade suit with jade to prevent corpse transformation and make people never old!

When Ji Changsheng finished saying this, everyone suddenly realized it.

It turned out that this was the longevity technique invented by the Queen Mother of the West!

It is actually an extremely cruel evil technique!

When Aning and Jack heard it, they all looked at each other in shock.

If it was this weird method, they would not be able to report to Jude Kao.

They didn't want Jude Kao to become a monster!

After hearing this, the fat man was frightened and his face changed, and he quickly retreated several meters.

"Damn, these ghost things are used to harm people!"

"I thought they were really elixirs!"

At this time, Wuxie couldn't help but think of a question and said with a puzzled look.

"Judging from the scale of this alchemy room, the Queen Mother of the West should have made a lot of test subjects."

"If these test subjects don't have the golden jade clothes, they will become monsters."

"But we only encountered those snakes along the way, and didn't encounter a single monster?"

When people heard this, they agreed with his statement and all showed puzzled expressions.

Where did those test subjects go?

Did they all gain immortality and none of them became monsters?

Ji Changsheng laughed and pointed his hand around.

"Isn't it right in front of you!"

When people looked up, they saw dense stone carvings on the steps.

The fat man exclaimed.

"Have they all turned into stone?"

At this time, the young man stepped forward to take a look, and his face changed drastically.

"These are not ordinary stones, they are jade!"

"It is... Jade Clothes with Gold Threads!"

It turns out that these things are not stone sculptures, but jade figurines!

It is just because of their age, they are covered with dust, and the light is dark, so they look like dark stone sculptures.

When the fat man heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Jade Clothes with Gold Threads? So many!"

"Damn, we're rich!"

"This thing can be sold at a very high price. If I can get a few of them, it will be enough for me to live happily for the rest of my life!"

After saying that, he rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward to move the jade figurines.

But as soon as he started, he found something wrong. He took a closer look and was immediately scared out of his wits.

"Oh my god, there are people inside!"

When people heard this, they came forward to check, and their faces suddenly changed.

There are people in all these thousands of jade figurines!

The people in the jade figurines have existed for more than three thousand years, but they have not rotted into skeletons, but are extremely well preserved.

But their faces are ashen, their expressions are distorted, and they look hideous and terrifying.

The young man immediately looked stern, pulled out the black gold ancient knife, and a cold sweat broke out from his forehead.

"These people should all have turned into corpses!"

As a result of the corpse transformation, women turned into forbidden women, and men turned into blood corpses!

In this way, they have been surrounded by thousands of blood corpses!

They have all seen the horror of blood corpses. Even if the young man's combat power has been improved by a level, he can't be the opponent of thousands of blood corpses!

The fat man hurriedly made a gesture of silence and said with a look of panic.

"Shh, everyone be careful, don't wake them up."

"Let's sneak away quietly, don't shoot."

After saying that, he tiptoed and was about to leave.

At this time, Ji Changsheng walked to a jade figurine, and his eyes lit up.

"If these things are all gold thread jade clothes, then the rejuvenation technique should be upgraded to the maximum level!"

Thinking, he put his hand on the jade figurine.

"Start fusion!"

After a moment.

Thousands of jade figurines all lost their luster and turned into dull stones.

"Ding, the fusion of 3650 gold thread jade clothes is successful!"

"Ding, the skill rejuvenation technique is upgraded from intermediate to advanced!"

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