Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 24 The Most Important Thing

After taking care of the forbidden woman, come out from the undersea tomb.

No more obstacles along the way, smooth flow.

The four of them returned to the sea smoothly and quickly found a ship according to the instructions given by the third son of the Li family.

After everyone got on the boat, the fat man couldn't wait to count the loot.

"I'm getting rich, I'm really getting rich this time!"

"Hahaha, our narrow escape is not in vain. This trip is enough to spend the rest of our lives having fun!"

The younger brother smiled and reminded him.

"If Mr. Ji hadn't been here, we would have been dead."

The fat man was not stupid, he understood what it meant as soon as he heard it.

He quickly ran over and said with a flattering smile.

"Mr. Ji, it's all your credit for returning home with a full load this time."

"Tell me, what should I do with these things?"

Ji Changsheng laughed and patted his shoulder.

"I told you, these are yours, handle them yourself."

The fat man felt a little guilty when he heard what he said.

Does Mr. Ji really don't want such a huge fortune?

Or was there another deeper meaning that he didn't understand?

Ji Changsheng saw the doubts in his heart, so he said again.

"I'm not interested in things outside of myself."

"You just need to remember where these things came from."

The fat man finally came to his senses and nodded quickly.

"Don't worry, I, Fatty, will be your right-hand man from now on. The money from selling these things belongs to you, I just keep them for you."

"Whenever you want to use it, just give me a look."

Ji Changsheng smiled slightly. This fat man was not that stupid. If he dared to steal these things, he might die without knowing why.

Wuxie couldn't help but joke.

"You dare to call yourself your right-hand man? You are just an errand boy!"

The fat man was not convinced and immediately retorted.

"I'm not, are you? How are you better than me?"

Wuxie waved his hand.

"I'm not as thick-skinned as you, neither am I."

The fat man was stunned.

"Then who is?"

Wu Xie pointed his finger.

"Brother and Miss Aning, they are the ones who are qualified!"

To become Ji Changsheng's arm, he must be at least at the level of little brother to be qualified!

The fat man had nothing to say now and could only shrug.

"Then we are just running errands for Mr. Ji. Even so, I am willing to do it!"

"As long as I can follow Mr. Ji, I will do anything in my life, no matter what!"

His original intention was probably to follow those treasures.

The others didn't expose him, they just burst into laughter.

At this time, Ji Changsheng suddenly asked.

"Tianzhen, where has your third uncle gone?"

This issue was not revealed at all in the original work, and Wu Sansheng has been a mystery since his disappearance.

Ji Changsheng has no interest in solving puzzles at all, but he cares about one thing.

Twenty years ago, Wu San Province stole the snake-browed copper fish from the undersea tomb!

Wu Xie was stunned and shook his head blankly.

"I don't know either. Although he left some clues, he has no clue at all."

In fact, Ji Changsheng already knew these clues.

But because his arrival has disrupted certain timelines of this world, the development of things may change.

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly.

What he can be sure of is that the three snake-browed copper fish have not changed.

The one from King Lu's palace is already in his hand, Wu Sansheng has one in his hand, and the other one is in Chen Pi'asi's hand.

In addition, there are fragments of silk books from the Warring States Period.

"These things all hide interesting secrets, I must find them!"

How could Wuxie know what he was thinking and asked cautiously.

"Mr. Ji, do you have anything to do with my third uncle?"

Ji Changsheng nodded.

"There's something going on, but don't worry about him for now. There's a more important thing to do first."

Wuxie hasn't reacted yet.

"What happened?"

Ji Changsheng's eyes flashed with fierce murderous intent. He did not answer him, but looked at his younger brother.

"Brother, after returning to the shore, notify the Li family as soon as possible!"

The little brother's body was slightly shaken.

He knew that the Li family was doomed!


The others looked at each other, but did not dare to interrupt.

After spending this time together, they understood one thing.

Everything is decided by Ji Changsheng.

No one can stop it!

Anyone who blocks the way will die!

At this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew from the distant sea.

The fat man couldn't help but shiver.

"What the hell is the weather like? It's still August, why is it so cold?"

Wu Xie's expression changed, and he reached out and pointed in the distance.

"It's a storm! Hurry, sail the boat!"

The little brother rushed into the cockpit and started the engine.

"Wait a moment."

Ji Changsheng looked at the dark clouds floating in the sky and the rolling waves in the distance, and seemed to sense something.

A flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand and pointed toward the distant waves.

"Go there!"

Everyone was shocked.

Aning said quickly.

"Mr. Ji, that's where the storm is coming from. It's very dangerous over there!"

Ji Changsheng smiled coldly.

"Of course I know!"

Aning couldn't help but take a step back and no longer dared to say anything to stop him.

The little brother hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and drove the boat towards the center of the storm.

As the wind and waves grew stronger, others quickly hid in the cabin.

Ji Changsheng stood alone at the bow, looking down at the sea with expectation.

"You dared to come to me, I almost forgot about you!"

As he spoke, a huge black shadow appeared under the sea and passed by the boat.

This thing is actually longer than the boat!


A deep voice penetrated the storm and reached everyone's ears.

Such a familiar voice!

After a few seconds, the fat man was the first to react.

"It's... it's that dragon!"

The dragon that appeared near the underwater tomb!

Wuxie was immediately scared out of his wits.

"It's over, this ship may not be able to stop that thing, we may have to feed the fish today!"

Although Aning was also scared, she was calmer than them.

"Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Ji is here, it's okay."

The fat man and Wuxie looked at each other, and then they remembered.

When the dragon first appeared, it was chased around by Ji Changsheng.

Obviously, that thing is very afraid of Mr. Ji!

But problems also followed.

This thing fled last time, why did it dare to come to the door today?

Not only them, Ji Changsheng also had the same question.

"Could it be that in this stormy weather, the strength of this dragon has increased?"

At this time, a huge wave suddenly rose on the sea, which was dozens of meters high!

The huge wave came towards the bow.

Under the thunder and lightning, it could be vaguely seen.

There was a huge black shadow in the waves!


The roar of the dragon resounded through the sky.

Under the dragon's might, the people in the cabin trembled with fear.

Ji Changsheng laughed excitedly.

"Little snake, don't think about running away this time!"

"It's just right for me to try the newly upgraded stuff!"

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