The weirdo's words attracted everyone's attention.

People entered the house one after another and surrounded the weirdo on the ground.

The younger brother took a step forward and asked.

"Have you been to the Zhang Family Ancient Building?"

The weirdo glanced at the crowd fiercely, and suddenly saw Lord Zhang among the crowd, and his whole body couldn't help but trembled.

"Zhang Qishan, did you bring these people?"

He actually knew Zhang Dafo and called him by his first name, which made people even more curious about his identity.

Lord Zhang, however, frowned and showed an expression of disgust.

"You, a person who should have died long ago, have no right to talk to me!"

After saying that, he drew his gun and shot.

But the little brother stopped him from shooting with a sharp look.

"I haven't finished asking yet."

Only then did Lord Zhang retract his gun, sighed, and stepped aside.

The little brother looked at the weirdo and asked again.

"Who are you? Have you ever been to the Zhang Family Ancient Building?"

When the weirdo saw that the little brother actually shouted back Zhang Dafo, he immediately understood what he was talking about and grinned with a terrifying smile.

"I understand, you are another Zhang Qiling he found, right?"

When the younger brother heard this, he looked puzzled.

"Are there other Zhang Qilings besides me?"

The weirdo said with a weird smile.

"Of course, I am!"

The younger brother was even more puzzled and looked at Lord Zhang with a suspicious expression.

"What the hell is going on?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Lord Zhang had no choice but to sigh and kneel in front of the little brother.

"Master, I'm sorry!"

"Qishan's crime deserves death!"

The younger brother frowned.

"Get up and talk."

However, Lord Zhang did not stand up, but kowtowed several times vigorously, breaking his forehead and causing blood to flow out.

He said in a serious tone.

"I'm sorry, Patriarch, Zhang Qishan has been offended!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two Zhang family members behind him suddenly took action, one from the left and the other from the right.

Other Zhang family members also took out their guns and instantly took control of the Huo family, including Huo Xiangu and Huo Xiuxiu.

The younger brother is a peerless master, and these two people pose no threat to him at all.

He arrived first and slapped them with two palms, causing the two of them to fall to the ground.

When Lord Zhang saw this, he couldn't help but turn pale with fright. He quickly jumped up, drew his gun and put it against Huo Xiangu's forehead.

"Master, when did your martial arts become so powerful?"

In his understanding, although the younger brother's skills are powerful, they are still within the scope of normal people. His two masters suddenly attacked from behind and were almost certain to capture the younger brother.

But the martial arts displayed by the little brother far exceeded imagination!

How did Mr. Zhang Dafo know that after my brother's physique was upgraded, he was no longer an ordinary human being, and his martial arts skills had increased by at least ten times!

The younger brother couldn't help but frown slightly.

"You actually attacked me?"

Zhang Dafoye swallowed his saliva and said helplessly.

"I'm sorry, Patriarch, I was forced to do this out of necessity. Please understand."

The younger brother took a step forward and said coldly.

"Then give me a reasonable explanation!"

Zhang Dafoye trembled with fright and said quickly.

"Master, don't come here, or I'll kill her!"

The younger brother said calmly.

"If you want to kill, just kill."

Zhang Dafoye trembled all over, and then he remembered something.

The head of the Zhang family is a transcendent existence, a god in the world!

Will God show mercy to a mortal?

This trick may be useful against other people, but it is useless against me.

He sighed helplessly and put down the gun.

After Huo Xiangu got out of trouble, she threw her hand and slapped him on the face.

When the younger brother saw this, he immediately said.

"Outsiders have no right to take action against the Zhang family. Why don't you try again?"

Huo Xiangu's face changed with fright, and she hurriedly stepped aside.

This was an internal strife within the Zhang family. As an outsider, she really had no reason to intervene and was happy to watch the fun.

The younger brother walked up to Lord Zhang and said calmly.

"I don't want to ask a third time, what on earth is going on?"

Lord Zhang thought for a while and said.

"Master, let the others go out. I can only talk to you about this matter alone."

The younger brother nodded and motioned for the others to go out.

Only then did the Zhang family let go of the hostages they were holding and all went out.

Huo Xiangu wanted to stay, but she didn't dare to disobey her brother, so she had no choice but to leave.

After everyone left, there were only three of them left in the room.

Lord Zhang then sighed and said.

"Master, I was forced to make a mistake. Please understand."

Then, he talked about the past incident decades ago.

It turns out that things are exactly as Ji Changsheng said, and the tomb robbing incident in Siguniang Mountain is not over yet!

After that incident, although the Laojiu Sect suffered heavy losses and has since ceased, they did obtain the password to enter the Zhang family's ancient building!

But very few people know about this.

After Zhang Dafoye got the password, the next step was to enter the Zhang family ancient building according to the mysterious man's request.

But to enter the ancient building, you not only need a password, but also a condition.

It's the head of the Zhang family - Zhang Qiling!

According to the ancestral precepts left by the Zhang family, only the family leader can open the ancient building.

But at that time, the little brother was wandering around the country, his whereabouts were erratic, and his whereabouts could not be found at all.

In addition, he already suffered from amnesia, and his mind was often not clear, and he might not even know who he was.

In order to find the little brother, Zhang Dafoye adopted the dumbest method, and found all the people named Zhang Qiling in the country!

The Zhang family is a big Chinese family. There are tens of millions of people with the surname Zhang in the country, and there are many people with the same name and surname.

This is a very huge and cumbersome project. Even though the Zhang family has a huge intelligence network, it took more than 20 years to find dozens of candidates who meet the most requirements.

After layers of screening, three people who are most likely to be the little brother were selected.

Zhang Dafoye had never seen the little brother before, and he was not sure who was the real head of the family.

In desperation, he could only let the three Zhang Qiling go to Banai together, which was the archaeological excavation more than 20 years ago.

In name, it was an archaeological excavation, but in fact it was to enter the Zhang family's ancient building!

The operation ended in failure because the three Zhang Qiling were all fake.

In the archaeological team of dozens of people, only a few people came back alive, including Chen Wenjin and Huo Ling.

At this point, Zhang Dafoye lowered his head in shame.

"I know that this action violated the ancestral precepts and committed a capital crime, but I had no choice at that time."

"If we don't do what that person asked, the Zhang family might be in tatters!"

The young man didn't blame him, but asked.

"Who is that mysterious man?"

He was very curious, who has such great power to destroy the entire Zhang family!

Zhang Dafoye thought about it carefully and answered.

"I don't know, I only know that he calls himself 'it'."

The young man's expression moved.

It's "it" again!

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