Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 293 Can you guys be more serious?

Don Juan, an S-class baptizer, has the ability to strengthen the physical body.

He is two meters tall and weighs six hundred kilograms. His physical strength is more than a hundred times that of ordinary people!

Ji Changsheng, with an advanced human physique, is 1.8 meters tall and weighs 78 kilograms.

Under the continuous strengthening of the Hundred Refined Body, the current physical strength is unknown!

These are perhaps the two most physically powerful humans on earth.

There are no fancy moves, just a pure competition of strength!

Who will be better?

When Tang Juan's fist was less than two meters away, Ji Changsheng finally took action.

He took a deep breath and adjusted his body to its optimal state.

Unlike Tang Juan and Xiao Tieyue, Ji Changsheng's body not only did not expand dramatically, but actually shrank.

He immediately lowered his waist.

Punch slowly.

The speed of this punch is not fast, even a little slow.

When Don Juan looked at it, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It was completely different from what he had imagined. What kind of way of exerting force was this?

The arrow is on the string, and he can no longer think too much.

The two iron fists collided in the air.


There was a loud noise that shook the earth.

A huge wave of air spread out in all directions, the ground suddenly cracked open, and a large pit with a diameter of ten meters appeared!

The two of them separated quickly with one blow.

Every time Don Juan took a step back, there would be a deep footprint under his feet. He had to retreat for more than thirty meters before he could barely stabilize his body.

His face was extremely ugly and his forehead was dripping with sweat.

The fist, which was harder than steel, actually shattered!

Ji Changsheng stood facing the wind, with a satisfied smile on his lips.

"not bad."

This was the first time he ever praised his opponent, which showed that the blow just now did not disappoint him.

Don Juan covered his disabled right hand, holding back the severe pain, and said in a deep voice.

"What move did you use?"

"Why is it so strong?"

Ji Changsheng smiled softly and said four words.


Out of respect for his opponent, he talked about his techniques for exerting force.

There are 639 muscles in the human body and 6 billion muscle fibers.

When ordinary people exert force, they can only exert at most 10% of their muscle fiber strength.

Trained athletes can reach 20%.

A master of martial arts can reach 40%.

And Ji Changsheng can reach 90%!

The violent contraction of muscles allows the strength of every muscle fiber to be fully exerted!

This is the difference between him and Don Juan.

Don Juan was a master of martial arts. After thinking for a moment, he understood what the other party said.

The expression on his face became even more exaggerated.


"The human body structure, 40% is the limit, it is impossible to reach 90%!"

Ji Changsheng shrugged and expressed.

"Believe it or not."

In fact, there was one thing he didn't say.

With a body that has been refined a hundred times, his strength will continue to improve without training.

Given time, reaching 100% will not be a dream!

Cold sweat broke out on Don Juan's forehead. Even if he didn't want to believe it, the fact was that he had failed.

And it was a disastrous failure!

This made him suspicious.

This is already his strongest power, but it can't even hurt his opponent's hair.

With such terrifying strength, how could they win?

Could it be that the elder made a mistake? !

Once a person's confidence is shaken, his strength will also decrease.

When he began to doubt himself, he had lost the qualification to continue fighting.

At this time, a black shadow was seen flying towards Ji Changsheng in the distance and quickly arrived in front of Ji Changsheng.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be Xiao Tieyue with a stone in his mouth.

Ji Changsheng grinned and reached out to touch his furry head.

"That's good."

Only then did Xiao Tieyue react, murderous intent suddenly appearing in his eyes.

The extreme anger made him forget about the tragic defeat just now. He violently bit the stone in his mouth and bit into Ji Changsheng's hand.

Ji Changsheng frowned and clenched his fingers into fists.

Punch the dog on the head.


Xiao Tieyue held her head and rolled out more than ten meters away, wailing.

A few seconds later, a big bump appeared on his forehead.

Ji Changsheng said displeased.

"How dare you bite someone? It seems you still deserve a beating!"

Although Xiao Tieyue was extremely angry, he knew that the strength gap between the two sides was too large, so he did not dare to get angry. He just squatted aside in fear and did not dare to say anything.

A black line appeared on Hong Beihai's forehead, and he really couldn't stand it.

"Lao Wu, change back!"

Xiao Tieyue was stunned at first, then realized what was going on, and quickly changed back to human form.

After regaining his sanity, he hated Ji Changsheng with a passion.

"You actually teased me over and over again, you..."

Hong Beihai shouted.

"Shut up!"

"Stop being embarrassed and go take care of Lao Ba."

Xiao Tieyue suffered a big loss and did not dare to contradict her second brother, so she could only go to take care of the injured Don Juan in despair.

Hong Beihai couldn't help but sigh and shook his head helplessly.

"Mr. Ji, I really made you laugh."

"The two of them are not as good as others, so they are willing to be defeated."

Ji Changsheng reached out and patted the dust on his body and said.

"Please, we are at war, not playing house."

"Can you guys be more serious?"

To him, Xiao Tieyue's transformation ability was purely for fun.

Although Don Juan is strong, he cannot yet pose a threat to him.

This is the final battle with the Wang family. Is it going to end so boringly?

Ji Changsheng felt a little bored.

"If you only have this much strength, then I am not in the mood to play with you."

Hong Beihai hurriedly bowed.

"Mr. Ji, this has just begun. I won't let you down."

His words were very polite, and they didn't sound like the two hostile parties on the verge of a fight.

But his words were full of confidence!

As the strongest combat force of the Wang family, one of the three trump cards of the combat team.

Hong Beihai has this confidence. Whether it is martial arts cultivation or the ability obtained by baptism, he is the ceiling-level combat force!

Even if the opponent is an SSS-level monster, he is not afraid.

Not only because of his strong strength, but also because of the words of the elders.

"Don't have too much hope for Lao Wu and Lao Ba, they don't have that fate."

"You are the one who decides the outcome!"

Among the three masters of the combat team, only Hong Beihai is the real trump card!

In Ji Changsheng's eyes, this opponent is not only polite, but also has an indescribable momentum.

Perhaps, this person can bring him a little different fun.

"Then hurry up and don't dawdle."

Hong Beihai laughed and looked up at the completely covered moon.

As if talking to himself.

"The moon is eclipsed by the heavenly dog. Only at this time can I exert my strongest power."

"I don't know how long it has been since the last time. Even I am looking forward to it."

As he said, he looked at Ji Changsheng with a weird expression.

"Mr. Ji, do you know that this year's lunar eclipse is different from usual?"

"We have waited for sixty years for this day!"

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