When Qi Tiezui told people about his plan to cultivate the furnace, people felt a chill in their hearts.

I didn't expect him to be able to do this!

Wuxie's life for more than 30 years has been controlled by people in secret, just like a puppet.

It would be fine if such a life was not exposed. Once it was exposed, Wuxie's spiritual world would suffer an unimaginable blow, and even his worldview would collapse!

The little brother looked at Wuxie and suddenly had a strange feeling.

He and Wuxie are two completely different people. Wuxie's life is clear and has no privacy. He is naked in front of others.

But the little brother's life is confusing. His identity and past are all mysteries.

Compared with Wuxie, who is more pitiful?

Thinking of this, he didn't know how to comfort Wuxie, so he could only pat Wuxie's shoulder gently.

Wuxie seemed to be stronger than people thought, and he quickly stabilized his emotions.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Qi Tiezui looked at him and couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

"It's much stronger than I thought. I didn't realize that."

"Did I miss something?"

He turned his head and looked at Ji Changsheng beside him. He suddenly realized something.

"So that's how it is."

In fact, his plan was not wrong, but he missed one person.

Ji Changsheng!

A few months ago, since this man appeared, Wuxie's planned life trajectory has been rewritten!

From the Palace of King Lu to Xisha, Qinling Mountains, Yunding Palace, and Snake Marsh Ghost City.

All these things that Wuxie experienced along the way have invisibly changed his personality and thoughts.

Ji Changsheng certainly knew that he was the initiator of all this, and he was very calm about it.

"Hey, don't look at me, there is no answer on my face."

"Go on, what will happen if Wuxie is possessed?"

As a furnace tripod that has been cultivated for thirty years, what kind of ability does Wuxie have to change the world?

Finally, the most important part is mentioned.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Qi Tiezui, the mastermind behind the scenes.

Qi Tiezui's answer was unexpected.

"Nothing will happen."

Ji Changsheng frowned and said unhappily.

"Are you kidding me?"

Qi Tiezui waved his hand quickly.

"No, I'm talking about the surface, nothing will happen."

"In fact, the real qualitative change is invisible, at least ordinary people can't see it."

When everyone heard this, they were all confused, and this was as good as saying nothing.

The fat man immediately shouted.

"Old man, you are playing word games with us, right?"

"Are you itchy bones? Fatty, let me massage you?"

After saying that, he rolled up his sleeves and was about to step forward to vent Wuxie's anger.

The little brother stopped him and said.

"It's not too late to wait for him to finish speaking first."

Qi Tiezui's face changed with fear, and he said quickly.

"Don't be in a hurry, listen to my explanation."

"In fact, Wuxie himself has no special abilities, but his position is special."

When these words came out, Ji Changsheng seemed to understand, but the others were still confused.

The fat man blinked and frowned.

"Can you speak something we can understand?"

Qi Tiezui sighed and said.

"It's not difficult to explain, I just hope you can understand."

The position he mentioned does not refer to social status or the direction of east, south, west and north, but to Wuxie's position in the whole world!

Although this world is very large, all things are closely connected, forming a complete system.

It's like a sophisticated machine. All the materials in the world are parts of this machine. As long as one of them is changed, it will cause a series of chain reactions and affect the operation of other parts.

Feng Shui is based on this principle. For simple Feng Shui, just plant a few trees and get a few stones in the right place to change the Feng Shui pattern in an area.

Feng Shui can affect the fate of a dynasty. It can easily open mountains and dig rivers, transform the natural environment, and the amount of engineering work requires the use of national power to complete.

This principle also applies to living creatures. For example, if a group of wolves are placed in a place where there were no wolves, the wolves will occupy the ecological niches of other animals and change the local ecological environment.

Among all things in the world, humans are the most special.

After a long evolution, humans have wisdom and thoughts, which makes humans have subjective initiative that other animals do not have.

The modern society built by human civilization has powerful abilities that other animals cannot match, which leads to humans occupying the most important link in the entire ecological environment and even the system construction of the entire world!

In this sophisticated machine of the world, humans are the most core parts. Changing one of the parts will produce a chain reaction that other parts cannot match!

At this point, Qi Tiezui paused, looked at the reactions of others, and saw that they were still confused, and said again.

"Then let me give you the simplest example. If that poor art student had not been born a hundred years ago, or if his life had been changed by some event, then the subsequent history would have been rewritten accordingly!"

"Even if a major war was unavoidable, there would definitely be a different outcome."

"If this kind of thing really happened, do you think the world would still be like this today!"

That down-and-out art student, the most evil mustache in human history, provoked the largest war in history!

If all this had been rewritten a hundred years ago, the world's giant wheel would have moved in a different direction!

People then realized that this was the butterfly effect that Qi Tiezui had just mentioned!

In some science fiction movies, people always travel back to the past to change the course of history in order to avoid tragedy.

What Qi Tiezui has to do is not to go back to the past to change history, but to change the future today!

There are three key points to completing this grand plan.

The first point is the law of heaven that Qi Tiezui has explored from the parallel world, the second point is the ability obtained from the ultimate, and the third point is to choose a suitable candidate!

And the person who can change the future is Wuxie!

Qi Tiezui let out a long breath and said slowly.

"In fact, even if I don't have the ability to possess someone else's body, I can still achieve it in other ways, just in different ways."

"In short, after countless calculations, at a certain special time point, the person who can change the future is the furnace that I have cultivated for thirty years, Wuxie!"

When people fully understood his plan, they suddenly had a feeling.

Qi Tiezui may be the most ambitious genius in human history!

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