Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 304: Leave the rest to God

Ji Changsheng's intense thinking in his mind only lasted a few seconds in the real world.

When he regained his confidence and looked at the world again, his eyes became even deeper.

Others were still immersed in the questions Qi Tiezui just raised.

Why does ordinary innocence appear in so many parallel worlds and be remembered by people?

Qi Tiezui did not keep people waiting for too long and quickly continued.

"I didn't understand what was going on at first, but then I figured it out."

"The reason why this situation occurs is because of Wuxie's position!"

"No matter how the world develops, his position has not changed, and this is why he will be remembered by everyone."

"It sounds incredible, but the fact is that Wuxie's location is the center of the world!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone showed incredible expressions.

If the world is compared to a circle, then Wuxie is the center of the circle, everyone else is around him, and everything in the world revolves around him.

No matter how the storyline of the world develops, Wu Xie at the center will not change, so he is the most important person in this world!

Qi Tiezui also became excited.

"Although I still don't know why this is the case, but this conclusion is not wrong!"

"Later, I combined the rules of heaven that I figured out and the repeated calculations of Taiyi Divine Calculation to prove my speculation. Wuxie is the person who can change the world!"

Through the results of his tests, he gradually convinced the Wang family to believe his statement, and then he launched his grand plan!

In order for Wuxie to come into this world smoothly, he secretly matched up with Wuxie's parents and planned his life before Wuxie was born, with the purpose of allowing him to grow into a furnace smoothly.

With the huge resources the Wang family has at their disposal, it is not difficult to do these things.

Everything after that happened step by step. Decades later, the Wang family finally ushered in this day!

After listening to this story, people finally had a clear understanding of Qi Tiezui's grand plan.

Everyone else was deeply shocked by Qi Tiezui's statement. Only Ji Changsheng was secretly amazed.

As a person in the book, Qi Tiezui can actually see the identity of Wu Xie's protagonist. Based on this, he is worthy of the title of genius!

There are just a few details that I still have questions about.

For example, why do Qi Yu and Wu Xie look so similar?

To this, Qi Tiezui’s answer was.

"It's not that they look alike, it's that in order to familiarize Xiao Yu with his new identity in the future, they deliberately underwent plastic surgery to look innocent. Xiao Yu turns out not to be like this."

"Actually, the same goes for Wuxie. Many of the habits he has developed since he was a child come from Xiaoyu, such as his handwriting, walking posture, personality and temper, etc."

"The purpose of this is to allow Xiaoyu to completely replace Wuxie so that others can't see any clues."

Under Qi Tiezui's arrangement, Wu Xie and Qi Yu gradually became the same person. If it weren't for the age gap, no one would be able to tell the truth from the fake if they walked together!

When Wu Xie and Ji Changsheng saw Qi Yu for the first time, they had a very familiar feeling, but they couldn't remember where they had seen him before. It was precisely for this reason.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but marvel at how meticulous Qi Tiezui was in his work, and how he almost left no stone unturned.

If it weren't for Ji Changsheng, his plan would have really succeeded!

At this time, Wuxie finally figured out many problems and his mood returned to normal.

"I have another question. If Qi Yu doesn't get the ability to seize the body, what are you going to do to me?"

"Will someone disguise themselves as me and replace me?"

Qi Tiezui shook his head and replied.

"No. That won't do anything. What I need is real innocence, not a fake innocence."

"If I didn't have the ability to seize the body, I would try to completely control you and make you a puppet!"

With the ability of the Wang family, it is not too difficult to do this.

Wuxie couldn't help but frown, feeling a huge sense of fate coming over him.

No matter what kind of abilities Qi Yu gets, Wu Xie is the most important part of this plan, and his fate cannot be changed!

Ji Changsheng patted Wuxie's shoulder and said.

"Don't worry, I'm here and won't let this happen."

Then, he asked Qi Tiezui.

"If you hadn't discovered the specialness of innocence, how would you have changed the world?"

The reason why Qi Tiezui chose Wuxie as the furnace is because he saw through Wuxie's identity as the protagonist, but what would she have done if she hadn't seen through?

Qi Tiezui smiled softly and said.

"Of course I have other methods, but there is no if in this world. The reason why I was able to discover him is also part of the way of heaven, or it should be called the number of days!"

Ji Changsheng had no doubts about this. After all, Qi Tiezui was a genius, and since he had mastered the ultimate power, anything could happen.

"Then I have only one question. What do you want to change the world into?"

They already know the plan to change the world, but what kind of world does Qi Tiezui want?

Faced with this question, Qi Tiezui fell into deep thought and answered after a long time.

"I don't know, I just know that this world will develop in a completely different direction, different from all the parallel worlds I know!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, what kind of answer is this?

The fat man was confused.

"If that's the case, even if you do nothing, it won't make any difference, right?"

"Because every parallel world is different!"

Qi Tiezui shook his head and threw out six copper coins again, saying.

"After countless deductions, I can see countless possibilities, but none of them are what I want."

"What I want to do is to push the world to a completely unknown future that has never existed before!"

"I don't know if the future world is what I want, but I can be sure of one thing, it is definitely not what I have seen!"

All the parallel worlds he has seen, without exception, are full of conspiracy, killing, deception, hunger, disease, and war!

All these worlds made him feel extremely disappointed, which gave him the idea of ​​changing the world.

But the problem is that he doesn't know what kind of world he wants!

This is also the ultimate ideal that has troubled mankind to this day and countless people have pursued.

Even if Qi Tiezui is a genius, he can't give an accurate answer.

Therefore, his final decision is to create a brand new world.

No matter what this world is like, as long as it is completely different from the previous world!

Man proposes, God disposes!

Qi Tiezui believes that he only needs to do what he is supposed to do, and leave the rest to God!

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