Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 323: The Last Zhang Family Ancient Building

I didn’t expect that the fifth floor was not used to store the remains, but the family tree.

The young man took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement.

The things he had been looking for for a long time might be hidden in these cabinets!

Ji Changsheng knew his mood, but he noticed a problem.

“Brother, do you remember where you are from?”

The young man shook his head blankly. He didn’t know how many centuries he had lived, so how could he remember his birthplace?

Ji Changsheng sighed helplessly and pointed at the cabinets.

“That’s a bit troublesome.”

The young man stepped forward and took a closer look, and was stunned.

“Tongling Zhang Family Tree.”

“Yiling Zhang Family Tree.”

“Gusu Zhang Family Tree.”


The information recorded on each iron plate is different. There are dozens of place names in dozens of cabinets, all over the world!

The Zhang family is a huge family, spreading all over the country, forming dozens of local families.

But the problem is that the young man doesn’t know where he is from, so he has no way to start.

Ji Changsheng thought for a while and then said.

"Don't worry about it, just take a look."

After that, he opened a cabinet door. This cabinet contained hundreds of thick ancient books. There were tens of thousands of books in dozens of cabinets!

If it were an ordinary person, it would take at least ten years to finish reading these books!

After Ji Changsheng and his brother's physical fitness was upgraded, their brain power was far superior to that of ordinary people. They could remember everything they saw and read ten lines at a glance.

But even so, it would take them several days to finish reading these tens of thousands of ancient books.

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly. There were so many names in the list. Isn't the population of the Zhang family too large?

After thinking about it, he took out the first volume in order and opened it.

After reading a few pages, Ji Changsheng couldn't help but look happy.

"If that's the case, it's much easier!"

"Brother, just look at the first volume of each cabinet."

It turned out that the content of this first volume was equivalent to the general outline of the genealogy, which recorded in detail the rise and fall of the local family and the life of every important person in the family.

Its level of detail is comparable to a novel, and it can be regarded as an important historical document.

Brother is the head of the Zhang family, and his life experience will definitely be written in the most important first volume of the general outline!

In this way, they only need to read dozens of volumes.

The two immediately took action, and at their speed, they finished reading all the general outlines in less than half an hour.

But disappointingly, there was no record of the brother in it.

Ji Changsheng patted the brother's shoulder and comforted him.

"You are the head of the Zhang family, maybe your information will be stored separately, let's go up and look for it."

The brother nodded and said nothing.

He has experienced countless failures in his search for so many years, and he has long been accustomed to it.

There were no other clues on this floor, so everyone went up to the sixth floor.

In fact, Ji Changsheng and his brother did not gain nothing. Although there was no information about his brother in these genealogies, there was some important information about the Zhang family.

It turned out that the Zhang family had been spreading all over the country since thousands of years ago. In the long time, there were far more than dozens of local families, but hundreds!

It was just that most of the local families disappeared for various reasons, leaving only dozens of the most powerful ones.

It was these dozens of families who worked together to build this Zhang family ancient building and preserved the most core secrets of the Zhang family.

What this secret is, the genealogy did not write.

Most of the families that have disappeared were due to wars, serious population losses, and eventually gradually died out.

Others were expelled from the Zhang family because they did something wrong.

One of the expelled families attracted the attention of the younger brother and Ji Changsheng.

It was more than a hundred years ago that a local family in the northeast was expelled from the Zhang family because of intermarriage with outsiders, resulting in impure blood.

And in this expelled family, there was a newborn baby named Zhang Qishan!

Zhang Dafoye!

It turned out that he was expelled from the Zhang family, no wonder he could marry an outsider.

But the question also came with it, why did a person who was expelled from the Zhang family become the core senior of the Zhang family?

There is no record of this issue in all the genealogies.

However, Ji Changsheng analyzed and speculated a possibility based on the information in these genealogies.

The last era recorded in these genealogies is more than a hundred years ago, which is the era when this ancient building was completed.

In the following hundred years, no new content was added, and this period of Zhang family history was blank.

Zhang Dafoye's life was in this vacant hundred years.

Ji Changsheng speculated that there were two reasons for this situation.

One is because of historical reasons. In the past hundred years, earth-shaking changes have taken place on the land of China. The old order that lasted for thousands of years has been completely broken, and the landscape has been completely renewed.

In the face of the rolling torrent of history, the Zhang family gradually declined and lost its past glory.

The once powerful family no longer has the ability to influence the world and can only hide in the rivers and lakes.

Although the Zhang family is the leader of the Old Nine Gates, it is ultimately just a tomb robber alliance, which is completely incomparable to the past, and the family power has greatly declined.

After losing power, the Zhang family could no longer afford such a huge project expenditure, and the Zhang family's ancient building was gradually forgotten and abandoned in the Ten Thousand Mountains of Banai.

Perhaps, this is the last Zhang family's ancient building!

There is another reason. The Zhang family has undergone some major changes, perhaps a civil strife, or perhaps a major blow.

In short, Ji Changsheng felt from these genealogies that the glorious history of the Zhang family is gone forever.

This ancient and mysterious family is heading towards extinction!

Not long after, everyone came to the sixth floor.

The layout of this floor is different from the previous five floors. The area of ​​several thousand square meters is divided into more than a dozen rooms of different sizes. The largest room is seven or eight hundred square meters, and the smallest is only more than one hundred square meters.

There are still no coffins in these rooms, but various things are stored, with a wide variety of categories.

In some of the rooms, there are some armor and weapons, as well as muskets and artillery, but they are all very old styles, without modern weapons.

In some rooms, there are bookshelves with various ancient books on them.

In others, there are daily necessities, from kitchen pots and pans to clothes and jewelry.

In the most eye-catching room, hundreds of rare treasures are placed, shining with jewels and glittering lights!

When the fat man saw these treasures, his eyes glowed green, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Brother, your ancestors are so rich!"

"Can I go and see it?"

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