Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 348: Just one breath away

The reversal of the universe changed the magnetic field within a radius of two kilometers. Even though the giant monster had unparalleled divine power, it could not resist the invisible magnetic field and was trapped in place, unable to move.

Ji Changsheng even laughed at the way it struggled with the air.

"If this guy had a brain, he might be able to see through my moves, but it's a pity that it doesn't."

It seems that his inference is correct. This Miloto giant monster is just a special creature, between plants and animals, and is not a creator god.

However, it would take tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, to grow to such a huge size!

This giant monster may be the longest-lived creature on earth!

Time passed by minute by minute.

Ten minutes later, the giant monster was still struggling hard, and his movements did not slow down.

This made Ji Changsheng feel a little puzzled.

"Is the dose of toxin still not enough?"

In addition, he thought of a question.

The physical strength of animals is limited. This giant monster is not an animal, but a plant. How long can its physical strength last?

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng's face turned fierce.

"If 100 grams is not enough, then double it!"

"I don't believe your nervous system is made of steel!"

In fact, when he split the giant's arm, he saw the intricate nervous system from the deep wound, which has evolved in the direction of animals.

The toxin must be useful, it's just a matter of dosage.

He took a deep breath and was about to launch another toxin attack.

At this moment, the giant's movements suddenly slowed down, as slow as an old lady doing Tai Chi.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but look happy, the battle plan was successful!

The giant seemed to feel something was wrong, and a strange sound came out of his stomach, like a painful groan, and also like an angry roar.

"Huh? Does this thing have thoughts and feelings?"

"No, it should be just the most primitive fear."

After waiting for a few minutes, the giant finally lost the ability to move, his two arms were weakly lying on the ridge, his head leaned on the hillside, his body was trembling slightly, and he looked dying.

Ji Changsheng immediately turned into a meteor and landed on the giant's head.

When his feet stepped on the green moss, a breath from ancient times came to his face.

Under his feet was an ancient creature that had lived for who knows how many years.

"Survival of the fittest, natural selection."

"No matter what you are, this world is no longer suitable for you!"

Ji Changsheng leaned down and pressed his big hand on the giant's head.

"Start fusion!"

The giant shook violently, as if it felt the breath of death, but its nervous system had been completely destroyed by the toxin, and it wanted to resist but was powerless.

A huge vitality value poured into Ji Changsheng's body, making him full of expectations.

According to his experience, the vitality value has little to do with the size of the body, but only with the strength, and then the survival time.

Among the living creatures that had been fused before, the one with the highest single value was the snake mother, which provided 180,000 points.

This giant is many times stronger than the snake mother, and its lifespan should be longer. The vitality value is at least 100 times that of the snake mother!

If it can exceed 23 million points, then you can upgrade directly!

The ultimate form of human beings.

Transcendence into sainthood!

The fusion process lasted for half a minute before it ended.

"Ding, the fusion of the Miloto mother body was successful!"

"Ding, the host has obtained 20 million vitality points!"

Ji Changsheng felt a little disappointed, after all, it was still a breath short.

But this result has made him very satisfied.

So far, he has accumulated 97 million vitality points, and there is only one step away from upgrading!

The most important thing is that he has met the triggering conditions of the passive skill "Nirvana", and has one more life than others.

You can spend as much as you want!

"Ding, the skill Natural Seed is upgraded, from advanced to full level!"

"Ding, the host obtains special blood, Wanxiu Zhengrong, primary!"

"Ding, the host obtains the skill, Sucking Wind and Drinking Dew, primary!"

"Ding, the skill Sucking Wind and Drinking Dew obtains the bonus of dragon blood, from primary to intermediate!"

"Ding, the host obtains the artifact, Qinglong Rope!"

"Ding, the host obtains the artifact, Haotian Ruler!"

A series of system prompts came one after another.

Ji Changsheng was overwhelmed. This giant monster provided not only a huge amount of vitality, but also so many good things!

He obtained two artifacts, three skills, and a special blood at one time.

From this point of view, the level of this giant monster is higher than any thunder dragon, candle dragon, and snake mother!

[Natural Seed: The host can currently release 100,000 natural seeds! ]

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but curl his lips. This skill is purely icing on the cake. Even if it is 100 million, what can it do? Hatching seeds requires consuming precious vitality points, which is a complete waste.

If the seeds are allowed to grow naturally, how long will it take?

"Skip, next one."

[Special bloodline, thousands of beauties compete for glory. The host's blood can accelerate the growth of plants. The current level is elementary, which can accelerate 100 times! ]

Ji Changsheng was stunned, accelerating growth 100 times!

In this way, a small sapling only needs one drop of his blood, and it can grow into a century-old towering tree in one year!

Then use this skill to cultivate natural seeds?

In just ten years, 100,000 thousand millennium Miluotu warriors can be cultivated!

Although these things have no IQ and can only perform simple tasks, they are numerous and powerful.

Whether they are cannon fodder or laborers, they are an immeasurable force!

Ji Changsheng was a little tempted. If it only takes ten years, then he can give it a try. Anyway, there is no loss.

[Skill: Breathing wind and drinking dew: The host's body structure changes, and the amount of food required is reduced, only 1% of the food of a normal person is required. 】

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but feel speechless. This skill is getting more and more outrageous.


What is this skill used for? Save food?

"Wait, is it... This is the Taoist fasting technique!"

According to legend, Taoist masters can survive by breathing wind and drinking dew without eating through cultivation!

If this is the case, after this skill is upgraded to the maximum level, he will no longer need to take in food.

Like plants, they only need sunlight, air and water to survive forever.

Isn't this another form of immortality!

After thinking this through, Ji Changsheng realized that this skill was very useful, but it was only a long-term development and could not bring substantial benefits at the moment.

At this time, the system came with an assist.

[Warm Tips: After this skill is upgraded to the maximum level, you can survive without any energy or nutrients! ]


What does this mean?

No need for sunlight, air, or water.

No need for any nutrients or energy.

Even in a vacuum, you can survive!

Ji Changsheng couldn't help looking up at the sky, and a bold idea popped up in his mind.

The universe and the stars, let me travel!

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