Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 360: One hundred Dabuluos are responsible for the task

Just as everyone was looking at the young man, Ji Changsheng was even more shocked.

What Chen Yulou said never happened in the original book!

Although the final ending is the same, the process in between is very different.

"Master Chen, what you just said is not to scare us, right?"

Ji Changsheng knew that Chen Yulou's mouth could make the living dead and the dead alive, and he liked to brag.

Maybe this bizarre experience was a lie that Chen Yulou deliberately made up in order to dissuade them.

Chen Yulou said with a serious face.

"This is the biggest shame in my life. I told others about this for the first time, and you didn't believe it?"

"Humph, then I have nothing to say!"

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but wonder, is this old blind man really not lying?

If so, this experience reveals several important information.

When the First Snake River flows through the Hulu Cave, there must be a branching tributary. Chen Yulou hid at the bottom of the river, went downstream, and was sent to the mysterious cave.

Second, the deep pool in the cave should lead to the outside of the cave. After he fainted, he was washed out by the water and was discovered by the hunter.

Third, what is the mechanism of the mummy in the cave?

And more importantly, who dug out Chen Yulou's eyes?

Judging from his description, the Zhang family is the most suspicious.

Ji Changsheng thought about it and realized that the Zhang family is also a tomb-robbing family. They are proficient in almost all tomb-robbing methods and often visit various large tombs.

Perhaps the Zhang family also learned the clues of the tomb of King Xian, so they sent people to look for it there.

As for digging out Chen Yulou's eyes, maybe the Zhang family has some secrets that they don't want him to see.

He looked at the little brother. The amnesiac patient must not remember it, and it may not be the little brother's doing.

To solve these mysteries, the only way is to go there in person!

Shirley Yang pleaded hurriedly.

"Old senior, no matter what you say, we have to go to the tomb of King Xian."

"If you can lend us the map, it will save us a lot of precious time."

"I hope you can lend me the map for the sake of our friendship with my grandfather!"

Chen Yulou sighed and said helplessly.

"For the sake of our old friend, I should do my best, but that place is really dangerous. If you die there, wouldn't I be even more ashamed of my brother Queqiao Shao?"

Seeing this, Wang Kaixuan pursed his lips.

Hu Bayi understood and said immediately.

"Old man, we won't let you help us for nothing. If you raise your hand, we will definitely reward you handsomely."

"How about... 100?"

Chen Yulou waved his hand and said righteously.

"100 silver dollars? Humph! I won't sell it no matter how much it costs. If I sell it, it will hurt you!"

Hu Bayi explained quickly.

"It's not silver dollars. That stuff is not in circulation now."

"It's 100 dabuluo, which is 1 million!"

Chen Yulou's face froze for a moment. After thinking carefully, he stroked his goat beard and said.

"If my old friend is in danger of bloodshed, it would be unjust if I don't help him."

"Oh, forget it, forget it."

"Then I'll help you. Should I transfer money or cash?"

Hu Bayi laughed and replied.

"It all depends on your opinion."

Chen Yulou said as he took out a map from his arms.

"I'm a blind man. It's not convenient for me to move with so much cash. Let's transfer money."

Ji Changsheng hurriedly took the map and took a closer look. It was exactly the same as described in the original book!

Although this human skin map is very old and there is a blank space in the middle, the location of King Xian's tomb is clearly marked.

With this map, they can save a lot of time and go straight to Huanglong!

After putting away the map, Ji Changsheng said.

"Old Wang, Old Hu, you two take Mr. Chen to the bank to transfer the money. We will set off tomorrow morning."

"By the way, old man, I have another question to ask you."

Chen Yulou said quickly.

"You can ask it anyway."

Ji Changsheng asked with a smile.

"Why have you been unwilling to admit your identity?"

"Are you afraid that your enemies will come to you?"

Chen Yulou shuddered and nodded awkwardly.

"That's right. I have offended many people outside. I just ran away from Luoyang to Beijing last month. I thought you were chasing me from Henan."

Wang Kaixuan was stunned when he heard it.

"Old man, you should be more than a hundred years old. You have been out of the arena for more than 70 years."

"I am afraid that all your enemies are dead. Even if they are not dead, who would care about things that happened more than 70 years ago?"

Chen Yulou sighed and explained helplessly.

"Three months ago, I was setting up a stall in Luoyang. A woman came to me to seek my advice and help her husband get rid of his misfortune. She said her husband's career was not going well and she wanted me to tell her fortune."

"I asked her what her husband did. She was a mine owner. Hundreds of millions of funds were locked up. Now she was in a dilemma and asked me how to get out of the predicament."

"I thought, isn't it just a coal boss? What's the problem? So I told her not to worry."

"Coal is the essence of wood and stone. Water produces wood, so it is beneficial to the east. Funds are gold. Metal is in the west. Gold overcomes wood, so of course it will be trapped."

"Just tell her husband to go to the east, find a big temple with a lot of incense, burn incense and pray, and he will definitely be able to turn the bad luck into good luck and get out of the predicament."

"The woman was overjoyed, left tens of thousands of dollars, and left to thank him. But a month later, she came back with people in a rage, saying that I had made a mistake in my calculations, and her husband did as she said, but lost a lot of money, so she wanted to teach me a lesson."

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

"It turns out that she is a charlatan who cheats people. No wonder she is chased all over the world, hahaha!"

Chen Yulou said seriously.

"I didn't cheat her. I calculated it carefully through Qimen Dunjia, and it will definitely not be wrong!"

Wang Kaixuan laughed.

"Since it won't be wrong, how did he lose money?"

Hu Bayi laughed.

"Fortune telling is just telling lies to people and telling lies to ghosts. Business is all about making money and losing money. He has said everything."

Chen Yulou immediately showed an indignant look and said indignantly.

"No! It's not me who deceived her, but that woman who lied to me. Her husband is not a coal boss at all. He mines virtual coins, which has nothing to do with coal mines."

"She was wrong, so I made a mistake. How can you blame me? It's really unreasonable!"

Then, he smiled with a smug look.

"But I calculated another fortune according to what this woman said the other day. Her husband mines coins. This kind of business is a waste of money and is meaningless. It will bring disaster to the country and the people. It will not last long."

"If her husband doesn't stop in time, he will jump off the hundred-foot building sooner or later!"

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