Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 386: Huge Natural Treasure House

The fat man cheered and found a valuable treasure.

Wang Kaixuan looked in the direction he pointed and saw a pile of ivory scattered in the distance, too many to count.

"I'll go, so many ivory!"

"Fat Master, how much do you think these ivory tusks are worth in total?"

The fat man said with green light in his eyes and licked his lips.

"It's hard to say, but there are at least several thousand tusks, and it's probably worth billions at least!"

Wang Kaixuan and Hu Bayi had just escaped poverty and were still unfamiliar with the concept of billions. They were stunned on the spot when they heard it.

"so much!"

Shirley Yang couldn't help but remind.

"No matter how valuable it is, can you transport it out?"

"Besides, transporting it out... Huh?"

As she spoke, she suddenly froze and walked towards the tusks.

Fatty and Wang Kaixuan looked at each other and smiled. They thought that Shirley Yang was also tempted after seeing so many ivory tusks.

As a result, after checking it out, Shirley Yang said something unexpected.

"This is a fossil!"

Everyone was stunned and looked at the bones around them.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that just as she said, some of these bones were actually fossils.

Fossils are not ordinary skeletal remains, but after the organic matter is decomposed, the remaining hard parts are petrified into stone together with the surrounding sediments, so fossils are not bones.

It takes at least 10,000 years for the remains of animals and plants to form fossils!

While King Xian was only a figure from more than 2,000 years ago, these fossils are much older than the tomb of King Xian!

Hu Bayi said after thinking for a while.

"I understand, this is a natural cave, not man-made."

"The people who built King Xian's Tomb just used this cave."

As he spoke, he pointed at the bones on the ground.

"Some of them are not fossils, but bones. These animals were probably used for burial."

Those animal bones that have not yet become fossils are almost all domestic animals such as pigs, horses, cattle and sheep. With so many complete bones of domestic animals gathered together, there was only one possibility in ancient times, and that was to be buried!

The fat man stuck out his tongue and said without interest.

"So many domestic animals are buried here to accompany the dead. In an era of material scarcity, waste is the biggest crime!"

The discovery of these bones confirmed that their guess was correct. Since this was an animal burial pit, the tomb of King Xian must not be far away!

After everyone sighed, they continued to move forward.

After walking for more than half an hour, there were fewer and fewer bones in the cave, but more and more fossils.

The fat man looked around nervously, patted Wang Kaixuan on the shoulder, and said uneasily.

"Hey, do you have a feeling like we're getting smaller?"

Wang Kaixuan was stunned, looked around, and nodded.

"It seems so, Fatty, why have we shrunk!"

These words attracted everyone's attention. Ji Changsheng looked around and couldn't help but smile.

"It's not that we have become smaller, it's that these fossils have become larger, creating the illusion."

The fat man asked in confusion.

“Why do fossils get bigger?”

After Shirley Yang looked at it carefully, she stretched out her hand and pointed in the distance.

"You see, that is the fossil of a Stegodon. This kind of ancient elephant lived 3 million years ago. Their size was much larger than that of modern elephants, and their tusks were also much larger."

"That was an ancient giant centipede, dozens of times larger than modern centipedes."

In ancient times before human civilization was born, many animals and plants grew to extremely large sizes, especially those on land.

The slender-toothed giant bear weighing nearly two meters, the saber-toothed elephant that weighed ten meters, and the giant rhinoceros that weighed fifteen meters. Compared with modern animals, these ancient animals can be called prehistoric giants.

Not to mention there are dinosaurs that are often dozens of meters tall!

It is precisely because the fossils of these ancient animals are getting bigger and bigger that the fat man has the illusion that people have become smaller.

Shirley Yang looked at these fossils and couldn't help but sigh with excitement.

"This natural cave has a collection of animal fossils from various periods. It is simply a museum of ancient biology."

"These fossils have extremely high scientific research value. For scientists, this is a paradise!"

When the fat man heard this, he felt like a deflated rubber ball and said without interest.

"It turned out to be all turned into stone. It's a pity that such a big ivory is there. Otherwise, if you just take one out, you can get a lot of money."

Wang Kaixuan said quickly.

"Fat Master, the price of fossils in the market is not lower than that of ivory. I heard that precious fossil specimens can fetch sky-high prices!"

Only then did the fat man turn from worry to joy and grinned.

"If that's the case, wouldn't this be a treasure trove!"

"There are so many fossils, if we could just dump some of them out, we would be able to live happily for a lifetime!"

Hu Bayi said suddenly.

“Reselling fossils is the same as reselling cultural relics.”

The two fat men suddenly felt cold again.

Talking and laughing all the way, we walked for another ten minutes without realizing it.

I saw a puddle in front of me. When I came closer and shined a flashlight, I saw that the water was getting deeper and deeper, forming an underground river in the distance.

Fortunately, the cave is getting bigger and bigger, and the underground river only occupies less than half of it. There are wide river beaches on both sides, so there is no need to wade forward.

Everyone continued to move along the river and on the river beach. After a while, they felt that the temperature in the cave dropped suddenly.

The fat man couldn't help but shuddered and said.

"Yunnan is a place that feels like spring all year round. I almost forgot that it's winter now. It's really cold here."

Wang Kaixuan also shrank his neck and said with a shiver.

"Yes, I should have brought some cold-proof clothes earlier."

Ji Changsheng shook his head, his eyes lit up.

"It's not the temperature."

Everyone felt the chill, and when they heard him say that, they all looked at him with puzzled expressions.

"Mr. Ji, what's the problem? Are we all catching a cold?"

A trace of sharpness flashed in the young man's eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

"It's death air, there is something in this cave!"

Everyone understood it after hearing it.

What they felt was not the change in temperature, but some more terrible breath!

Hu Bayi quickly took out the black donkey hoof, and Wang Kaixuan took out a few talismans bought from a roadside stall. Although he didn't know how to use them, he could use them to boost his courage.

The fat man swallowed his saliva and looked around, but found nothing.

"Mr. Ji, what is it that is causing trouble? Why can't I see it?"

Ji Changsheng was about to answer, but saw a white thing floating on the water not far away.

As soon as that thing appeared, everyone felt even colder.

There was no doubt that it was this thing that was causing trouble!

Wang Kaixuan bravely raised the flashlight and shone it, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's a naked woman, no, it's a female corpse!"

Not long after, the female corpse slowly floated over.

When everyone saw it, their faces changed. The appearance of the female corpse was really weird!

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