After hearing Lao Hai's quotation, Wu Xie and Fatty were not ecstatic, but showed strange expressions.

The two didn't speak for a while.

When Uncle Hai saw it, he became a little nervous. Could it be that his price was too low?

If this business is successful, he can earn at least half of it, and then he can retire and go into seclusion.

When he thought of this, he gritted his teeth and stretched out another finger.

"Then I'll add another ten million!"

Wuxie shook his head.

"Uncle Hai, it's not the price, it's something else."

Uncle Hai was stunned.

"What's the problem?"

Wu Xie shrugged and said in a disappointed tone.

"I thought you could accept all the goods, but I didn't expect you couldn't eat them."

"Hey, it seems we have to find another buyer."

Uncle Hai became anxious upon hearing this.

"I said, I want them all!"

"If you think it's too little, then I'll add another five million to make up the whole number, 150 million!"

The fat man chuckled and waved his hand.

"Uncle Hai, you misunderstood what we meant."

"These are not all of our goods, just some of them."

Uncle Hai was immediately dumbfounded, looking at the two of them in disbelief.



"How many more do you have?"

After Wuxie thought for a while, he stretched out a finger and pointed at the treasures on the table.

"These are probably only 10%."

Uncle Hai's face felt as if someone had slapped him in the face, and his face was a little distorted.

"You mean, it's only a tenth?!"

Wuxie nodded.

"I said roughly, it could be more."

Uncle Hai jumped up all of a sudden, as if his butt had been stung by a wasp.

"Aren't you kidding me?"

The fat man looked at him with a smile on his face, very satisfied with the other person's expression.

"Sit down and say, don't get excited, it's not good for the old man's heart."

"Why do we have the time to joke like this? Of course it's true!"

Uncle Hai hurriedly took out a bottle of Jiuxin pills and took a dozen pills before calming down.

"Okay, I'll take what you said as true, even though it's too unbelievable!"

"Unless you have evacuated a prince's tomb!"

Wu Xie blinked and did not speak, but did not deny it either.

They did evacuate a large tomb, the Xisha Undersea Tomb!

The fat man said.

"Uncle Hai, just eat as much as you can. Don't hold it any longer."

"For other things, we will find buyers separately."

"Let's get these done today before we talk about anything else."

Uncle Hai smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"To be honest, if you didn't brag, no one in this Hero Mountain would be able to eat these things!"

"Not to mention Hero Mountain, even if you go to Panjiayuan in the capital, no one can eat so much in one sitting!"

According to his estimate, the total value of the goods in Fatty and Wuxie's hands is at least 1.5 billion!

Fatty and Wuxie couldn't help but frown, realizing that the problem seemed to have become complicated.

I never imagined that the goods would be too valuable to sell...

This is really a luxurious trouble.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that our goods won't be sold?"

Uncle Hai quickly shook his head again.

"No, of course there is a way to take action."

"Actually, the real big boss in this industry is not in Hero Mountain, nor is it in Panjiayuan. People like us are just making small fuss at best."

"The real big bosses are not in these places."

When the fat man heard this, his eyes lit up.

"So, you know such a big boss?"

Uncle Hai nodded, showing a proud look.

"I have been working in this industry all my life. I don't have any other skills except that I have a lot of friends."

"If you two can trust me, I can help you find a few buyers, and the price will definitely not be a problem."

Fatty and Wuxie looked at each other and immediately asked a question.

"Uncle Hai, how much commission do you want?"

According to the rules of this industry, Uncle Hai will charge an introduction fee for introducing buyers who sell stolen goods, which is the so-called commission.

Uncle Hai chuckled and stretched out two fingers.

"Two points."

As a middleman, what you eat is your connections, so both the buyer and the seller take advantage of it.

The two points Uncle Hai mentioned are only for the seller, plus the buyer's, for a total of four points.

He doesn't need to pay a penny, as long as he pulls the strings and negotiates the deal, he can earn a net commission of 4%, calculated based on the total transaction amount!

Wuxie grew up in an antique shop and was very familiar with the rules. She knew that Uncle Hai did not ask for excessive prices.

But he didn't agree immediately.

"The price you offered is very reasonable, but I need to ask for instructions first. Please wait a moment."

After speaking, he walked aside and made a phone call.

Uncle Hai was stunned at first, and then showed an expression of sudden realization.

No wonder these two young boys were able to produce so many hard goods. It turned out that they climbed a big tree and there was a big boss behind them!

But he didn't ask any more questions.

Not long after, Wuxie came back after making the phone call.

"Uncle Hai, we agree to your terms."

"When can we find a buyer soon?"

Uncle Hai didn't even think about it, he patted his chest and replied: "There will be news within three days!"

He certainly wasn't bragging.

Three days later, Ji Changsheng was taking Aning on a tour to Jinan when he received a call from Wuxie.

"Mr. Ji, Uncle Hai has found a buyer and the price has been agreed."

"The total price is 1.54 billion. Do you think it's okay?"

Ji Changsheng said with a smile.

"You don't need to report this kind of small matter. I'm at ease with you doing it."

Wuxie was delighted when he heard this and continued.

"But there is a small problem."

"What's the problem?"

"Two of the buyers strongly requested to meet with you before they would trade."

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly.

"Tell them that you are in full charge of this matter. I don't have the time."

"They can buy it or not!"

He was not afraid of being in the spotlight, but he really didn't want to bother with these idle thoughts. Money had no appeal to him.

Wuxie smiled helplessly and had to persuade him patiently.

"Mr. Ji, these two bosses from Guangdong said they want to ask you for help with something, and they will reward you handsomely after the matter is done..." Ji Changsheng quickly remembered something when he heard it. "Wait, from Guangdong? What are their names?" "One is Wang Qi, the other is Li Pipa, both are from Foshan." Ji Changsheng couldn't help but smile. I didn't expect these two people to appear here, which means they haven't been to Qinling yet! If that's the case, then we can meet them. "Where to meet?" Wuxie was stunned at first, and then quickly answered. "In Gule Villa." Ji Changsheng nodded and thought of another person. "Hey, Tianzhen, do you know someone named Xie Ziyang?" Wuxie was stunned, and couldn't remember who it was after thinking for a long time. Ji Changsheng quickly reminded him. "This person has a nickname, called Lao Yang!"

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