Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 397 Water Dragon Fainting

The Lord of the Netherworld is the master who controls the Nine Netherworlds and has an unparalleled status in the Three Realms.

In various religions, the Lord of the Netherworld has many different incarnations.

In Buddhism, the Lord of the Netherworld is the incarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!

In Taoism, it is the incarnation of Taiyi Tianzun!

No one knows whether these illusory gods are real, but there is one thing Ji Changsheng can be sure of, the Lord of the Netherworld is the supreme god who controls the Netherworld!

The embodiment of the Lord of the Netherworld!

Wouldn't that mean he would become a god right away?

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but think of another deeper question.

Is there really a Netherworld in the universe?

If so, what is the world where the dead live like?

Ever since humans learned to think, there has been an eternal question in front of them.

Life and death!

Due to the taboo of death, few people in China talk about death.

But this is a problem that everyone has to face.

Whether it is common people, emperors, generals, or great philosophers, they are all equal in the face of death.

Only death is eternal and unchanging.

Only in front of the Lord of the Netherworld are all beings truly equal!

But when the god in charge of death comes to this world, what will the Lord of the Netherworld bring to this world once he is materialized?

Is it endless death, or the destruction of the world?

To know these answers, there is a simplest way, first upgrade to the maximum level of human beings, and after transcending into a saint, he may be able to see a different world, or the truth of the world!

Ji Changsheng took a deep breath and put away these messy thoughts.

When he turned around, he found that the others had already frozen and were all shaking there.

"I haven't used my big move yet, I just accidentally released a little breath, and it's so outrageous?"

Ji Changsheng quickly restrained the death energy of the Netherworld, and everyone felt better.

Looking at the remains of the rotten babies and female corpses on the ground, people looked at each other in surprise.

Even Xiao Ge and Er Yuehong, the two most cunning people, were extremely shocked.

If these things reflect the evil terror of King Xian, then Ji Changsheng, who destroyed these things with a wave of his hand, is simply 10,000 times more terrifying than King Xian!

Ji Changsheng laughed and didn't explain too much. They wouldn't believe it even if he said it.

After a moment.

Everyone came to their senses. After all, he had shown too many miracles before, and seemed to be accustomed to such a big move.

Shirley Yang looked at the debris on the ground, and then said with enlightenment.

"It turns out that this cave is actually an independent ecosystem evolved with Huo's immortal worm as the core!"

According to her speculation, this cave has a history of at least 100 million years. Even if the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes, this place has never changed.

This explains the vast number of fossils, which are accumulated over a long period of 100 million years.

Huo's immortal worm has lived in the cave for many years. Because it has eaten too many poisonous things, it has evolved the skill of spraying poison. The original immortal worm does not have this skill.

The evolution process of organisms often takes millions or even tens of millions of years, and requires countless generations of reproduction.

But this Huo's immortal worm has personally experienced this long evolution process, and even changed the entire cave ecosystem. Other creatures in the cave have evolved to adapt to it!

For an independent individual, this immortal worm is an irreplaceable miracle in the history of life on Earth!

Ji Changsheng recognized her speculation and added.

"The miasma belt in the Worm Valley should be created by it."

Half of the immortal worm's body is inside the mountain, and it is unknown how long it is. According to Ji Changsheng's guess, it has probably grown together with the mountain.

The immortal worm in the mural spews black smoke, but what they see is red poisonous fog. This must have been transformed by King Xian. The bronze armor and golden mask are evidence of the transformation.

It is unknown where the other end of the immortal worm is in the worm valley, but it can be guessed that the other end must release white miasma!

The fat man couldn't help but think of a question.

"Mr. Ji, the mouth of this worm grows on this end, so this end should be the head."

"Then its other end is the buttocks. Isn't the miasma released from the buttocks its fart?"

After this, everyone looked at each other and couldn't help turning around and bending over to vomit.

After a long time, they stayed in the fart of the immortal worm for several hours!

Even Ji Changsheng felt nauseous and couldn't help frowning.

"Fatty, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

The fat man quickly shut up, knowing that he had said something he shouldn't have said.

After a while of nausea, everyone packed up again and went to the depths of the cave again.

After walking a long way, Shirley Yang calmed down and said.

"Mr. Ji, I think the red mist sprayed by the immortal worm should have another function."

"It is to make the worms in the belly of the female corpse fall into dormancy. If not, they would not have stayed in the belly of the female corpse for more than two thousand years."

When Ji Changsheng killed the immortal worm, the worms broke out of the cocoon. This speculation is very reasonable.

Hu Bayi nodded.

"It should be like this, but I still can't figure out where the water dragon is?"

"Although this underground river is a water dragon vein, there is no sunlight and no rainbow all year round."

Ji Changsheng smiled and pointed forward.

"This cave traverses the entire mountain. Based on our walking distance, we should be almost at the end."

"Of course the water dragon halo is not in this cave, but outside!"

Everyone looked forward and saw a glimmer of light.

After walking for a while, we finally arrived at the exit.

But when they approached the exit, they heard a thunderous sound coming from outside, like the roar of thousands of troops, and the sound was shocking.

Er Erhong listened attentively and said quickly.

"It's the sound of waterfalls!"

If there is a waterfall, there will be a rainbow, which means that the water dragon halo is outside the cave!

Everyone's spirits were lifted and they finally found King Xian's tomb!

When people walked out of the cave, their eyes suddenly opened up.

What comes into view is a majestic and magnificent picture, like a place where gods live.

The exit of this cave is not at the foot of the mountain, but halfway up the mountain. There are more than a dozen waterfalls flowing down from the top of the mountain, forming a waterfall group.

The water flow roared loudly, with a drop of more than 100 meters.

All the waterfalls are gathered into a deep pool at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by several rivers flowing in all directions.

Looking around, a rainbow appeared on the cliff opposite, like a huge colorful bridge spanning between two mountains.

And above the rainbow, there is actually a palace in the sky!

The fat man couldn't bear it anymore and shouted excitedly.

"Found it!"

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