Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 406 King Xian must be here

The vicious evil that has been cultivated for more than two thousand years will be a disaster to any party in any era or anywhere!

Even the masters of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain would scratch their heads when encountering this evil spirit.

But today, in this Xianwang Underground Palace, there is an existence ten thousand times more terrifying than it!

Everyone was first shocked by the fierce death aura, but soon they discovered that there was an even more terrifying aura.

The dead energy of the netherworld!

The black energy behind Ji Changsheng condensed into a ferocious demon king in mid-air!

"You little beast, why don't you kneel down when you see me!"

He has been to many large tombs and collected many evil things, but he has never seen such a ferocious rice dumpling.

The bloody corpse in King Lu's palace, the forbidden woman in the undersea tomb, and the dead human fetus in Yunding Heavenly Palace are all terrible things, but they are far less terrifying than this evil!

Perhaps only the White-haired Dry Demon can compare with it, but the Dry Demon in the Undersea Tomb has only been raised for a few hundred years, and has been trapped in the Undersea Tomb. It has never been contaminated with human blood, and it is not yet complete.

The fierce evil in front of me has been raised for more than two thousand years, and has been absorbing Yin Qi and corpse Qi in the underground palace.

Ji Changsheng could smell the bloody smell on this vicious body. Before being locked in the bronze coffin, this thing must have sucked a lot of human blood, and it was already complete!

If the white-haired Hanba in the Undersea Tomb is just a newborn baby, then this fierce evil is an adult.

This is the most ferocious evil thing he has encountered so far!

However, any evil creature from the underworld that encounters the Ghost King is like a dog that has met its master and does not even have the courage to resist.

The fierce evil spirit felt the pressure of the Ghost Emperor and trembled with fear.

But the strange thing is that it did not kneel down to worship.

Ji Changsheng frowned, confused.

When he was in the Qinling Mountains, he was unable to suppress the Yin soldiers and ghost generals because he was not qualified enough as a Ghost Emperor, so in the end he had no choice but to conquer them.

But now that he has the qualifications of a high-level Ghost Emperor, isn't that enough?

"Are you going to force me to take action again?"

Not convinced?

In the face of all evil things, the Ghost King specializes in disobeying them!

Special skill: The ghost king's spiritual arresting technique is activated!

"The leader of the Netherworld, leads the Nine Netherworlds."

"Great compassion and great wishes can save ghosts and gods."

"Rescue the suffering, Jiuyou, the God of Sin!"

Only the dead can hear the Jiuyou Baogao!

The evil spirit began to tremble violently, and it struggled to resist, but with little success.

Although this thing is powerful, at best it is only raised by King Xian to guard the tomb. No matter how good King Xian is, he is still not as high as the Ghost King!

After a moment.

The evil spirit finally couldn't resist anymore, his knees softened, and he knelt on the ground with a thud.

Only then did Ji Changsheng put away his magic power with satisfaction. It seemed that his worries were unnecessary. In the face of the qualifications of a high-level ghost emperor, evil objects of this level were still not enough.

He strode forward and put his hand on Ji Sha's head.

"Start merging!"

This ferocious evil is no longer human, it has transformed into something else, so there is no need to feel pity.

After a few seconds.

"Ding, the fusion of the thousand-year-old evil is successful!"

"Ding, the host has gained 120,000 ghost energy points!"

After waiting for a while, there was no follow-up.

Ji Changsheng felt a little surprised. This thing provided the most ghost energy value ever, several times more than a dead human fetus, but it did not provide any skills.

Is this thing just for good looks but not useful?

However, considering the rich ghost energy value, this result is acceptable.

The evil spirit that had been drained of its ghost energy quickly returned to its original form and turned into a thousand-year-old mummy.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the thing was no longer moving.

The fat man wiped a handful of cold sweat and grinned.

"Fortunately, Mr. Ji is here, so I don't have to return this bronze magic mirror."

Wang Kaixuan asked confused.

"Mr. Ji, is this thing the king's offering?"

Ji Changsheng shook his head and smiled.

"Of course not, it's just a big rice dumpling raised by King Xian to support the tomb."

Wang Kaixuan was even more puzzled.

"Then where is King Xian buried?"

Just as Ji Changsheng was about to answer, he heard Er Erhong exclaimed.

"There's a tomb down here!"

Everyone came forward to watch. Under the hole made by the bronze coffin, a second tomb appeared!

The fat man clapped his hands and laughed.

"It seems that the real King Xian is hidden down here. Let's go down and have a look."

Hu Bayi waved his hand.

"Wait a minute, there are three coffins in the main tomb above, and there is another tomb below. This must be special."

"I'm afraid there's a trap down there. We'd better make a plan before taking action."

The black-backed six curled his lips and said.

"What else are you planning for? What's the use of guessing? Just open them all and take a look."

After saying that, he walked straight to the coffin, picked up the thick-backed machete, and slashed it down with a fierce blow.

Although the coffin was as hard as steel, under his peerless sword skills, it was cut into two pieces like tofu.

I saw that there was actually a female corpse in the coffin.

The female corpse had long since rotted into a skeleton, and her clothes were rotten, but her accessories were well preserved.

The gender of the corpse can be determined from these female accessories.

Everyone looked at the female corpse and couldn't help but scratch their heads.

Since the person in the bronze coffin is not the king, then these three coffins are not the tomb of the whole family. Who is this female corpse?

Fatty and Wang Kaixuan are the new disciples of Black Back Lao Liu. They have the same temperament as their master. They are too lazy to think too much and just do it.

The two fat men quickly opened the last seamless sarcophagus.

Inside was a mutilated corpse, not a child.

Hu Bayi looked at the two corpses, then at the fierce evil spirit that had turned into a mummy, and suddenly had an expression of sudden enlightenment on his face.

"I understand, these three corpses are not King Xian, but represent his three lives in the world!"

"Taoism has always said that immortals can be transformed into three lives. The first three lives are called the three hells. They must endure the three kinds of heavenly tribulations of thunder, fire and wind to die. The death is extremely miserable, so they are buried in this special way."

"And King Xian's goal is to become an immortal, so he must..."

The fat man waved his hand when he heard it.

"Commander Hu, stop!"

"The most important thing for us is to find the beads, so don't give us a lesson, just tell us the key points directly."

Hu Bayi nodded and said.

"Let's put it simply. These three corpses are substitutes for King Xian, who suffered for him."

"And if he wants to become an immortal, he must be buried here!"

The fat man looked confused and looked down at the big hole under his feet.

"You mean this is not a suspected tomb, but a real tomb."

"In that case, King Xian must be down here!"

Wang Kaixuan immediately took out the rope and rolled up his sleeves.

"Then what are we waiting for, Mr. Ji, I will go down and explore the way first."

Ji Changsheng shook his head.

"King Xian is not down here either."

Everyone was confused when they heard it.

If he is not in these three demon coffins, nor down here, then where can he be?

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