Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 419 Lingyun Palace, Huixian Palace

Everyone on the cliff looked panicked, as if something dangerous had appeared.

Ji Changsheng saw nothing but frowned.

"what the hell?"

When he was wondering, he saw a strange rainbow suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain.

Rainbows are supposed to be colorful, but this rainbow is as red as blood!

A blood-colored rainbow spanned the two mountains, illuminating the valley into a blood-red patch.

What's even weirder is that this bloody rainbow started to deform slightly, growing limbs and a torso, looking like a dragon!

Ji Changsheng didn't think much, he jumped up and ran towards the cliff.

After a moment.

When he came to the plank road where everyone was, he saw the scene in front of him clearly.

I saw that one end of the rainbow actually rose from the spiritual palace.

After seeing Ji Changsheng's arrival, the fat man finally calmed down and stretched out his hand.

"Mr. Ji, something seemed to have gotten into the palace just now!"

Wang Kaixuan quickly added.

"That thing fell from the clouds and is transparent!"

Ji Changsheng was confused and looked at his younger brother.

My eyesight and knowledge are the best among all, so he should be able to see what it is.

The younger brother shook his head slightly, expressing that he didn't know.

At this time, Hu Bayi stretched out his hand and pointed at the sky.

"Mr. Ji, look!"

Ji Changsheng looked up and saw that the red rainbow turned into a giant red dragon!

The giant dragon bared its teeth and claws, and looked ferocious. Compared with the legendary beast, it was a little more strange.

The fat man swallowed his saliva and asked nervously.

"Mr. Ji, what is this?"

"Could it be another monster created by King Xian?"

Ji Changsheng said noncommittally.

"This is indeed done by King Xian, but it is just a light and shadow effect, not a monster."

When everyone heard what he said, they breathed a sigh of relief and took a closer look.

The giant red dragon hung motionless in the air, unable to feel any breath. It was just a huge shadow, just like a three-dimensional holographic projection.

But King Xian was an ancient man from more than two thousand years ago. How did he do it?

Ji Changsheng walked towards the spiritual palace in the distance.

"The answer lies in the spiritual palace, go and have a look."

Everyone quickly followed them. In fact, even if this giant red dragon didn't appear, Ji Changsheng would still have to take a trip to the Spiritual Palace, because there was something there that deeply attracted him.

When people came to the spiritual palace, they were deeply shocked by the magnificent scenery in front of them.

This is an extremely luxurious palace. The ninety-nine white marble steps and the railings carved with dragons and phoenixes all show the dignity of the palace owner.

At the end of the steps is the main hall. Although the specifications of this main hall are not comparable to the emperor's mausoleum of the Central Plains Dynasty, King Xian is just a small local political power. Based on his status, this spiritual palace is beyond the specifications.

The main body of the hall is made of one hundred and sixty nanmu logs, which are not painted and show the purple color of the logs.

It is recorded in "Museum Summary" that there are three types of nanmu, the first is fragrant nan, also known as purple nan; the second is golden nan, and the third is water nan.

Among them, golden nan is the most valuable high-grade wood. In ancient times, only the royal family was eligible to enjoy it.

Judging from the color, the material of the main hall should be purple nan. This kind of nanmu is widely distributed in the south.

The roof is made of golden glazed roof, and on both sides are coiled dragons and golden osmanthus trees, with carved beams and painted pillars, which is extremely luxurious.

The ancient Dian Kingdom belonged to the Qin Dynasty, and its culture and customs were influenced by the Central Plains Dynasty. The entire building has a strong Qin and Han style.

The fat man looked at it carefully and said with some doubts.

"This palace is so luxurious, but I always feel like something is wrong. It looks eerie."

Hu Bayi smiled and said.

"This is a spiritual palace used to worship the dead. Of course it is different from the palace of the living."

Er Erhong shook her head.

"Brother Xiao Hu, I also feel that something is wrong with this palace."

"The roof of the spiritual palace is not shaped like this. This does not look like a spiritual palace like a mausoleum,"

Hu Bayi took a closer look and showed a puzzled expression.

"Yes, only temples use this kind of roof. It's really strange."

Ji Changsheng smiled calmly.

"It's not surprising. King Xian wants to cultivate and become an immortal. This is not a spiritual palace, but an immortal palace that he will use to ascend after his death."

As he spoke, he pointed at a stone tablet next to the palace gate.

There were two lines of characters engraved on the stone tablet in ancient seals. Shirley Yang stepped forward to read it and read.

"Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all mysteries."

"Lingyun Tiangong, Huixian Palace."

Everyone suddenly realized that, as Ji Changsheng said, this was not a spiritual palace, but a fairy palace!

Ji Changsheng walked up to the door, reached out and pushed it gently.

The door was unlocked and opened in response.

Everyone turned on their flashlights and followed him into the hall.

After crossing a mahogany threshold, we came to the front hall of the main hall. As soon as we entered the door, we saw dozens of tall bronze statues standing on both sides.

These bronze statues have two rows, front and back. In the front row are various animals and beasts, including a pair of lions, deer, elephants, unicorns, harpies, camels, and horses.

Behind the animals is a row of human figures. The figures are more than ten feet tall and stand bowed. They look like civil servants and generals who were in court. There are thirty-six people in total.

It's just that the clothes on these figures are very strange. They are not court clothes, but some kind of gorgeous sacrificial clothes.

These bronze statues are like stars holding the moon, all pointing in the same direction.

Everyone followed that direction and shined their flashlights.

I saw a huge throne appearing in the distance. Behind the throne, a red halo broke through the roof and shot straight into the sky.

The fat man pointed at the throne.

"It turns out this thing is causing trouble!"

Ji Changsheng nodded slightly.

"In the eyes of the ancients, the rainbow was a bridge connecting heaven and earth. King Xian wanted to fly to the sky through this rainbow bridge."

"However, this is just an illusion created by using optical principles to change the colors of the rainbow."

After speaking, he led everyone towards the throne.

When I got closer, I saw a golden river blocking the throne, but there was no bridge on the river.

If you want to cross the river, you can only jump across it.

The river is not wide, so it is not a problem for everyone.

Just when they were about to jump across the river, suddenly there was a burst of eerie laughter from the palace.


The laughter was distant and close, and sounded like a young woman.

Xiao Wu was the timidest and was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Shirley Yang.

"There's a ghost!"

Shirley Yang patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder and comforted him.

"This is a fairy palace, not a spiritual palace. There should be no ghosts."

The fat man reminded quickly.

"No one has been here for more than two thousand years. If it's not a ghost, what could it be?"

"Is it something like rice dumplings?"

Xiao Wu's expression changed.

"Isn't that even scarier?"

Shirley Yang's expression also changed slightly and she said in a deep voice.

"I heard that there is a kind of rice dumpling called Xiaoshi. Is there really a rice dumpling here?"

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