Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 450: Exposing Your Secrets

Lanza Temple, a long-abandoned lamasery.

Looking from a distance, the once majestic temple has long been dilapidated, with its red walls and green tiles fading away from its original color. The surrounding weeds are as tall as a person, and there is no sign of human habitation at all.

When Sabli saw Lanza Temple for the first time, his face was full of doubts.

"Mr. Azhong, is this...?"

Azhong, who led him the way, didn't explain anything, just replied.

"Master is waiting for us inside, please."

It was difficult for Sabli to pursue further questions, so he had no choice but to follow in.

The scene inside Lanza Temple is completely different from the outside. The courtyard is very clean and tidy, and there is not even a fallen leaf on the ground.

Several old pines stand proudly in the snow. Although the main hall is dilapidated, it is spotless.

Strangely, the huge temple was empty. The two walked through three courtyards to the backyard, not even seeing a single person along the way.

Sabli couldn't help but ask.

"Are you two the only ones here?"

Azhong answered as he walked.

"A team that achieves great things needs more talent than more talent. If it is just a waste of time, no matter how many teams there are, it will be useless."

Sabli was convinced, but he said it anyway.

"But for such a big thing, just the three of us are not enough."

Their goal is to build a new world, and it's really difficult to rely on just the three of them.

Azhong then turned around and smiled softly and said.

"When you have completed your christening, you can meet the others."

Christening ceremony!

Wang Zanghai told him that it was a kind of evolution and transformation, and it was also a solemn ceremony. Only those who have completed the baptism are qualified to officially become members of the new world!

Sabli asked impatiently.

"So when can I have my christening?"

By this time they had arrived at the deepest part of the temple, a huge square that was bigger than a football field!

The square is surrounded by a circle of houses, more than a hundred of them.

Azhong led him across the square to the door of one of the rooms and pushed the door open.

This room is a living room, with hot butter tea and pastries placed on the table.

"Please wait here first, I will inform the master."

After Azhong said that, he left directly, leaving Sabli here alone.

After leaving the living room, Azhong crossed the square and came to the door of another room and said softly.

"Master, Mr. Sabli has arrived."

Wang Zanghai's voice immediately came from inside.

"Then let him wait first. I still have important things to do here."

After a pause, he said again.

"Zhong, please come in and watch together."

Azhong gently opened the door and walked in.

I saw that the painting style of this room did not match the entire temple at all.

A neat row of computers, hundreds of them in number, were placed against the wall. More than fifty young people were controlling the computers with serious faces.

Various pictures are played on the computer screen, which seems to be remotely monitored.

On the other side of the room is a luxurious sectional sofa.

Wang Zanghai was half-reclining on the sofa, with two bewitching girls in his arms. There was a laptop on the coffee table in front of him, and he kept his eyes fixed on the screen.

When he saw Ah Zhong come in, he hurriedly waved hello.

"Come here quickly, the show is about to begin!"

Completely different from his usual solemn and majestic image, this Wang Zanghai was completely frivolous, like a gangster.

Azhong was not surprised at all by his master's abnormal style of painting, and went straight to the sofa and sat down.

What was displayed on the screen was the scene in the valley. Ji Changsheng and the monster were about to start a battle!

Wang Zanghai rubbed his hands excitedly and said with expectation.

"Zhong, do you want to take a bet with me?"

"Ji Changsheng vs. Yama King No. 5!"

Azhong replied expressionlessly.

"No need to look, Ji Changsheng must win. If he can't even pass this level, he is not worthy of being our opponent."

Wang Zanghai curled his lips and said.

"Of course I know the result. I'm betting on how long it will take Ji Changsheng to get it done."

"Let's focus on the time. If it's more than 30 minutes, it's considered big, and if it's less than 30 minutes, it's small."

"I'll bet on you!"

Azhong shrugged helplessly and expressed.

"Then I can only bet on the small number, but... I don't think it will take more than 10 minutes at most."

Wang Zanghai glanced at him in surprise.

"Although Yama King No. 5 is a failed experiment, it is still a new species that took decades to cultivate. Are you so unsure?"

Azhong replied seriously.

"Of course I know the quality of our products, but the Zhangjia Ancient Building incident is enough to prove his strength!"

Ancestor Milotuo under the ancient building of the Zhang family was a world-destroying monster, but Ji Changsheng was able to easily defeat it.

Azhong didn't think that a failed experimental product could last for 10 minutes in Ji Changsheng's hands!

Wang Zanghai thought for a moment, then frowned.

"You are always so calm, as calm as a robot, it's just boring."

"How tiring it must be to live so hard like you."

"No wonder you've lived your whole life and you've still been a virgin. You deserve it for not being a woman."

Ah Zhong responded with a gentle smile to his master's teasing.

"How can we start a family when the big things are not yet decided?"

Women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword!

Wang Canghai complained about him on the surface, but he was secretly happy in his heart. This was the right-hand man he wanted.

After the master and servant laughed for a while, they turned their attention to the screen.

Through this battle, they can collect a lot of useful information and data, which can play a very important role in the decisive battle with Ji Changsheng!

More than 50 intelligence officers on the scene stared at the screen intently, recording this information anytime and anywhere.

For everyone, Ji Changsheng is a mysterious person. No one knows where he came from, and no one knows how strong he is!

The art of war says: Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles.

Wang Canghai has been carefully planning for so long, but he has never taken action because he has not mastered the detailed intelligence of his opponent.

His style of doing things has always been steady, and he never fights a battle without confidence.

"Ji Changsheng, no matter who you are, I will expose your details!"

At this time, Ji Changsheng, who was far away in the snow-capped mountain valley, was looking at the monster in front of him with interest.

"Is this a Zongzi raised by the art of war, or a product of modern biotechnology?"

"Haha, Wang Canghai really likes to play tricks."

Wang Canghai is proficient in strange and ingenious skills, so it is not surprising that he can cultivate Zongzi.

But if he has mastered modern biotechnology, Ji Changsheng will have to re-evaluate this person's strength.

After the monster suffered a loss, it did not dare to launch an attack rashly, but just confronted the enemy cautiously.

Suddenly, the monster trembled violently.

As if it received an order, the monster suddenly launched an attack!

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