Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 457 Zhang Qiling and Wang Canghai

"Zhang Qiling, Qiling means to carry a coffin."

"Why would a son of a rich family have such a name?"

He felt a little unbelievable in his heart, but in order not to offend this big customer, he did not ask.

The two talked for a long time, and his eloquence and real ability finally persuaded Zhang Qiling.

"Sir, you are indeed a master of immortal cultivation. Can you please come with me to my humble home to have a chat? I still have many questions to ask."

He thought that Zhang Qiling must be the son of a prince and nobleman, and this time he would definitely be able to climb up the ladder, so he readily agreed.

The two set out from Henan, but did not go to Lin'an Prefecture, but went north.

When they reached the Huai River, Zhang Qiling still did not stop, and he panicked. Could this young man be from the north?

Although he had lost his faith, he was still a citizen of the Song Dynasty. If he rashly crossed the river, he would surrender to the enemy.

General Yue was his idol all his life. He had fought against the Jin people all his life. How could he serve the nobles of the Jin people?

Even if he couldn't serve the country, this was his last bottom line.

Zhang Qiling saw that he refused to cross the river no matter what, so he understood his concerns and said.

"I am not a Jin person. Please rest assured, sir. We are not going to Shengjing, but to a place farther away."

Shengjing was the capital of the Jin Dynasty, where the princes and nobles lived.

If it was not Shengjing, then where was the Zhang family from?

He was very confused. The place further north was the ancestral home of the Jin people - Baishan Heishui.

In order to dispel his doubts, Zhang Qiling directly offered generous conditions.

"The Zhang family has quite a bit of wealth. If you are willing to go, I am willing to offer ten thousand taels of gold."

Ten thousand taels of gold!

No matter which dynasty, it is an astronomical figure!

After speaking, Zhang Qiling took out a fist-sized gold nugget from his arms as a deposit.

He weighed it and it was thirty taels!

The Zhang family was undoubtedly a wealthy family with such a generous hand!

He remembered that there were many valuable specialties in the north, and some merchants made a fortune by selling these specialties. The Zhang family might be such a wealthy family.

Although compared with the royal nobles in the capital, they were just local tycoons, but they were not inferior to the nobles in terms of financial resources.

For the sake of gold, he agreed to go.

So the two crossed the Huai River and continued to go north.

From spring to autumn, they finally arrived at their destination.

A snow-capped mountain stretching thousands of miles.

Looking at the frozen scenery of the north for thousands of miles, he was very surprised.

Is there really a wealthy family in this deep mountain forest?

Although he was confused, the heavy gold nugget in his arms was real, and he still kept a glimmer of expectation.

After entering the snow-capped mountains, the two walked for another three days before finally seeing a village.

Rather than a village, it is better to say that it is a city hidden in the mountains!

There are thousands of families in the village, all gathered together, and built according to the planning of a big city.

He is an expert in Feng Shui, and he can see at a glance that the layout of Zhangjiatun contains a sophisticated Feng Shui array, which is definitely from the hands of an expert!

After entering the village, what surprised him even more was that all the people in the village were surnamed Zhang, regardless of gender, age or young.

Could it be that the Zhang family is intermarrying with the same surname?

Although it was normal for relatives to intermarry in that era, it was suspicious that thousands of families in the whole village were intermarrying with the same surname.

In addition, Zhang Qiling's identity was also far beyond his expectations.

When everyone in the village saw Zhang Qiling, they half-knelt on the ground respectfully and called him the patriarch.

Unexpectedly, this young man was actually the patriarch of the family!

Zhang Qiling took him to a house, saying it was a guest room, and asked him to stay here with peace of mind, and arranged several people to serve him.

As for what he was going to do when he came, Zhang Qiling left without saying anything.

In this way, he stayed in Zhangjiatun for three months and spent the whole winter.

During this period, he asked to see Zhang Qiling more than once, but the Zhang family said that the clan leader had something to do, so please wait patiently.

Slowly, he began to wonder if he was under house arrest by the Zhang family.

He wanted to run away secretly, but this was deep in the snow-capped mountains. Without a local guide to lead the way, he couldn't get out at all and would definitely be trapped in the vast forest.

On second thought, he was just a wandering Taoist, not a rich family, so what was there for others to worry about?

Besides, he was alone, without any worries, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

Whether to live or die is fate, there is no point in being afraid.

After thinking it through, he put his mind at ease to gain weight.

Eating delicious food and drinking spicy drinks every day, not having to do anything, and having a special person to serve, living a life like an emperor, why not.

It was not until three months later, when spring came and flowers bloomed, that he saw Zhang Qiling.

Zhang Qiling first expressed his apologies for the house arrest, and then said.

"Sir, you will have to stay here for another three months."

He asked hurriedly upon hearing this.

"Mr. Zhang asked me to come here, what exactly is the matter? Please tell me clearly."

He had nothing to do all day, eating and drinking for free, and felt very bored, and had long wanted to find something to do.

Zhang Qiling replied.

"What we are going to do is deeper in the mountains, and the ice and snow are too thick in winter to go there."

"We can only go there when the yang energy is at its peak in summer and the ice and snow melt."

He couldn't help but feel puzzled. After repeated questions, Zhang Qiling didn't say clearly, only saying that it was in the far north.

So he had to be patient and fatten up for another three months.

Finally, summer came and the ice and snow melted.

A few days before Zhang Qiling came to find him, the whole Zhangjiatun began to get busy, and every household was preparing something.

He asked the villagers, are you going to celebrate the festival?

The villagers replied that it was not a festival, but it was better than a festival, and it was the most important thing for the Zhang family.

He continued to ask, what was it?

The villagers replied that it was ancestor worship.

In ancient times, worshiping the heavens and the earth and ancestors was the biggest thing.

Although he agreed with this answer, he still had a little doubt in his heart.

Why did the Zhang family invite him, an outsider, to worship their ancestors?

After more than ten days of intense preparations, Zhang Qiling finally came.

When he saw Zhang Qiling's outfit, he couldn't help but be very confused.

It was clearly midsummer, but Zhang Qiling was wearing a thick fur coat and a dog-skin hat, which were the clothes for the cold winter.

"Mr. Zhang, where are you going?"

Zhang Qiling handed him a set of the same clothes.

"Sir, you have to go with me, to the Far North."

He took the coat and was stunned.

"Why does the Zhang family worship their ancestors in that place?"

Zhang Qiling nodded.

"Yes, that is the origin of our Zhang family."

He couldn't help but frowned slightly, not quite believing this statement.

"The Zhang family looks like Han people, how can the Far North be the origin of the Han people?"

Zhang Qiling smiled slightly, his eyes were deep and unfathomable.

"If you don't go, you can only stay here for the rest of your life."

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