That was the first time Wang Zanghai realized the power of the Zhang family. What happened next refreshed his cognition one after another, which made him begin to re-examine this mysterious family.

After cutting down the towering tree, more than a hundred skilled craftsmen began construction on the spot. The tools they used were very strange, but their efficiency was surprisingly high. One person could complete the work of dozens of people.

At that time, he did not realize that the tools he saw did not belong to that era!

It was not until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution more than 800 years later that he saw similar tools in university laboratories when he traveled in Europe, but they were far less sophisticated and complex than the Zhang family.

The technology of the Zhang family was a thousand years ahead of the times!

Generally speaking, it takes at least a year to build the keel of a large ship.

But these people only took three days!

After the keel was built, a mechanical device he had never seen before was used to transport the huge keel out of the forest.

After returning to the village, he saw a huge dock on the seashore, as if it had appeared out of thin air!

When he saw this scene, he suddenly thought of a question.

Zhang Qiling said that the ancestors of the Zhang family had been to the Far North many times, and they must have gone there by boat.

"Mr. Zhang, where are the boats you used before?"

Zhang Qiling's answer shocked him again.

"They were burned after use."

He looked at the huge keel, his face full of surprise.

Such a large ship is rare in the world, but it was burned after only being used once. Does the Zhang family have too much money and nowhere to use it?

"Why burn it?"

Zhang Qiling turned his head and looked at him, with a sharp look in his eyes.

"Sir, this is not what you should ask."

He immediately felt a murderous aura rushing to his head, his eyes went black, and he almost fainted.

At the same time, he immediately understood one thing, the Zhang family might not be going to worship their ancestors!

The Zhang family probably hid some shameful secrets in the Far North, and the purpose of burning the boat was to prevent others from knowing these secrets!

In addition, ancestor worship is an important sacrificial activity that must be carried out every year, but the Zhang family's ancestor worship is obviously not once a year.

More importantly, why would they go all the way to the deserted Far North to worship their ancestors?

In fact, he was not a dull person, but he was overwhelmed by the gold. He did not think about these doubts before, and now he is more suspicious.

However, because the era he lived in was different from the modern era, there were no large criminal groups or terrorist organizations, so even if he was suspicious, he just thought that the Zhang family was acting strangely and mysteriously, and did not think about it carefully.

"I am too nosy, please forgive me, Mr. Zhang."

He looked at the busy construction site in the distance and couldn't help asking another question.

"Since these people have been living here, why don't they build the boat in advance, but build it temporarily?"

Zhang Qiling answered calmly.

"Because the boat will corrode and be damaged when soaked in sea water, it needs to be painted and repaired every once in a while. After a long time, it is very tedious and laborious."

"Temporary construction is more convenient and labor-saving."

He immediately got another message from Zhang Qiling's answer, that the Zhang family would only go to worship their ancestors once in a long time.

But how long is it?

Ten years or twenty years.

However, this question involved the secret of the Zhang family, so he did not dare to ask.

The time to build the big ship was the same as Zhang Qiling said, which took only half a month.

This was an unprecedented big ship, more than thirty feet long from head to tail, and more than ten feet high, which could carry at least seven or eight hundred people!

It was not until hundreds of years later, when the eunuch Sanbao went to the West, that he saw a ship of the same size.

The day after the ship was built, more than fifty villagers joined the team as sailors, and more than one hundred people took the big ship to the deep sea.

On the boundless sea, Zhang Qiling pointed to the icebergs in the sea and said.

"This sea will freeze for more than half of the year, and there are icebergs everywhere in the sea, and it is impossible to sail at all."

"You can only sail there when the icebergs melt in summer."

He suddenly realized why he had to wait until summer to come, and why he had to come back before the ice froze in autumn.

On the way to the Far North, he saw many new things, giant bears with white hair, seals hunted by giant bears, and various huge whales.

The voyage was very smooth. Although the Zhang family members brought by Zhang Qiling had lived in the snow-capped mountains for a long time, they were all good at driving boats.

The big ship cleverly avoided the icebergs and headed straight to the north.

After sailing for half a month, there were more and more icebergs on the sea, and finally there were too many to pass.

Zhang Qiling then ordered the big ship to anchor next to a huge glacier, leaving a small number of people to guard the ship, and the rest of the people stepped on the glacier to continue moving forward.

Looking around, there were mostly white glaciers and snow-capped mountains, and some huge stone mountains could be seen faintly in the distance.

They brought more than a dozen sleds and dozens of huskies, and rode on dog sleds on the glacier.

Fortunately, it was summer when they came, the weather was clear, and there was no ice and snow storm.

After three days of galloping on the glacier, the team finally slowed down.

At the same time, he also noticed a strange phenomenon. This place was always daytime, without night!

Zhang Qiling smiled lightly.

"Half of the year here is daytime, and half is night."

"In another half month, we will enter a half-year long eternal night."

The earliest exploration of the Arctic, as recorded in history, was by two American expedition teams in the early 20th century.

But who would have thought that the Zhang family had already regarded this place as their home many centuries ago!

On the fourth day on the glacier, they came to the foot of a huge stone mountain, which was more than a thousand feet high, and half of it soared into the clouds.

Zhang Qiling asked a few people to stay at the foot of the mountain to guard the dogs and sleds, and he took the rest of the people up the mountain.

This stone mountain is very strange. In the extreme north of ice and snow, it is not covered with ice and snow. The whole mountain is black, which is very conspicuous on the white ice field.

After climbing the mountain, he clearly felt that the temperature was getting higher and higher. When he climbed halfway, he had taken off his thick fur coat and didn't feel cold even wearing a single coat.

He had learned the old alchemy and was very familiar with various gold and stone. He observed carefully, but didn't know what kind of mountain stone it was.

The stone was dark in color, like charcoal, and it was not very hard to the touch, and was even a little soft. The surface was covered with tiny holes, just like human pores.

After holding it in for more than half a month, he couldn't help but ask.

"Mr. Zhang, where exactly is this place?"

"Why do you come to this barren land to worship your ancestors?"

This time Zhang Qiling didn't get angry, but just answered a question that made him puzzled.

"This is the place of origin."

He blinked and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"What does that mean?"

Zhang Qiling answered word by word.

"Where the world began."

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