Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 47: Show you something fun

Except for the old man, the other four people who suddenly appeared were full of violence. At first glance, they were not kind people.

The other party claims to be a fellow in a reverse fight. When the two sides meet in a place like this, the usual result is life or death!

Wang Qi and Fatty were both very alert and did not relax at all.

Ji Changsheng asked nonchalantly: "Who are you?"

The old man stepped forward, cupped his hands, and replied: "My surname is Liang, and everyone calls me Master. These are Master Tai and his associates."

Master Liang, Uncle Tai.

Ji Changsheng was not surprised at all by their appearance, but Uncle Tai's injury caught his attention.

"What happened to your injury? Who did it?"

Uncle Tai held up his hand and said angrily: "My friend, to be honest with you, we met a person in the jungle ahead."

"That guy followed us secretly. After I found out, he actually plotted against him and got shot."

"But it doesn't matter. It's just that one arm is temporarily disabled."

Ji Changsheng smiled slightly. He estimated that the person who attacked was probably the escaped Li Pipa.

It seems that his judgment was correct, Li Pipa is back here!

Due to Uncle Tai's frank confession, the atmosphere temporarily eased.

Master Liang said again: "Everyone, you must be here for the big fight, right?"

Ji Changsheng nodded and said, "Yes, Master Liang, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Master Liang gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Come on! Then I'll just tell you."

"This big fight is very dangerous. Ninety percent of the people who find it don't make it back alive, and those who go back don't get into the fight either."

"So this fight is too dangerous. Instead of killing each other, we should work together."

"What do you think?"

When the fat man heard this, he immediately became unhappy.

"Why should we go down with you? Why should we share things with you?"

"If you can, do it yourself! Don't get close to us casually!"

When Uncle Tai heard this, a murderous look suddenly flashed across his face, but he held it back for the time being.

Master Liang has a good temper and is not angry at all.

"My friend, you don't know something. This place is extraordinary."

"If nothing else, do you know why so many colleagues died here?"

The fat man snorted coldly.

"It's because they have low abilities. Who's to blame?"

Master Liang quickly shook his head.

"No, many of the senior colleagues who died here were world-famous masters, but they all lost their lives due to mistakes."

"It's not because they are incompetent, but it's just that this place is too dangerous!"

"Only if we cooperate with each other can we have a chance to fight and come back alive."

The fat man laughed and said proudly.

"What's so dangerous? Stop using these words to scare people. No one in this business is scared!"

"Besides, we have Mr. Ji here, so nothing goes wrong!"

Master Liang glanced at Ji Changsheng, obviously he had never heard of him.

"Hey, even if you are an expert, you are still in danger of losing your life."

"If nothing else, do you know what the scariest thing in Jiaji ditch is?"

The fat man asked nonchalantly.

"What is it? Is it the female ghost in red?"

Master Liang shook his head quickly.

"Those resentful spirits are nothing. The truly terrifying thing is a hundred times more powerful than the female ghost!"

"What is that? You tell me!"

Just when Master Liang was about to answer.

At this time, a loud horn sound suddenly sounded in the distance.

In the quiet night sky, it looked very strange.

Everyone was shocked. Master Liang was shocked and his expression changed drastically.

"It's over, as soon as I mentioned these things, they came!"

"Everyone hide quickly, otherwise it will be too late!"

Even the four fierce local masters turned pale with fear and fled in panic after hearing the sound of the horn.

The fat man grabbed Master Liang and asked curiously.

"What the hell is coming? Why are you still blowing the trumpet?"

Master Liang replied tremblingly: "That's not an ordinary trumpet, it's a military trumpet!"

Fatty and Wuxie were stunned.

"How come there is an army in such a ghost place??"

Master Liang slowly said two words with a livid face.

"Yin soldiers!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone except Ji Changsheng was scared to death.

Yin soldiers pass through the border, and not a single blade of grass grows!

As Master Liang said, among all the ghosts, Yin soldiers are the most terrifying and powerful existences, and the female ghost in red is nothing in front of them!

Because they are the heroic souls of ancient soldiers who died in battle, and they still maintain their majestic appearance as soldiers after death!

Their combat power far exceeds that of ordinary ghosts, and their numbers are huge.

Yin soldiers appear, usually in the thousands!

At this time, Ji Changsheng suddenly burst into hearty laughter.

Laugh unbridled, laugh heartily, and reach into the sky!

Everyone else was stunned. What happened to Mr. Ji? You can still laugh at this time!

The fat man quickly stepped forward to persuade him.

"Mr. Ji, let's hide quickly. If there are really evil soldiers crossing the border, no one can afford to provoke them!"

Wuxie also advised.

"Yes, although you have great magical powers, there is no need to fight against the Yin soldiers here and waste your energy. It is better to retreat strategically!"

Ji Changsheng stopped laughing and said softly.

"When have you ever seen me run away?"

The fat man and Wuxie shook their heads together, and their faces stiffened.

Mr. Ji's dictionary never has the word "escape"!

Wang Qi saw this and waved his hand.

"Hide quickly, we don't want to die here!"

As he spoke, the horn sounded again, closer to the people!

Master Liang suddenly trembled all over, pointed to a place not far away, and shouted in horror.

"Quick, run!"

I saw flags flying in the air not far away, and weapons were everywhere.

Swords, spears, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks.

Eighteen kinds of weapons, all flashing with strange blue light!

And you can faintly hear the sound of footsteps like an earthquake, and the sound of horses' hooves like thunder.

Even the earth is shaking slightly!

Before they even got close, the momentum of this ancient military formation had already made people tremble with fear.

This is not something a group of tomb robbers can deal with!

Even if Zhang Tianshi of Longhu Mountain Tianshi Fu came in person, I'm afraid it would take a lot of trouble.

When the Yin soldiers pass through, nothing will grow!

The others could no longer bear it, and turned around and ran away, wishing their parents had given them two less legs.

Fatty and Wuxie were so scared that their legs went weak, but they did not abandon Ji Changsheng and run away.

Ji Changsheng smiled slightly, jumped up, and jumped onto the largest boulder.

"Fatty, naive. You don't have to run,"

"Tonight, I'll show you something fun."

After saying that, he stood with his hands behind his back, facing the direction of the Yin soldiers, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Fatty and Wuxie looked at each other, and at this moment they had only one idea.

Tonight I'm going to die here with Mr. Ji!

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