Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 51: There are indeed two Li Pipas

Although the man disappeared very quickly, only about two seconds.

But the sharp-eyed fat man still saw a vague outline.

"It seems to be a big fish, much bigger than a human!"

Wu Xie and Wang Qi were frightened when they heard it.

"This is underground water, how can there be fish?"

The fat man thought for a while, slapped his thigh and shouted.

"I know, this water seeps out from the underground river, most likely connected to a large underground river. Isn't it normal to have fish in the river?"

As a result, before he finished speaking, another person emerged from the water in the distance.

This person is also Uncle Tai's subordinate. His face is covered with blood, as if he was injured.

He was about to call out, and saw a huge black shadow leaping out of the water.

It turned out to be a big fish!

The fish is about four meters long, and it opened a bloody mouth full of dagger-like sharp teeth.

It bit the man's head and dragged him into the bottom of the water in an instant.

A few seconds later.

Wu Xie swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said slowly.

"Fatty, do you think this is normal?"

Fish living in underground rivers usually don't grow big, and a foot or two is considered big.

This big fish is more than ten feet long, and it is estimated to weigh several hundred kilograms!

Even in the sea, this fish is not small.

The fat man was so scared that his face turned pale and he retreated again and again.

"What the hell is this monster? Damn it!"

Wang Qi and his men took out their guns and retreated several meters away, staring at the waterside with horror, fearing that a big fish would jump out and eat people.

After a moment.

A few more people emerged from the water, they were Uncle Tai, Master Liang, and one of his men.

The three of them swam towards the shore with horror, trying their best.

"Hurry up and save us!"

As they spoke, circles of water splashed on the water behind them, and the water splashed towards them at a very fast speed.

Obviously, there was a big fish chasing them under the water!

Wu Xie quickly threw out the rope.

"Hold the rope, I'll pull you up!"

As he spoke, the water splashed close to the three people, and it was about to catch up.

At this time, Uncle Tai's face suddenly turned fierce, and he shot back, hitting the subordinate on the shoulder.

The subordinate was caught off guard, screamed, and his speed slowed down instantly.

The people on the shore were all stunned. They didn't expect Uncle Tai to be so cruel and ruthless. In order to survive, he would sacrifice his subordinate's life!

The big fish under the water smelled the blood, suddenly jumped out of the water, and dragged the desperate subordinate into the bottom of the water.

Taking advantage of this short and precious time, Uncle Tai and Master Liang had already grabbed the rope.

Fatty and Wuxie pulled the rope hard and soon pulled the two people ashore.

After Uncle Tai got ashore, he had no guilt at all, but just a look of horror.

"How can there be such a big fish in this water? And it's so ferocious!"

"If I had known, I would have brought a few spear guns."

Master Liang secretly glanced at him, and had some ideas in his mind, but he didn't dare to say them out loud.

The fat man didn't have those concerns, and immediately pointed at Uncle Tai and shouted.

"You just killed your own people, don't you feel guilty at all!"

Uncle Tai looked up at him and sneered disdainfully.

"If I didn't do this, I might have died!"

"If it were you, you would have done the same."

The fat man frowned and spat on the ground with disgust.

"Bah! I'm not as inhumane as you! Don't involve me!"

Uncle Tai laughed.

"Don't be a saint, brother, we are all in this business, you should know."

"Going underground is like putting your head on your belt to make a living, and danger is inevitable."

"Since you have chosen this business, you must be prepared to die in the underground palace!"

The fat man glared at him fiercely, not wanting to waste any more time with such a person.

"If I had known, I would have been too lazy to save you, hum!"

Uncle Tai heard the murderous intent in his eyes.

At this time, water splashed again on the water surface in the distance.

The water splashed and churned, and two big fish jumped out of the water and soared into the air.

Another person jumped out from below, it was Ji Changsheng!

I saw him wave his hands and grab the heads of the two big fish.

The palms of his hands were like suction cups, and the two big fish struggled desperately, but couldn't break free.

A few seconds later.

The two big fish quickly stopped fighting, and their bodies straightened up, and they died!

Ji Changsheng waved to the shore.

"Okay, it's safe now, come down."

Everyone was so frightened by this scene that they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Killing a big fish weighing hundreds of kilograms with one hand, this man's wrist strength is too terrible!

He is simply a humanoid King Kong!

"Why are you still standing there? If you don't want to come, forget it."

Everyone came back to their senses and went into the water one after another.

Under the leadership of Ji Changsheng, the journey was smooth.

After swimming for about ten minutes, they passed through the cave just now and came to a new cave.

After getting ashore, the fat man looked back and found that there were more than a dozen big fish bodies floating on the water, all with their white bellies turned up.

"Damn, so many?"

"Fortunately, Mr. Ji killed these things, otherwise we would all die here!"

At this time, Ji Changsheng noticed a pile of bloody clothes in a corner.

Wuxie stepped forward and took a look, and was shocked.

"Mr. Ji, it's Lao Yang. He seems to have been... shot!"

There was a round hole on the clothes, obviously shot by a gun, and blood stained a large area red.

The fat man's face also changed.

"Could it be that the murderer also came here?"

Uncle Tai immediately showed a fierce expression and pulled out his pistol.

"If it is the guy who attacked me, I must kill him!"

Ji Changsheng said calmly.

"Let's move faster, maybe we can catch up with them."

After saying that, he walked forward, and the others hurriedly followed.

This grotto is very large, and the passages inside are intricate, like a maze.

If Ji Changsheng hadn't read the original book, he would really get lost.

Soon, under his leadership, they finally found the tomb passage leading to the tomb chamber.

But just as they stepped into the tomb passage and didn't walk far, a strange scene appeared.

A corpse was lying in the tomb passage.

Everyone stepped forward and saw that it was Li Pipa!

Wang Qi and several men saw it, and they were all scared and their hair stood on end, and they stepped back again and again.

"How come he is here?!"

"He was clearly in the village, how did he run here?"

"Did he become a flying corpse?!"

Uncle Tai stepped forward and laughed.

"It was this guy who attacked me. It's retribution! He deserved it!"

Wang Qi was shocked when he heard this, and his face was full of disbelief.

"When did he shoot you?"

Uncle Tai raised the gunshot wound on his arm.

"Just before I met you, less than half an hour later, I chased him into Jiazigou, but he still ran away!"

Wang Qi shouted immediately.

"Impossible! He had already been beaten to death at that time, how could he attack you?"

"Did you see the wrong person?"

Uncle Tai frowned and said fiercely.

"There is a perpetrator for every injustice, and there is a creditor for every debt. Am I so bored that I would wrongly accuse a dead person I don't know?"

Wang Qi's mind was in a mess. This matter was completely beyond his cognition.

"Then what's going on?"

"How could there be two Li Pipa!"

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