Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 622: Wang Zanghai, who has made every possible effort

It is unknown what material the statue of the Great Dark Sky is made of. It is shiny black, like obsidian.

The statue is more than 80 meters tall, as tall as a 20-story building!

The huge pressure it exudes, like its huge size, makes everyone feel as small as ants.

The fat man swallowed his saliva and said with horror.

"Master, didn't you say it is a guardian god? Why doesn't it look like a good person?"

The statue was originally half sunk into the mountain, and everyone could only see its back. Only now could they see its front clearly.

The three heads were all glaring, ferocious and terrifying. No matter how you look at them, they look like demons, not righteous guardian gods.

The iron rod lama answered with a serious face.

"In the Tantric Buddhism, it is the guardian deity, but in the mythology of the Demon Kingdom, it is the black dakini who protects the evil gods!"

"All donors, hurry up, I will help you stop it even if I sacrifice my life!"

After saying that, he chanted the magic spell and thrust the Vajra into the ground.

"Vajra subdues the demons, Ksitigarbha!"

A faint golden light visible to the naked eye spread out in all directions along with the magic pestle, quickly forming a circle with a diameter of 100 meters, encircling the statue in the center.

This is the Buddhist magic spell to bind the earth spirit!

The Iron Rod Lama's face was ashen, and he gritted his teeth and said.

"With my cultivation, I can only trap it for three hours at most, hurry up!"

The fat man said hurriedly.

"What are you going to do?"

The Iron Rod Lama shook his head.

"The Buddha said that if I don't go to hell, who will? Don't worry about me. I will perish with this demon king without any complaints!"


Sabli couldn't help but sneer.

"Old thing, you want to die with it? Don't you know how powerful you are!"

"This old trick, let's put it away!"

He said, gently waving his hand.

After receiving his order, the Great Dark Sky raised his right foot high and stomped it hard on the ground.


With a deafening sound, the earth trembled violently, and the surrounding mountain walls were instantly covered with cracks.

The power of this kick actually triggered an earthquake of more than magnitude 5!

The Earthbound Spirit was immediately crushed to pieces, and the golden light quickly dissipated.

As the magic power dissipated, the Iron Rod Lama was backlashed, spitting out blood, and fell to the ground.

Everyone couldn't help but change color. Just a kick broke the Iron Rod Guardian's magic spell. This power is too strong!

The fat man hurried forward to support the Iron Rod Lama.

"Master, how are you?"

The Iron Rod Lama took a breath and said helplessly.

"I'm fine, but unfortunately I can't stop the devil. As an iron rod guardian, I feel ashamed of the people of the world!"

Sabri laughed proudly.

"What's a mere iron rod guardian? Ji Changsheng is dead, and no one in this world can stop me!"

"Everyone is ready to welcome the arrival of the new world, and I will become the god of the new world!"

The young man looked puzzled when he heard this.

The temple and the eye of the snake god were destroyed.

In theory, the space gate should be closed,

Why does Sabri look like he has won?

Others also immediately felt that something was wrong. Did they miss something?

Sabri saw the doubts of the crowd and laughed triumphantly.

"You think it's over? Naive!"

"The space gate is indeed closed, but the door to the new world has been opened, and everything has just begun!"

As he said, he pointed to the ruins under his feet.

"Before you arrived, the space gate was opened, and some interesting things have come to this world!"

"Although you prevented the snake god from resurrecting, my plan and my master's plan succeeded!"

The young man suddenly understood after hearing this.

"In fact, you knew that the snake god would be resurrected!"

Sabli laughed.

"It's not too slow to understand now."

"The master is extremely smart. How could he not think of the snake god's mind? The master knew it from the beginning!"

Since Ji Changsheng is dead, no one in the world can stop him anymore. After he has no worries, he no longer hides it.

"Although some details are different from what the master thinks, they are roughly the same. Our initial plan is to open the space gate and use the power of the snake god to kill Ji Changsheng!"

Wang Canghai has never been to the Phoenix Palace and does not know the relationship between Ji Changsheng and the snake god, but he is a genius and still guessed a general outline.

This is also due to the secret treasure of the Zhang family in his hands, the coffin in the Zhang family fairy palace!

The young man suddenly realized that the coffin was left by the ancestors of the Zhang family. Although he didn't know what was inside, he could guess that it must be related to the information left by the ancestors.

Those information were about the secrets of Ji Changsheng!

"Where is the coffin?"

Sabli thought he had won the game and answered his question very straightforwardly.

"In the resting place of the snake god's remains, the ancient city of Jingjue!"

This answer was obviously beyond people's expectations.

The young man frowned.

"Why put it there?"

Sabli smiled lightly.

"Since you are a holy body, you will be mine sooner or later, so I will tell you."

It turned out that Wang Canghai had been secretly investigating for many years and finally knew a secret of the snake god's remains.

The first to discover the remains of the snake god were the ancestors of the Demon Kingdom. Influenced by the will of the snake god, they took out the remains of the snake god and the eyes of the snake god from the bottomless ghost cave.

Later, the first generation of ghost mother used the power of the magic eye to spy on a secret of the snake god.

It turned out that the remains of the snake god had been in this world for an unknown period of time, but it had always been sleeping under the bottomless ghost cave until the appearance of the ancestors of the Demon Kingdom, and was able to escape.

In the hundreds of millions of years before that, the remains of the snake god just lay quietly in the abyss of the ghost cave, experiencing countless vicissitudes of life.

In fact, it didn't like that ghost place, but was trapped there!

There is a special energy in the bottomless ghost cave that can seal the power of the snake god!

In order to prevent the snake god from resurrecting, Wang Canghai ordered his men to take the remains of the snake god back to the ancient city of Jingjue, and once the space gate was opened, the remains of the snake god would be thrown in, so that it would sleep forever in the bottomless ghost cave!

After hearing this, the little brother couldn't help but marvel at Wang Canghai's cunningness, and at the same time felt puzzled.

"But why should the Zhang family's coffin also be thrown into the bottomless ghost cave?"

Sabli smiled coldly and answered.

"Because the secret hidden in the coffin is too important!"

"Except for me and the master, no one can know it, so it can only be thrown into the bottomless ghost cave to accompany the remains of the snake god."

As he spoke, his emotions became more and more excited.

"Now that Ji Changsheng is dead, the snake god has fallen into eternal sleep, and the door to the new world has been opened!"

"And all this has long been calculated by the master. He is the god who truly controls everything!"

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