Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 631 Someone got there first

Everyone looked back, the haze covering the Shenluo Valley had dissipated, and the sun shone on the Thousand Miles Glacier, reflecting a dazzling silver light.

The remnants of the Demon Kingdom entrenched here were completely wiped out, and the entire Kashmir region finally restored a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

After leaving Kashmir, Tiebang Lama said goodbye to everyone. He was going back to Ali Fairy Lake to fulfill his great wish and continue to protect the peace of the area.

The rest of the people came to the Tibetan capital, where Uncle Ming's body was cremated. It was inconvenient to bring the body back to Hong Kong, so they could only take the ashes back for burial.

Before leaving, Ji Changsheng gave Ah Xiang a bag of gems, which was the reward that Uncle Ming deserved.

Ah Xiang looked at the gems and thought of the dead Uncle Ming, and couldn't help shedding tears again.

"These are what my godfather exchanged for his life. I will definitely help him pay off his debts, but it's a pity that he is no longer here."

"Mr. Ji, my godfather and godmother are both dead. I have no one to rely on in this world. Can I..."

Ji Changsheng immediately understood what she meant.

"After you have dealt with Uncle Ming's funeral, come to Beijing to find me."

A Ning quickly handed the address to Ah Xiang and said a few more words of comfort.

A Xiang then thanked him profusely and said goodbye with Da Huang.

Everyone rested in Zangdu for two days. During this time, Ji Changsheng and the little brother talked privately several times, all about the secrets of the Zhang family and the ultimate.

Although the little brother's holy blood has awakened and his memory has been restored, he still doesn't know what the core secret of the Zhang family is, and he can't even remember what the ultimate is.

Ji Changsheng thought that his memory has not been fully restored, and he should be able to remember it after a while.

But the little brother shook his head unexpectedly.

"No, I didn't know these secrets before I lost my memory."

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Aren't you the head of the Zhang family? Why don't you know it?"

The little brother looked complicated, and after recalling it, he said slowly.

"Because when I took over as the patriarch, a big thing happened in the Zhang family. Many secrets were hidden and I needed to find them out myself."

"But I lost my memory before I found them out..."

Ji Changsheng asked hurriedly.

"What big thing?"

The brother hesitated for a moment before answering.


It turned out that the brother took over the position of patriarch more than 300 years ago when the Manchus entered the pass.

The dynasty that ruled the Central Plains for hundreds of years fell, Zhu Youjian hanged himself on a crooked tree, and Wu Sangui led the Manchus south to seize the world.

As the saying goes, when the nest is overturned, how can there be eggs intact?

When the world is in chaos, everyone will be deeply involved, and no one can stay out of it.

The Zhang family is no exception.

The Ming Dynasty royal family believed in Taoist immortal cultivation. The relationship between the Zhu family and the Zhang family was very close, and even an emperor was buried in the Zhang family's fairy palace.

Afterwards, after the Manchus entered the pass, the Zhang family was divided into two factions. One faction believed that they should follow the general trend, serve the new rulers, and surrender to the Qing Dynasty.

The other faction believed that they should continue to be loyal to the Ming Dynasty royal family, support the anti-Qing and restoration of the Ming Dynasty, and even funded resistance organizations such as the Red Flower Society and the Heaven and Earth Society, and planned to restore the Ming Dynasty with Zheng Chenggong who was entrenched in the Wan Island.

A fierce dispute broke out between the two factions, which eventually led to the breakup of the Zhang family.

In order to prevent the other party from becoming the patriarch, both sides destroyed or buried the core secrets in their hands.

What I can't get, you can't get it!

This practice of killing 10,000 enemies and losing 8,000 of yourself eventually caused the Zhang family to lose a lot of strength and quickly fall.

Ji Changsheng heard this and asked curiously.

"Which faction are you from?"

The little brother shook his head helplessly and answered.

"No faction."

When he took over as the patriarch, the Zhang family had already fallen apart. Although there were still dozens of local families obeying him, such as the overseas Zhang family, the Zhang family in its heyday had thousands of families all over the country!

Compared with the previous patriarchs, he, the last patriarch, was extremely shabby.

The family has fallen to this point, and it doesn't matter which faction they support.

Later, as the course of history continued to move forward, the little influence left by the Zhang family became smaller and smaller.

The top noble family that once made great achievements in China eventually fell to digging graves and robbing tombs with ancestral skills, and associated with the lower nine streams of the underworld. The Zhang family, which had been glorious for thousands of years, finally ushered in the end.

When telling these past events, the little brother was very calm.

For him, the worldly glory and wealth were just passing clouds, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

As the patriarch, the only thing he cared about was his mission.

In the following three hundred years, he had been looking for the oldest secret of the Zhang family, which was also guarded by the patriarchs of all generations.

Unfortunately, due to the internal struggles of the Zhang family, many secrets were submerged in the long river of history, and the little brother gradually lost his memory, and his search over the years had little effect.

In fact, he didn't know much more than Ji Changsheng.

After two days of discussion, the two finally decided to go to the address left by Sabli first.

After two days of rest, everyone took a flight back to the capital.

The address left by Sabli was a private villa on the outskirts of Tong County, less than 200 kilometers away from the capital.

Ji Changsheng asked everyone else to stay in the base camp and only took Xiaoge and Wuxie with him.

Wang Canghai's power had been uprooted, and all his masters were wiped out. There should be no danger in the villa.

Even if it was a trap, with the strength of the three of them, there was no need to worry.

At noon, the three finally arrived at their destination.

This villa covers an area of ​​about hundreds of acres and is surrounded by mountains. There is a small river flowing at the door and the scenery is pleasant.

Looking from a distance, it is quite poetic and picturesque.

When the three of them arrived, they saw several black jeeps parked at the door, with no one inside.

After Wuxie looked at it, he said with some surprise.

"I have never seen this kind of license plate number. Is it a fake car?"

Ji Changsheng said nonchalantly.

"At most, they are the remnants of Wang Zanghai's men, who can be captured and questioned."

The younger brother shook his head solemnly.

"I'm not from Wang Zanghai. I've seen this kind of license plate number."

Wuxie asked quickly.

"Who are they?"

The little brother looked a little complicated, and after thinking for a while, he answered.

"The identity of these people is very mysterious. I have seen them all over the country, but I am not sure who they are."

After saying that, after thinking for a while, he added.

"Wherever they appear, special events occur. They may be secret departments that specialize in handling such events."

Ji Changsheng's expression suddenly changed.

It turned out to be someone from the Six Doors of the Imperial Court!

He didn't want to deal with people from the imperial court, but this time it was an important secret, so he had to meet them once.

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