Before Zhang Yingchuan finished speaking, everyone was already a little uneasy.

I didn't expect that the impact on the world after the space gate was opened would be so great!

Fortunately, Ji Changsheng closed the channel in time, otherwise the consequences would be even more unimaginable.

Zhang Yingchuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and continued to narrate.

Two days ago.

A large-scale special event also occurred on the European continent. Tens of millions of residents in eight major cities all heard the same sound.

This sound came from underground, as if it was the roar of the devil country, reaching the depths of people's hearts.

The authorities sent people to enter the underground drainage system to check, but they couldn't find any clues.

To this day, the sound still hasn't stopped. Millions of people can't stand it and have fled the city. Tens of thousands of people have suffered from various mental illnesses due to anxiety and fear.

Hundreds of people have committed suicide for this!

What's more, some cults took advantage of this incident to revive, preaching the end of the world, deceiving the people, and causing large-scale riots. The authorities could only send troops to intervene and suppress it.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but think that his skill-Wanli Ghost Song can also do this.

Yesterday at noon.

In the Qaidam Basin of Qinghai, China, the crude oil sprayed out of the oil well of a large oil field turned into blood!

The sea of ​​blood was surging and submerged the entire oil field!

Fortunately, the workers of the oil field escaped in time and no casualties were caused, but the economic losses were difficult to estimate, and even directly affected some major projects.

After receiving the order, the local garrison sent an elite company to check, but they could not get close to the polluted oil field at all.

According to the report of the soldiers, when they tried to approach the oil field, a red blood mist quickly spread, covering an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers.

This blood mist seemed to be a tangible thing. Once it came into contact with the mist, it would be sucked dry of blood and turned into a mummy!

Fortunately, these elite soldiers ran fast and only lost two horses and a camel, with no casualties.

Later, the military sent another group of people to go there with a full set of protective equipment, but they still returned without success.

Even wearing biochemical protective clothing could not resist the blood mist. In desperation, the military could only block the entire area.

At this point, Zhang Yingchuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and his face became more solemn.

"But the most terrifying thing is not these!"

At six o'clock this morning.

In Xinjiang, China, somewhere in the Taklimakan Desert, there was an unprecedented super tornado!

Three large ranches were destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of livestock were blown away by the tornado and disappeared.

Tens of thousands of acres of windbreaks were razed to the ground, and the giant sandstorms caused swept across Xinjiang, and hundreds of towns suffered serious losses.

The local area has entered the first level of combat readiness alert, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers rushed to the front line to evacuate the people urgently.

The most incredible thing is that the satellite sent back an incredible photo.

That super tornado was entrenched in a certain place, and it has not dissipated!

According to the laws of nature, tornadoes will run around everywhere, causing great damage, and usually dissipate automatically after a period of time.

But this tornado was fixed in a certain place, and the wind force did not dissipate or increase.

The most authoritative meteorological experts in the country could not explain this. This is an unprecedented bizarre incident!

Zhang Yingchuan took out a map, spread it on the table, pointed at the map and said.

"If this tornado does not dissipate, it may move at any time. No matter where it goes, it will destroy everything!"

"More importantly, if it does not dissipate, it will have a great impact on the climate of the entire earth, and the consequences are unimaginable!"

Wuxie immediately understood what he meant.

"You mean, let us solve this matter?"

Zhang Yingchuan nodded.

"Yes, other events can be delayed, but this matter cannot wait. It must be solved immediately, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

Wuxie frowned and said.

"But this is a super tornado. We are not gods. Why do you think we can solve it?"

Zhang Yingchuan looked at Ji Changsheng and answered slowly.

"Others may not have a way, but Mr. Ji must have a way, right?"

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but smile lightly.

"I may have a way to solve it, but I have conditions."

Zhang Yingchuan seemed to have guessed it long ago and nodded.

"Just ask."

Ji Changsheng stretched out his hand and pointed around.

"I think you should know the purpose of my coming here."

What he wanted was the things that Sabli left here.

Zhang Yingchuan answered without hesitation.

"What you want is directly related to this incident, and that's why we came here."

The special events that happened these days were all caused by Wang Canghai. It was part of his building a new world, so he must know important clues.

They came here to find these clues.

Ji Changsheng immediately stretched out his hand.

"Since you want me to help, then take it out and show it to me."

Zhang Yingchuan stood up and made a gesture of invitation.

"Those things are in the basement, please follow me."

Everyone immediately followed him out of the main hall, through several long corridors, and came to the quiet backyard.

There was no one in the backyard, and Zhang Yingchuan led them to the door of a room and pushed the door open.

The room was empty, nothing in it.

Zhang Yingchuan walked to a wall and reached out to press on it.

The ground slowly cracked, and a tunnel opening appeared.

A gust of cold wind blew up from below, making it chilly.

Under the leadership of Zhang Yingchuan, they entered the tunnel.

This tunnel is not long. After walking down for dozens of meters, a large iron gate appeared.

Two men in black stood at the door. After seeing Zhang Yingchuan, they opened the door respectfully.

After everyone entered the door, they saw a huge basement.

It is about the size of a football field and contains thousands of antiques from every dynasty.

A dozen men in black were doing detailed inspections. Zhang Yingchuan waved his hand and motioned for them to go out.

He said after the others went out.

"Not only are there antiques collected by Wang Zanghai, but there are also some shady secrets."

With that said, he walked inside and didn't stop until he reached the end.

At the end of the basement, there was a large wooden shelf with a huge bronze vessel on it.

This thing looks very weird. It looks like a giant egg with ancient inscriptions carved on its surface.

When the little brother saw this thing, he immediately blurted out.

"I've seen this thing, it's a tool used to hold the ultimate!"

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