Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 640: Fatty solves the case

Ji Changsheng was not completely sure, but as a leader, he could not show his inner worries, otherwise it would affect the morale of the army.

"Don't worry, let me handle it."

Three domestically produced Mengshi military off-road vehicles carried the team and drove towards the direction of the Jingjue Ancient City.

They had three goals for this operation.

The first was to solve this terrible super hurricane, the second was to prevent the snake god from leaving the bottomless ghost cave, and the third was to get the coffin out of the bottomless ghost cave.

The most important secret of the Zhang family is hidden in that coffin!

What kind of family is the Zhang family?

So far, Ji Changsheng has no clue.

He only knows that the Zhang family had a technological civilization far ahead of the times thousands of years ago!

At first, he thought that the power of the Zhang family came from the ultimate, but later he learned that the Zhang family had mastered incredible power before the ultimate appeared, and captured the ultimate with this power.

The secret of the Zhang family is as mysterious as the ultimate!

The convoy was driving in the vast desert, and looking around, there was endless yellow sand.

As the largest desert in China, the Taklamakan Desert is 330,000 square kilometers, three times larger than the country of Kimchi, and equivalent to the area of ​​Japan!

The ancient city of Jingjue, which disappeared thousands of years ago, is in the center of this desert.

The fat man said while driving.

"Tianzhen, what exactly is the ancient city of Jingjue that we are going to? Tell me about it."

Wuxie actually didn't know much about the ancient city of Jingjue, so he could only turn his attention to Shirley Yang.

Shirley Yang has done a detailed study of the ancient city of Jingjue and introduced it immediately.

According to historical records, the country of Jingjue is one of the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions. There are 480 households in the country, with a population of more than 3,300 people and 500 soldiers. There is a Jingjue captain and one left and right general. It is under the jurisdiction of the Northern Protectorate of the Han Dynasty, that is, it is a vassal state of the Han Dynasty.

Later, for some unknown reason, this small country in the Western Regions perished overnight!

This country is located on the Silk Road. A passing caravan entered the city to rest, but found that the whole city was empty and was very surprised.

The merchants searched the whole city, but did not find any bodies or signs of looting. There were even meals left on the tables in the residents' homes, and the furniture and supplies were neatly arranged. There was no trace of anything.

It was as if all the residents had suddenly evaporated out of thin air!

This mysterious incident alarmed the emperor of the Han Dynasty, who sent people to investigate, but found nothing.

The demise of the ancient city of Jingjue eventually became an unsolved case in history.

After listening to this, the fat man was a little disappointed.

"There are only more than 3,000 people in the country. What kind of country is this? It's just a bigger village."

"Such a small village, it seems that there is nothing good. Even if there is, it's not our turn. It has been taken away by those merchants."

It turns out that this guy is thinking about the treasure.

Shirley Yang couldn't help but sigh and continued.

"The ruler of Jingjue is a mysterious queen."

"It is said that the eyes of the Queen of Jingjue have a magical ability to turn stones into gems, water into crystals, and yellow sand into gold sand."

"So the palace of the Queen of Jingjue is made of gold, the walls are inlaid with gems, and the ceiling is covered with crystals. It is extremely luxurious."

When this was said, the ears of Fatty and Wang Kaixuan stood up like rabbits, and their eyes were shining.

"Staff Officer Yang, are you serious?!"

Shirley Yang laughed and said.

"Anyway, that's what the ancient books say. Whether it's true or not, we'll know only when we find it."

Fatty and Wang Kaixuan immediately became a hundred times more energetic and shouted excitedly.

"Don't worry, we will definitely find the palace of the Queen of Jingjue!"

Hu Bayi smiled and whispered.

"Staff Officer Yang, your trick is really clever. You've made these two fat guys like chicken blood. They will do whatever you say."

Shirley Yang smiled and said.

"I didn't lie to them. It's true what's written in the ancient books."

As he said that, he changed the subject.

"However, there are some more bizarre records in the books, some of which are even scary."

Wuxie asked immediately.

"What records? Tell me about it."

Shirley Yang lowered her voice and said slowly.

"It is said that the eyes of the Queen of Jingjue have a terrible ability. Anyone who has seen her eyes will disappear out of thin air!"

"So she usually covers her face with a black veil. No one has ever seen what she looks like. Everyone who has seen her has disappeared!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

The fat man's eyes turned and he shouted immediately.

"I understand what's going on!"

"The mystery of the demise of the ancient city of Jingjue has been revealed by me, Fatty!"

Wuxie looked at him with a suspicious look and asked.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

The fat man described it vividly.

"One day, the weather was fine and the Queen of Jingjue was in a good mood. She wanted to check on the people."

"So she went up to the top of the city wall and looked down at the whole city. When the people in the city saw the Queen, they all came out to kneel and greet her."

"The Queen waved her hand and said, 'My dear ministers, please stand up.' The people all looked up to see the Queen's demeanor. Even if her face was covered, they could still see her figure."

As he spoke, his face suddenly changed and his tone became nervous.

"But at this moment, no one expected that a gust of wind suddenly blew and blew away the veil on the queen's face!"

"The queen's eyes were exposed to the public!"

"Oh my god, this is terrible. All the people saw the queen's eyes, so..."

He snapped his fingers and made a regretful expression.

"It's a pity that more than 3,000 people in the country disappeared out of thin air, leaving behind an empty city and an unsolved case for thousands of years."

"Fortunately, I am talented and smart, and I finally solved this historical unsolved case!"

After hearing this, everyone laughed out loud.

Wu Xie laughed so hard that his mouth couldn't close.

"I thought you had some profound ideas, but it turned out to be full of nonsense."

The fat man was not convinced and immediately argued.

"How can this be nonsense? It's normal for the queen to inspect the people's sentiments. It's normal for the sky to have wind and rain."

"With the ability of the queen's eyes, all this is logical and reasonable!"

Shirley Yang said after laughing for a while.

"But what you don't know is that the Queen of Jingjue has stayed in the temple all her life and has never come out. Even her subjects have never seen her."

"She would never appear in public, let alone inspect the people's sentiments."

The fat man curled his lips and smiled awkwardly.

"That's because the clues you provided were not detailed enough. My analysis was correct. Don't blame me."

After talking and laughing for a while, Ji Changsheng suddenly said something that attracted everyone's attention.

"The ghost eye of the Queen of Jingjue should have been obtained from the bottomless ghost cave."

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