The black mountains stretch across the horizon, standing out in the golden desert.

Shirley Yang said excitedly.

"This mountain range is circular, but not completely closed. There is a mountain pass in the middle, and the ancient city of Jingjue is just behind the mountain pass!"

As long as they find the location of the mountain pass, they can find the ancient city of Jingjue!

Ji Changsheng asked calmly.

"Xiao Yang, do you know the location of the mountain pass?"

Shirley Yang nodded.

"Yes, according to the diary, it is in the southeast, and it is estimated that it will arrive at noon."

Wang Kaixuan couldn't wait any longer, and said immediately.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

Ji Changsheng thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Xiao Yang, Lao Hu, you two lead the way."

Shirley Yang was familiar with the contents of the diary, and Hu Bayi was proficient in Tianxing Fengshui, so it was perfect for them to lead the way.

The crowd was excited and immediately headed southeast.

With a clear destination, the team quickened its pace.

After walking for three hours, Hu Bayi, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped and said in surprise.

"Something is wrong, there is something wrong here!"

The fat man was about to ask what was wrong, Wuxie looked around and immediately reacted.

"We seem to be back to where we were!"

Everyone looked around, and as Wuxie said, they were back to where they started!

The fat man's expression changed and he suddenly remembered.

"We also encountered this situation when we went to the Snake Marsh Ghost City last time!"

There is also a ring mountain range outside the Snake Marsh Ghost City. The Queen Mother of the West arranged a formation in the ring mountain. People who don't know the formation will never find the entrance.

Later, Ji Changsheng used his magical powers and cut out a straight line of more than 500 kilometers with a sword. He walked along the straight line to break the formation.

When everyone heard what the fat man said, they also remembered this matter and looked at Ji Changsheng at the same time.

Is the scene of the Snake Marsh Ghost City going to happen again today?

The fat man hurried forward and said.

"Mr. Ji, you are going to do it again."

Ji Changsheng looked around and shook his head.

"No, it won't work this time."

The fat man was stunned and asked.

"Why not?"

Before Ji Changsheng answered, the young man explained for him.

"The situation this time is different. It's not the formation."

When this was said, everyone was surprised.

"If it's not the formation, then what's the matter?"

The young man didn't answer, but took out a compass from his arms and motioned everyone to watch.

The needle on the compass turned like a windmill and couldn't stop at all.

Hu Bayi stepped forward and saw it, and suddenly realized it.

"The magnetic field has changed!"

Others quickly took out compasses and other things, and the results were all the same. All instruments for identifying directions failed!

In fact, there are organs in the body that can sense magnetic fields. It is precisely relying on this organ that we have a sense of direction, but once the magnetic field changes, people will lose their sense of direction and run around like headless flies.

Wang Kaixuan immediately thought of the three-legged toad he had seen in the Yunnan Worm Valley. That thing can affect the change of the magnetic field. During World War II, a US military transport plane was affected by this thing and fell into the underground palace of King Xian.

"No wonder we have been walking for most of the day and are still circling in the same place. It turns out that it is a high-level ghost wall!"

This description is very appropriate. The magnetic field forms an invisible barrier around the black mountain range, blocking foreign invaders.

Wuxie exclaimed with an expression of sudden enlightenment.

"I know, this black mountain range is actually a natural magnet, which will affect the magnetic field!"

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pointed.

"This mountain range is one of the two black devils under the Queen of Jingjue!"

According to legend, there is an invisible force protecting the ancient country of Jingjue. Without the consent of the Queen of Jingjue, outsiders cannot find the location of the ancient city.

Unexpectedly, this legend is true!

After thinking about it, the fat man looked at Shirley Yang with a puzzled look.

"Staff Officer Yang, since there is protection from the magnetic field, how did those foreign explorers find the ancient city of Jingjue?"

This attracted everyone's attention. The ancient city of Jingjue disappeared for thousands of years in the long river of history and has never been discovered. It is probably because of the magnetic field barrier that protects the ancient city.

But how did those foreigners break through the barrier more than a hundred years ago?

Shirley Yang shook her head blankly and answered.

"It's not mentioned in the diary, and I don't know."

At this time, Ji Changsheng finally spoke.

"You forgot one thing. The current situation is different from before."

As soon as this was said, everyone woke up.

With the opening of the space gate, some things from the imaginary space had a huge impact on the real world.

This mysterious super hurricane is one of the impacts.

According to Ji Changsheng's inference, before this incident, although the black mountains were magnetic, at best they could only affect ordinary people, and they could not have much impact on top masters like them.

Those foreigners may have accidentally entered the Jingjue Ancient City. Although it is a low-probability event, it is possible.

But after this incident, the Black Mountains were affected by the alien space, and the magnetic field became many times stronger. Even superhumans like Ji Changsheng and Brother were unknowingly affected!

After everyone understood, they realized the seriousness of the situation. The ancient city of Jingjue was clearly in front of them, but it was blocked by an invisible barrier.

The barrier of the magnetic field is invisible. Even if Ji Changsheng copied the scene of the Snake Swamp Ghost City and split the mountains with a sword, he could not change the magnetic field.

How can we break through this invisible barrier?

Just when people were at a loss, Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and showed a cunning smile.

If it were someone else, there would really be no way to deal with the magnetic field barrier, but there is only one person in the world who can ignore this barrier!

"Wait here for a while, I'll be back soon."

After Ji Changsheng finished speaking, he walked towards the black mountains.

Everyone else looked at him with a puzzled look, not knowing what he was going to do.

Skill: Qiankun Reversal Movement!

This skill can also change the magnetic field. The current range of influence is 200 kilometers, which is enough to cover the entire black mountain range.

The magnetic field has yin and yang poles, like poles repel each other, and opposite poles attract each other.

As long as Ji Changsheng creates different magnetic poles, they can attract each other with the magnetic poles of the Black Mountain Range, thus breaking the barrier!

But just like that, only he can enter the barrier, and others will still be blocked outside.

So he needs to completely solve the magnetic field barrier of the Black Mountain Range!

In an instant, he has walked to the front of the Black Mountain Range.

Ji Changsheng stretched out a hand and pressed it on the mountain.

"Start fusion!"

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