Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 660: It’s a long story

No one expected that behind the stone gate was an exquisite palace!

The palace's front hall alone covers an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters, with an interior height of about ten meters. It is supported by dozens of thick stone pillars. There are more than a dozen stone doors around it. Behind the door is a long corridor leading to the inner court.

I don’t know how many rooms there are in the inner court. The scale of the entire palace is hard to estimate, at least 20,000 to 30,000 square meters!

It would not be surprising if this palace was built on the ground, but it was carved out of the mountain wall. The difficulty and the amount of work were simply unbelievable!

What's more, this was done by the ancients more than 2,000 years ago. Jingjue Country is a small country with a population of less than 5,000. Even if the entire population is mobilized, it will be difficult to complete such a huge project!

Lin Shuangyue seemed to have guessed the doubts in people's hearts and said softly.

"This palace took 128 years and hundreds of thousands of people to build."

Upon hearing this, Wuxie immediately thought of the chaotic ancient city and asked quickly.

"Most of these hundreds of thousands of people are outsiders, right?"

Lin Shuangyue nodded, without explaining much, and just led everyone through the front hall and into one of the corridors.

The corridor is about three meters wide, with railings on both sides, and outside the railings is a vibrant garden.

I don’t know how these plants grow on the mountain wall without sunlight.

After walking more than a hundred meters along the corridor, he entered a room with an area of ​​more than 300 square meters.

There are all kinds of furniture in the room, as well as two jade screens. Judging from the furnishings, it should be a living room.

Lin Shuangyue walked to the main seat and sat down, waving her hands gently.

"Everyone, please take a seat and serve tea!"

As soon as everyone sat down, they were full of curiosity. There were actually servants in this palace?

After a while, a dozen monkeys jumped out.

Each monkey is carrying a tray with seasonal fruits and tea.

The monkeys put the tea on the table and jumped out again.

The fat man was stunned and said in a daze.

"Your Majesty, I never thought you could tame a monkey!"

Lin Shuangyue smiled softly.

"It's just a small trick."

Wuxie said with a puzzled look.

"But this is a vast desert. How can there be monkeys? And where do these fresh fruits and tea come from?"

Lin Shuangyue replied without thinking.

"I raise them all, not only fruits, but also vegetables and various crops."

"In addition to monkeys, we also raise some livestock and birds. If you are interested, I can take you to visit later."

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately thought of the gardens on both sides of the corridor. Could it be that there is a large-scale farm here? !

But the problem is, there is no sunshine all year round in this mountain wall, and there is no water source. How can the crops survive?

Ji Changsheng thought for a moment and then understood.

"This palace is not closed. It has skylights for lighting, right?"

Lin Shuangyue showed an approving look and nodded.

"Not only does it have skylights for lighting, but it also has twenty-eight wells, so there is plenty of water."

Only then did everyone understand, and couldn't help but feel shocked.

The scale of this palace was much larger than they imagined. It was almost an underground city!

No wonder it took hundreds of thousands of people to build it and it took more than a hundred years to complete. Judging from the amount of work, it was almost as big as the Great Wall!

Wuxie asked quickly.

"Why was this underground city built?"

Lin Shuangyue hesitated for a moment before answering.

"This is a long story, please listen to me."

The history of Jingjue Country can be traced back to more than 3,000 years ago. At that time, their ancestors had not yet established a country and were just a small tribe of a few hundred people.

At that time, there were still large oasis areas in Taklimakan, and it was not all desert.

This small tribe leads a primitive nomadic life, living in pursuit of water and grass and wandering around.

This went on for many years until they came to the foot of a high mountain with lush water and grass and a pleasant environment, so they decided to settle here temporarily.

After living under the mountain for a while, several wizards in the tribe discovered something unusual.

These wizards have psychic abilities and can communicate with all things in the mountains and rivers. Among them, the old man headed by them is the most knowledgeable and talented, and is a prophet among the wizards.

The prophet said that this is a sacred mountain. God guided them here and gave them the sacred mission to protect the sacred mountain from generation to generation.

In that age of unintelligent people, clergy held the highest social status, and tribal chiefs had to listen to their opinions.

So the tribe lived at the foot of the sacred mountain, multiplied and protected the sacred mountain.

After several generations, the tribesmen discovered some strange phenomena.

The climate around the sacred mountain is like spring all year round, with never cold winter or midsummer. The water source is clear, and the plants are lush and full of vitality.

But hundreds of miles away from the sacred mountain, the oasis has begun to rapidly become desertified. The yellow sand is gradually encroaching on the grassland, making the environment increasingly harsh. Sandstorms and tornadoes occur frequently. All other tribes within a thousand miles have moved away. .

Only the area near the sacred mountain has not been affected by sandstorms and tornadoes. It seems that there is really divine power protecting this place.

In addition, people also found that since settling in the sacred mountain, the life of the tribe's people has become longer and longer, and they have never gotten sick!

At that time, the average life expectancy of humans was less than 40 years old, but the people of this tribe could live to 70 or 80 years old, and there were even a few centenarians. This was almost a miracle more than 3,000 years ago!

At first, people thought that this was a blessing brought by the sacred mountain, and they did not find it strange, but became more pious.

But later, some disturbing things happened in the tribe.

First, there was a problem with the livestock they raised. A cow actually gave birth to a monster with a human head and a cow body!

The monster could speak as soon as it was born, but no one could understand it, not even the wizards.

The monster cried for three days and three nights, refused to eat a mouthful of milk, and finally starved to death.

The wizards thought that this was a revelation or warning from God, but they could not figure out what it meant. The whole tribe fell into anxiety and panic.

After a while, a pregnant woman fell into a well while drawing water. She was drowned when she was fished out.

The wizards held a traditional ceremony for the dead. After the memorial service, when they were preparing to bury her, the dead came back to life!

To be precise, it was not a true resurrection, but a corpse transformation!

The pregnant woman who had transformed into a corpse had blood in her eyes and a hideous appearance. After screaming with a strange voice for a while, she kowtowed to the sacred mountain for a whole night. It was not until the sun rose the next day that she turned back into a cold corpse.

At this time, the tribesmen realized that the problem was with the sacred mountain!

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