Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 674 It’s up to you next

After hearing this answer, Ji Changsheng couldn't help but have a question.

As the incarnation of the will of the earth, it can create the prison of the sacred mountain and imprison the remains of the snake god here for hundreds of millions of years. This powerful force even makes Ji Changsheng marvel.

But the question is, since it has such a powerful power, why not kill the snake god and the ultimate directly?

To this, its answer is.

"You have a misunderstanding of my power. I am not the god imagined by humans. I can't change things outside of myself."

"This abyss prison is the limit of what I can do. I can't eradicate them. I can only rely on your power."

It is the will of the earth. It can only transform the earth itself and cannot affect other things. It is not an omnipotent god.

Ji Changsheng finally understood.

"So that's it."

Then, he thought of another question.

"Why did you know that I would come thousands of years ago? Do you also have the ability to see the future?"

To this, its answer was very frank.

"It's not what I saw, but the snake god."

It imprisoned the snake god here for hundreds of millions of years, and every move of the snake god could not escape its surveillance.

Through the magic eye that sees through the future, the snake god saw the guide who could let him descend-Ji Changsheng, so he made a careful plan.

Although it saw through the snake god's plan, it was powerless to stop it. It could only watch the traitors of the Zagrama tribe take the remains of the snake god out of the abyss prison.

However, it learned about Ji Changsheng from the snake god and left this information in the abyss prison until Lin Shuangyue opened the Linghai Tianshu, and then got this information.

Ji Changsheng asked curiously.

"What does this have to do with Lin Shuangyue?"

Its answer surprised Ji Changsheng.

"Because she is the one I chose."

It turned out that it set up a curse to prevent the Queen of Jingjue from leaving the sacred mountain, not because it hated their ghost eyes, but to use the ghost eyes!

As the opponent of the snake god for hundreds of millions of years, it knew the power of the ghost eyes, so it deliberately trapped the Jingjue tribe in the sacred mountain to prevent the ghost eyes from bringing greater disasters to the world.

In addition, while waiting for Ji Changsheng to arrive, it was also selecting a suitable candidate.

A human who inherited the ability of the ghost eye, was extremely pious to the sacred mountain, and was very excellent.

Lin Shuangyue is this person!

"She is the assistant I chose for you. She will help you defeat the foreign invaders."

"This is the greatest help I can provide you."

Ji Changsheng understood immediately after listening.

Lin Shuangyue is the assistant specially selected for him by this world!

Then, the other party said.

"The snake god has countless incarnations in the universe. Even if its remains are destroyed, it is not really dead, so the ghost eye ability can continue to exist. It is a gift it left for us."

"As for the curse of the sacred mountain, don't worry at all. When she sees you, the curse has been automatically lifted."

Ji Changsheng took a deep breath and quickly digested and absorbed this huge amount of information.

Now he has roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter, only some minor details are still unclear.

"I understand. Although you are the incarnation of the will of this world, you are powerless to fight these foreign invaders, so you have to use my power to eradicate them, right?"

The other party responded.


Ji Changsheng continued.

"In that case, tell me what you know about the Ultimate."

The most important thing in a fight with the Ultimate is intelligence.

The other party hesitated for a moment before answering.

"It does not belong to this world. In fact, I know less about it than you do."

Ji Changsheng could not help but feel disappointed and complained in his heart.

You are the master of this world. Others come to your territory to make trouble, but you don't even know the details of the other party. It's more than 4 billion years old. How did you get along?

But he said it didn't matter.

"Okay, then I'll check it myself."

"But you have to help a little. Do you feel comfortable just watching the show?"

The other party said calmly.

"If I can do it, I won't have to wait for you. I really can't do anything."

Ji Changsheng felt speechless. He was so confident. Who gave you the courage? Was it Fish Leong?

At this time, he suddenly had a strange feeling. He had worked hard to travel to this world, but he became a cleaner who specializes in removing garbage.

Not only do I have to sweep the garbage, but I also have to be exploited by the profiteers. It seems that I can't escape the fate of being a worker.

He was about to take the opportunity to complain, but the other party suddenly said.

"I don't have much time. If you can't eradicate it in time, I'm afraid you will never see me again in the future."

Ji Changsheng was shocked when he heard this.

This suddenly reminded him of what Wang Canghai had repeatedly told him.

"We must take this world back from the hands of the Ultimate!"

Combined with the other party's words, a very bad premonition rose from his heart.

Could it be that this world has fallen into the control of the Ultimate!

Thinking of this, he asked hurriedly.

"What do you mean by this?"

The other party answered slowly.

"It is gradually encroaching on this world. When it succeeds, I will no longer exist!"

Ji Changsheng was suddenly shocked.

No wonder the other party said "The Ultimate is more threatening than the Snake God!"

The purpose of the snake god is to turn everything he sees into a hell of evil and darkness.

And the ultimate ambition is to devour the entire world!

Or, to make this world a part of it!

Once it succeeds, the consequences are simply unimaginable!

"My old Earth mother, it's already at this critical juncture, why are you still so unhurried?"

The other party smiled lightly and turned into the voice of a middle-aged woman.

"I am very pleased that you humans call me Mother Earth."

"My power is weakening, and I will soon go into hibernation. It's up to you next."

"Even if you fail, I won't blame you, goodbye."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into thin air.

Ji Changsheng was shocked and shouted a few words, but there was no response.

It seems that the world will is really dormant.

This shows that the ultimate has an increasing impact on this world, and it is rapidly devouring this world!

We must act immediately, and there is no time to waste!

When Ji Changsheng returned to the real world from the Taixu space, he was stunned by the scene he saw when he opened his eyes.

The prison space seemed to have shrunk again!

It had shrunk to less than 50 square meters, and the altar also shrunk, becoming a shrinking model.

Lie shouted.

"Boss, why did you fall asleep just now? This place is getting smaller and smaller, let's run away!"

Ji Changsheng was about to answer, but he glanced around and saw a red coffin lying in the corner.

The Zhang family's fairy coffin!

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