Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 691: Past Events in Jianghu

When Shirley Yang said those four sentences, the old man's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and he made a respectful gesture of invitation.

"Dear guests, please come inside!"

Wang Kaixuan and Professor Sun on the side were confused and didn't know what they were doing.

Everyone followed the old man through the hall and came to the backyard.

This shop is an old house, with a facade in the front and a residence in the back.

The yard is very large, with more than a dozen rooms, and there is an old willow tree in the yard.

A girl of about eighteen or nineteen years old was fetching water from a well. When she saw someone coming in, she couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Grandpa, where is this guest?"

The old man smiled.

"Young sister, go and make a pot of good tea. This is a distinguished guest."

After speaking, he led everyone to a living room.

"Everyone, please sit down. I'm going to change into clean clothes and then talk."

After the old man left, Wang Kaixuan could no longer suppress his doubts and asked.

"Lao Hu, Staff Officer Yang, which song are you singing?"

Hu Bayi then explained in detail.

It turns out that the owner of this shop is not an ordinary person, but a craftsman in the martial arts world, who is inextricably linked to the inverted fighting artists.

The wine gourd hanging at the door is a code that only people in the world can understand, meaning "honeycomb mountain".

Since ancient times, most of the people who make a living in the world are engaged in illegal activities. In modern terms, they are illegal activities.

Because these activities are not visible to the public, people in the world have invented a set of slang in the industry called lip code.

In order to distinguish themselves from each other, the black and white Taoists each use mountains as their names, thirty-six for big mountains and seventy-two for small mountains. Therefore, the Lip Code is also called the Mountain Scripture.

For example, the carpenter is called "Black Wood Mountain", the beggar is called "Baihua Mountain", the juggler is called "Moon Mountain", and the Taoist people are called "Arctic Mountain".

In order not to mislead people, these mountains are not real, but are made up.

However, among all the titles prefixed with mountains, there is only one exception, "Kunlun Mountain".

"Kunlun Mountain" is the only one named after a real mountain, referring to the imperial family.

"Honeycomb Mountain" is one of the seventy-two hills. Only those who are familiar with mountain classics can see what the gourd represents.

Hu Bayi's grandfather, Hu Guohua, studied under the tutelage of Mo Jin Xiaowei and had a lot of experience in the arena. Hu Bayi only understood this after listening to his grandfather talk about things in the arena since he was a child.

Shirley Yang's grandfather, Partridge Whistle, was a well-known Taoist in the Northern School of Bishan. As the only descendant of the Bishan lineage, she had obtained the true inheritance of Partridge Whistle, and was more familiar with the Mountain Classic Lip Canon than Hu Bayi.

After Professor Sun and Wang Kaixuan listened, they realized that Hu Bayi and the others were talking to each other just now, talking slanderous words. No wonder outsiders were confused.

Wang Kaixuan asked again.

"What business does Honeycomb Mountain refer to? Is it selling honeycomb briquettes?"

Hu Ba heard this one by one, laughing so hard that he almost spit.

"Who is selling briquettes? Others are selling pins!"

The so-called pin weapons refer to hidden weapons such as darts, crossbows, and flying tiger claws.

The gourd hanging at the door is covered with holes of different sizes, like a honeycomb. In fact, they are traces left by testing various hidden weapons. An expert will understand at a glance.

After listening to this, Wang Kaixuan and Professor Sun couldn't help but sigh, it's like there are mountains across the world, there are so many ways in the world.

While talking, the old man changed into clean clothes and walked in in high spirits.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. After I retired, I haven't met anyone of my kind for many years. It's really fate that I can meet you today."

"I wonder what you are doing here?"

He got straight to the point and got to the point.

Hu Bayi asked immediately without mincing words.

"Old sir, you have lived here for a long time, do you know where Qingxi Town was back then?"

The old man nodded without hesitation.



He didn't say the rest.

When Hu Bayi saw this, he quickly took out a wad of banknotes and handed them over.

"Please show me a clear path."

When the old man saw it, he smiled, took it and counted it, and his eyes lit up.

He has been in this business for decades, and this is the first time he has encountered such a generous person.

As the saying goes, money can make the world go round. This trick is tried and tested and always works.

"Everyone who wants to go to Qingxi Town has really found the right person!"

It turns out that this old man's surname is Li, a foreigner. He came to Wushan more than sixty years ago and was moved by the beautiful scenery. He has settled down ever since. He is ninety-four years old this year.

For more than half a century, he has traveled through the mountains and rivers of Wushan and knows the local environment well.

When Wang Kaixuan heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Then please ask the old man to be our guide. With your help, we will succeed immediately!"

The old man smiled and waved his hand and said.

"I am old and exhausted. I doze off in the shop every day and have no energy to run around."

"I'll let Yaomei take you there."

The girl he called Yaomei was an abandoned baby he picked up nineteen years ago. He never married and raised her as his own granddaughter.

Yaomei has followed the old man since she was a child and has traveled to every corner of Wushan. She is the best guide candidate.

After saying that, he called Yaomei and gave detailed instructions.

Yaomei obeyed the old man's advice and readily agreed.

With the guide, everyone was excited. As long as they could find Qingxi Town, they would be not far from Dixian Village!

Just when Hu Bayi was about to get up and say goodbye, Ji Changsheng, who had been silent, finally spoke.

"Old man, since you have put up a sign, you must have some goods. Let us open our eyes."

The old man laughed and agreed readily.

"Everyone, please follow me!"

Everyone followed him out of the reception room and went straight to a basement.

In fact, in the past few decades, the martial arts world has gradually faded away, and their industry has also been eliminated by the times.

The old man retired more than 60 years ago. He put up a sign, firstly for nostalgia, and secondly to see if there were any passing martial arts people who could recognize it.

He thought that most of the people who could recognize Fengwoshan were old men like him, and they could reminisce about the past together, but he didn't expect that a few young people came.

However, although the other party was young, he was a fellow who was familiar with the door, which made him feel very relieved.

The old man smiled proudly.

"You are all experts. Only experts can appreciate the treasures I have collected."

"Please look!"

Everyone looked closely and was amazed.

What appeared in front of them was an ancient Jianghu Museum!

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