Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 701: The Legend of King Wuling

In order to find the ancient tomb of the earth immortal, Professor Sun has been studying Bashu culture for decades and has profound attainments in ancient characters and semiotics.

But what he didn't expect was that the text on this stone tablet was much older than the Ming Dynasty. It was actually the oracle bone script from the Shang Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago!

Oracle bone script is the oldest Chinese text. Few people in the world can understand it today. Even archaeologists have only deciphered part of it.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but show a look of surprise.

This pig head statue turned out to be an ancient artifact from the Shang Dynasty!

When Wang Kaixuan heard it, he quickly picked up the pig head mask, brushed off the dust, and carefully put it in his backpack.

This is an antique that is more than 3,000 years old. Even if it is made of brass, it is worth a lot of money.

Everyone came to the stone tablet and looked at it curiously.

Professor Sun had wiped off the moss on the stone tablet, and an ancient oracle bone script emerged, with a total of thousands of characters.

Wang Kaixuan asked hurriedly.

"What does it say? Can you understand it?"

Professor Sun showed a proud look and answered with a boastful tone.

"Speaking of oracle bone inscriptions, perhaps few people understand it better than me."

He pointed to the stone tablet.

"This is about the origin of King Wuyang."

The real name of King Wuyang should be King Wuling.

According to the records of the stone tablet, as early as the Xia Dynasty before the Shang Dynasty, floods occurred in the Wu Gorge area, and the fields were barren, and many people starved to death.

Just when people were at a loss, a hermit in the mountains appeared.

This hermit was tall and burly, with a dark complexion. He called himself King Wuling. He had the ability to reach the sky and could drive the ghost soldiers to dredge the river and control the flood.

But he put forward two conditions. First, when he was controlling the flood, no one else could be present, and everyone must avoid it, otherwise the magic would not work.

Second, he had to be given a rich meal and wine every day, which was placed in a large tripod.

The people were like drowned people, grabbing a life-saving straw, and agreed without thinking too much.

So Wu Ling Wang performed rituals in the mountains every day, driving the Yin soldiers to manage the river. People only heard thunder and dark clouds in the sky, but they didn't know what kind of magical power he had.

The people appreciated Wu Ling Wang's hard work and married a woman to him as his wife. The lady was responsible for preparing meals every day.

After a while, heavy rain fell from the sky, and the meals sent were not touched for two consecutive days.

The lady was puzzled, so she took people into the mountains to check.

After seeing this, she was shocked.

There was no master in the mountain, only a huge black pig, working hard to dig up silt and debris in the river, and behind it were countless mandrills and ghosts carrying rocks.

It turned out that Wu Ling Wang was actually a black pig in the mountain, and he cultivated the magical power of driving Yin soldiers and mountain ghosts.

He showed his true form and used the power of ghosts and gods to manage the flood, so people avoided it.

After the true form of Wu Ling Wang was exposed, he hurriedly hid in the mountains and did not dare to meet his wife.

His wife did not care about these things. She knelt in front of the mountain and begged bitterly, but received no response. She jumped into the river in shame and anger.

Wu Ling Wang felt guilty about his wife, so he led the mountain ghosts to dredge the last section of the river, and the flood was finally cured.

When the emperor heard about it, he sent people to find Wu Ling Wang and asked him to control the floods in other rivers.

But Wu Ling Wang insisted on retiring to the mountains and forests, and would never leave the mountains unless his wife was resurrected.

When he was about to retire to the mountains, the people of Wushan appreciated his kindness and prepared a sumptuous banquet to see him off.

After eating and drinking, Wu Ling Wang, who was drunk, fell drunk on the riverbank when he walked to Xiling Mountain, revealing his true form.

The local people in Xiling didn't know the details and thought it was a wild boar monster, so they slaughtered the sleeping King Wuling, cooked a big pot, removed the hair and bled him, dug out the internal organs and cooked them.

When the people of Wuling learned about this and found King Wuling, his internal organs had been cooked and shared.

From then on, disasters continued in the Xiling Mountain area, floods and locust plagues were rampant, and the people were living in misery.

The people said that it was the ghost of King Wuling who was haunting him, so they collected the uneaten remains and built a big tomb in Wuxia Mountain.

Because King Wuling's body was broken into pieces and his head was eaten, he could only be carved into a body with jade and a fake head made of brass to be installed and enshrined in the temple.

From then on, sacrifices were made every year and incense was continuous, which gradually calmed down the disaster.

It is said that the bird path in Wuxia was built by King Wuling to transport soil and stones and drive the ghost soldiers.

When dredging the river, a lot of salt mines were also dug up. These underground mines were connected to the tomb of King Wuling!

When Professor Sun finished talking about the contents on the stone tablet, everyone finally understood.

This cave was originally a temple dedicated to King Wuling, and the stone tablet was used to record his great achievements.

The monkey bones scattered all over the cave were the mandrills he drove in the past, and they followed their master to be buried here after their death.

It took Wang Kaixuan a long time to come back to his senses, and he said in disbelief.

"Mr. Ji, is there really such a weird thing?"

The black pig that cultivated into a spirit, drove the ghostly magic of the mandrill, and married a human wife. The story on this stone tablet does not look like a real history at all, but like a myth.

Ji Changsheng shrugged and said.

"Before finding this ancient tomb, I didn't know."

If it were a few years ago, he would definitely think that this story was made up, but now he is not sure.

In this parallel world, there are even snake gods from different spaces. What else is impossible?

Hu Bayi thought for a while and said.

"I understand. Guanshan Taibao got the Dragon Bone Book in the ancient tomb of Wuling King, became a terrestrial immortal, and took Wuling King's tomb for himself, and built a terrestrial immortal village in the underground palace."

"As long as we find Wuling King's tomb, we can find the terrestrial immortal village!"

Professor Sun nodded.

"Yes, the code has almost been cracked."

"According to the current clues, the entrance to Wuling King's underground palace is connected to the salt mine tunnel. We need to find the salt mine ruins of the Xia Dynasty!"

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment. It's easy to say, but it's difficult to do.

The Xia Dynasty is thousands of years ago, and there are very few historical materials about the Xia Dynasty. In addition, Wushan is so big, where can we find the salt mine ruins of the Xia Dynasty?

Just when people were at a loss, they heard the youngest sister exclaimed in a very terrified tone.

"There's someone there!"

People looked back quickly, and saw that under the statue, a woman's face appeared at some point!

This time it was not a metal mask, but a living face!

The woman's face was pale, her eyes were bloodshot, her hair was disheveled, and she looked indescribably weird and hideous.

What was even more bizarre was that the woman was lying on the ground with her limbs on the ground, and the statue was sitting on her back!

Wang Kaixuan took a closer look, took a deep breath, and said in surprise.

"There's more than one, there are several!"

"This thing seems to be... a zombie god!"

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