Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 716: The Magic Pen of Superb Craftsmanship

The green will-o'-the-wisp flickered and jumped in the night sky, like an evil ghost with teeth and claws. The situation was quite strange.

The people who were observing from a distance were not frightened by this scene. They knew that the will-o'-the-wisp was actually just a chemical reaction. In addition to the medicine that attracts bees, the ink was also mixed with some white phosphorus. After the water evaporated, the white phosphorus encountered Combustion occurs when air is reached.

But what did the ancients design this complex mechanism for?

It's not meant to scare people.

When everyone was suspicious, they saw movement in the beehive on the tree nearby.

The bees sensed the incoming flames and flew out of their nests, gathering above the hive and huddled together.

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw it.

"Why don't these bees run away? If they don't run away, my hometown will be burned down by will-o'-the-wisps."

When Yaomei saw this scene, she immediately remembered something.

"It is said that wasps have an instinct. When a fire breaks out near the nest, they will fly to the hive, urinate and wet the nest to protect the queen and young bees in the nest."

"I have never seen this kind of scene before, and I thought it was a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

Wang Kaixuan was happy when he heard this.

"With a wasp's size, how much urine can it pee in total? The total amount of this swarm of bees is less than what I can produce alone."

"If they are willing to donate honey, I can pee for them."

Hu Bayi frowned and said.

"What the hell, don't interrupt."

Shirley Yang couldn't help but be a little confused.

"Although Lao Wang's words are crude, it is true. The physiological structure of wasps is different from that of humans. Their urine is mixed with feces. The amount is very small and is not enough to wet the nest."

"This legend may be people's imagination."

Yaomei pointed out her hand unconvinced.

"Look, has the hive changed?"

Everyone took out their night vision binoculars and took a closer look.

But I saw that the honeycomb had indeed changed. It seemed that it had been wetted by some liquid. The surface became soft and was gradually collapsing.

Look at the bee swarm above, it actually poured some liquid!

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

"They are really peeing, more than me!"

Shirley Yang looked shocked and couldn't believe it at all.

"Is there such a thing? This is completely unreasonable..."

As he spoke, he saw that the will-o'-the-wisp had already burned the tree, and the flames swept along the trunk towards the beehive.

Seeing that the hive was about to be burned down, at this moment, the hive suddenly fell into pieces and collapsed completely.

The hive broke into several pieces and fell to the ground. Although the home was destroyed, it somehow escaped the flames.

The bee swarm immediately rushed to the ground, took the queen bee and the young bees, left this broken home, escaped into the night sky, and quickly disappeared from sight.

After the hive was gone, everyone couldn't restrain their curiosity and came to the tree to check it out.

I saw that the decomposed honeycomb was gradually melting, emitting a sour smell.

When Wang Kaixuan saw it, he couldn't help shouting that it was a pity.

"Honey and royal jelly are all wasted. These bees don't appreciate the fruits of their labor. It's a waste of money."

Others paid no attention to the honey and royal jelly, their attention drawn to the sour smell.

I bent down and took a closer look. I saw that the honeycomb was dissolving at a very fast speed, turning into a pool of yellow liquid in an instant.

These liquids seeped into the soil below, and the soil also emitted a strong and pungent sour odor.

Everyone hurriedly backed away and covered their mouths and noses.

Professor Sun was not afraid of the sour smell. He took out a flashlight and took a closer look, and screamed in surprise.


I saw that after the ground was corroded by the yellow liquid, it collapsed rapidly downwards, and a large pit with a diameter of three meters appeared. The pit became deeper and deeper, and soon it was more than one meter deep!

Wang Kaixuan stuck out his tongue in fear.

"Good boy, it turns out that what the bees pee is not urine, but acid!"

"Lao Hu, I suddenly remembered a foreign movie called Guide or something. There was a monster in it whose blood was strong acid, which could corrode metal. It was really scary."

Shirley Yang reacted immediately.

"It's not a guide, it's an alien."

It turns out that bees in a state of emergency will secrete a liquid similar to strong acid, which is called bee drowning among the people.

Drowning is very corrosive and will cause the hive to quickly disintegrate, and then the bee colony will leave the scene with the queen and young bees to avoid the fire.

This is the instinct that wasps have evolved over hundreds of millions of years. Some ants also have similar abilities. When enemies invade their nests, soldier ants can secrete an acid that is used to deal with the enemy.

Perhaps the director of Alien was inspired by these bugs and came up with that idea.

After listening to Shirley Yang's explanation, Wang Kaixuan finally understood.

"These bugs do have some tricks, but what does this mechanism have to do with the entrance to the underground palace?"

Shirley Yang was about to answer when suddenly a more pungent stench rushed out of the pit and turned into a line of white smoke that spread all around.

Ji Changsheng quickly transformed into a gas mask and asked everyone to put it on.

Looking back into the pit, I saw that the bottom of the pit was already more than two meters deep. At the deepest point, the soil cracked, revealing a piece of white stuff. Judging from the color, it seemed to be silver!

The bee water poured on the silver, and the color quickly turned into jet black, with thick white smoke emitting.

Unexpectedly, this bee drowning is so powerful that it can corrode even silver!

Wang Kaixuan looked at the white silver that had all turned into black silver water, and he could not help but groan.

Professor Sun was overjoyed when he saw it.

"Iron Wall and Silver Screen, the world is in your hands."

"This is the Iron Wall and Silver Screen in the codeword!"

It is said that if silver is buried in special soil, it will undergo some wonderful changes over time. At first, it softens and turns into a pool of silver water mixed with the soil. After a period of time, it absorbs the earth's energy in the soil and gradually solidifies and hardens. Its hardness is far greater than that of steel, and it is not afraid of high temperature flames.

In ancient times, some wealthy nobles would use this method to reinforce the top of the tomb of the underground palace with silver. Many tomb robbers could dig into the underground palace, but they could not open the Iron Wall and Silver Screen, and could only sigh at the tomb.

Back then, Feng Shigu brought a lot of gold and silver treasures into the Dixian Village. He had the financial resources to build an Iron Wall and Silver Screen!

Professor Sun became more and more excited as he spoke, and he could not help but show his joy.

"The magic of the magic pen is that it attracts bees to build nests here. When the water in the ink evaporates, the white phosphorus will ignite ghost fire. When the bees see the ghost fire, they will instinctively secrete bee urine."

"Under the whole world, only this bee urine is the only nemesis of the iron wall and silver screen!"

In fact, there are many stronger acids in the world than bee urine, but the ancients did not understand chemistry. In the eyes of the ancients, this bee urine is the only means to break the iron wall and silver screen.

Even so, the mechanism of this Guanshan magic pen is so complex and exquisite, it takes the fortune of heaven and earth, and it can be said to be unparalleled in the world!

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