Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 736: The Mysterious Building in the Lake

Professor Sun stepped forward to check the female corpse and waved his hand.

"Of course this person is not a corpse fairy. She is just a follower of Feng Shigu, a female cultivator who wants to cultivate into a corpse fairy."

Wang Kaixuan asked again.

"In that case, it is not just Feng Shigu, but many people who want to cultivate into corpse fairies?"

Professor Sun nodded.

"From the clues we have so far, the people buried in the Earth Fairy Village should be the same as this female cultivator, who all want to cultivate into corpse fairies!"

The first step in cultivating a corpse fairy is to bury the body in a corpse hiding ground and raise it into a zongzi, then borrow the corpse to revive, reborn in the flesh, and cultivate into a corpse fairy.

This female corpse is still in the form of a zongzi, and has not yet cultivated into a corpse fairy.

There are more than a thousand tombs in the entire Earth Fairy Village, and there are more than a thousand such zongzi in total!

Wang Kaixuan was shocked when he heard it.

"Damn, so many!"

The youngest sister was so scared that her face suddenly changed, and she hurriedly said.

"Let's try to avoid them and don't provoke these zongzi."

Although these zongzi are not strong and pose no threat, if there are too many of them, it will take a lot of time.

Ji Changsheng nodded in agreement.

"What the youngest sister said is that our goal is to find the corpse fairy, so there is no need to waste energy on these zongzi."

"Old Hu, take the shortest route."

Hu Bayi nodded, checked the map again, and chose the best route.

After this small storm, the team continued to move forward.

From the outskirts of the village to the Feng family mansion, the straight-line distance is only more than one kilometer, but the underground tomb passage is tortuous. Even if it is the best route, it is inevitable to pass through dozens of tombs.

Although these tombs are full of traps, fortunately there are descendants of Honeycomb Mountain who have avoided many traps and ambushes.

In addition, these mechanisms have gone through hundreds of years, and some have failed. They are just scary decorations.

As long as the ambush of the mechanism is avoided, the zongzi in the tomb will not be alarmed.

Along the way, there was no great danger.

However, when passing through these tombs, Professor Sun discovered many unprecedented ancient burial methods and lost high-level craftsmanship, which made him exclaim again and again.

Although he came here for the life-saving golden elixir, out of the professional instinct of a scholar, in his eyes, this group of living dead tombs is a huge treasure house with immeasurable archaeological value!

"If I can go back alive and make this major discovery public, I will definitely be remembered in history and my life will not be in vain!"

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help laughing.

"This is the ancestral tomb of your Feng family. Once it is announced, won't it be dug up? As a descendant of the Feng family, how can you meet your ancestors in the underworld?"

Professor Sun waved his hands repeatedly.

"This is a rescue excavation, which is completely different from tomb robbing."

"Tomb robbers will destroy without restraint in order to get the treasure. Many precious cultural relics have been destroyed by them. That is a precious cultural heritage. Tomb robbing is the real crime!"

"Archaeologists are to protect these cultural heritages and pass them on. The meaning is completely different."

Although Wang Kaixuan is thick-skinned, he blushed when he heard this and did not refute.

Professor Sun said again.

"Besides, I am fulfilling the teachings of my ancestors. Feng Shigu did not follow the teachings of his ancestors, so he has no face to see the ancestors."

When Ji Changsheng heard this, his heart was moved.

That night, the ancestor of the Feng family appeared in his dream and asked him to eliminate the unworthy descendants.

He originally thought that the unworthy descendants referred to Professor Sun, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Although Professor Sun has a selfish desire to seek immortality, everything he does is in accordance with the teachings of his ancestors, and there is nothing too extraordinary.

It was Feng Shigu who disobeyed the ancestral precepts and dug up the ancient tomb of Wuling King, which alarmed the corpse fairy.

Moreover, in order to cultivate immortality, he killed tens of thousands of people to be buried with him. This crazy and cruel method has made him a big evil demon!

So it seems that the unworthy descendants mentioned by the ancestors of the Feng family are not Professor Sun, but Feng Shigu!

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng said in his heart.

"Even if you don't ask me, I will do this."

As he spoke, a wall appeared at the end of the tomb passage, and the team walked into a dead end.

Wang Kaixuan looked and couldn't help shouting.

"Commander Hu, how did you lead the way? Did you make a mistake?"

Hu Bayi glanced at the dragon-seeking ruler in his hand and said in a positive tone.

"No mistake, the Feng family mansion is right above our heads!"

As he said, he looked at the youngest sister beside him.

"Youngest sister, there must be a secret door leading up here, it's up to you."

The youngest sister nodded, came to the wall, checked it carefully, and indeed found a secret door.

As the youngest sister pressed the mechanism, a dull sound came from underground.

A secret door appeared in the crack of the wall, and inside was a narrow passage.

Everyone entered the passage and walked straight up for a while, and then came to the end of the passage.

At the end, there was a thousand-pound boulder blocking the way.

Wang Kaixuan went up to try and found that the stone was loose.

"Pull it out of the way!"

He shouted with all his might, and with his strange strength, the boulder was easily pushed away.

A circular exit with a diameter of one meter appeared in front of everyone, but surprisingly, there was a faint light shining in from outside the exit.

Where did the light come from in this dark underground?

Wang Kaixuan stuck his head out to take a look and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What is this place? It doesn't seem to be the Feng family mansion!"

Everyone hurried out of the exit and looked around.

The exit was located under a rockery in a deep garden.

The garden was quite large, with green trees and flowers. It was a standard Su-style garden, full of the elegance of Jiangnan.

There was an artificial lake not far away, with a small island in the middle of the lake, and an ancient three-story pavilion on the island.

The light was emitted from that building.

Wang Kaixuan was shocked.

"Such a large garden is rare even in Gusu City. It was built in such a ghost place. How much money did it cost back then!"

In addition to being amazed, he said with a puzzled look.

"There is no such a large garden in the Feng family mansion in Qingxi Town. Commander Hu, did you get the wrong direction?"

Hu Bayi looked at it for a while and shook his head.

"The direction is definitely correct. This is the center of Dixian Village, where the Feng family mansion is located."

"But this place is indeed unusual. Not to mention the Feng family mansion, there is no such garden in the entire Qingxi Town!"

Dixian Village is a replica of the layout of Qingxi Town. The location and style of each house have not changed, except for this garden.

What is even more puzzling is, what is going on with the lights in that building?

Is there anyone still alive in this Dixian Village that has been buried deep underground for hundreds of years? !

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