Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 743 Walking at Night with a Candle

After the Feng family and Colonel Mojin formed a great feud, the descendants of the Feng family have always been afraid that Colonel Mojin would come to seek revenge.

Feng Shigu designed this layout to avoid fire, most likely to target Captain Mo Jin.

Professor Sun said with a serious expression.

"I guess once a fire candle is lit here, it will cause terrible consequences. It may be some kind of trap."

"Because Feng Shigu knows that lighting three candles in the southeast corner is an ironclad rule of Captain Jin. This is a trap set against you!"

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan were both dubious after hearing this.

"Old Sun, what you said does make some sense, but is Feng Shigu that powerful? If that's the case, wouldn't it be the same as Zhuge Liang's?

Professor Sun was about to answer when he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from outside, like something rubbing on the ground.

Everyone hurriedly came to the window and looked outside, only to see that the blood mist in the air had disappeared, and the smell of blood was still in the air.

There are ripples on the lake surface, and countless black bugs are crossing the water in a mighty way. The number is so terrifying!

When I shined a flashlight, I saw that the bugs were palm-long, had two pairs of wings, were covered in shiny black armor, and had a pair of sharp teeth on their lower jaws. They looked a bit like rhinoceros, but different.

Hu Ba's expression changed as he looked at them one by one.

"It's coffin bugs. They should be attracted by the smell of blood!"

Coffin worms are a type of corpse worm. Although they are not as poisonous as corpse worms, they are extremely powerful, ferocious and bloodthirsty. They eat whatever they catch and leave no grass behind in their path!

They had seen this kind of insect in the underground river in the tomb of King Wuling before, but the coffin insect in this fairy village seemed to be bigger!

Wang Kaixuan took out his rifle, put it on the window sill and was about to fire.

Professor Sun quickly stopped him.

"Have you forgotten, there can't be fire here!"

Wang Kaixuan said impatiently.

"What's the use of so many bugs without fire? You can tell me a way!"

Professor Sun was speechless. He didn't know what method to use.

Ji Changsheng's eyes lit up, he walked to the window and said.

"Don't do anything, leave it to me."

After saying that, he jumped down.

A dense swarm of insects quickly surrounded the attic, with three floors inside and three floors outside. There was no telling how many there were.

The corners of Ji Changsheng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of a smile.

"Send it to your door yourself, then I won't be polite!"

Treasure weapon: Insect-flavored jade is activated!

I saw a black smoke coming from the palm of his right hand, floating into the air.

After smelling the fragrance, the insects rushed over.

Countless coffin worms hugged each other and rolled into a ball, which became bigger and bigger.

Under the irresistible temptation, all the bugs crowded together and finally transformed into a large ball with a diameter of ten meters!

Ji Changsheng stepped forward and put his hand on the sphere.

"Start merging!"

The black energy that harvested life swept through, and all the insects died in an instant!

"Ding, 25 million corpse insects were successfully fused!"

"Ding, the host has gained 250,000 vitality points!"

The swarm of insects still hugged each other tightly after death and did not let go.

Ji Changsheng flew up and kicked the big ball into the lake before returning to the attic.

Everyone was already used to this scene and were not too surprised.

Hu Bayi said quickly.

"Mr. Ji, I have found the entrance to the underground tomb, over here."

The underground entrance was hidden in a wall. With the joint efforts of him and Yaomei, the secret door was quickly opened.

Everyone immediately entered the tunnel and headed towards the underground tomb.

Dixian Village is a two-story structure, with Yangzhai on the top and Yinzhai on the bottom.

The Guanshan Ossuary Building is no exception. There may be a tomb underground, and it is most likely Feng Shigu’s tomb!

The tunnel is not long. After walking for five minutes, we reached the tomb.

But after entering the tomb, it was different from what people imagined.

Judging from the shape, this is an ancient tomb from the Shang and Zhou dynasties. It is much older and should belong to the nobles of King Wuling's era.

The burial objects in the tomb contained no valuable gold or silverware, only some bronze fragments and broken clay pots. It was estimated that the tomb had been emptied by Feng Shigu long ago.

The coffin was also opened, and there was only a pile of scattered bones inside, which were definitely not Feng Shigu.

Everyone searched the tomb but could not find any clues related to the earthly immortal.

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help scratching his scalp and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Isn't this the center of Pangu's divine vein? Why isn't it? Where is this old fox Feng Shigu buried?"

Hu Bayi said after thinking for a while.

"Take out the map and look at it. There should be clues."

He was talking about the "Guanshan Xiangzhai Diagram", which was the design drawing of the entire Dixian Village. They had not studied it carefully after they got it.

Wang Kaixuan immediately took out all four ancient paintings from his backpack.

"Look at each one, don't miss any details."

Everyone divided into four groups and began to observe carefully.

After watching for a while, Wang Kaixuan's flashlight ran out of battery. He went to look for the battery in his backpack, but couldn't find it.

Under Hu Bayi's urging, he took out a candle and lit it without thinking too much.

Hu Bayi looked up and said quickly.

"Why did you light the fire? Put it out quickly!"

Wang Kaixuan shrugged and expressed.

"This is underground. What's there to be afraid of? If you don't rush me, I won't light a candle... Huh?"

As he was speaking, his eyes suddenly widened and he stared at the blueprint in Hu Bayi's hand.

"What the hell is this?!"

Everyone heard his surprised cry and hurried over to check.

Hu Bayi was holding the "Night Walk with Candles", and there were some strange things on the picture.

The scene in the painting was that Feng Shigu's followers lined up in a long line, walked along the cliffs, and walked into the depths of the ravine.

Some black shadows appeared behind these people at some point!

These shadows looked hideous, with their fangs and claws bared, looking down at the marching team, but those people did not react at all.

Those shadows were like ghosts without a body!

When people saw this scene, they felt a chill down their spines. What on earth was the ghost in the painting?

Wang Kaixuan looked at the candle in his hand and suddenly realized.

"I understand. These ghosts are painted with special materials. They will only appear when the temperature rises when illuminated by fire!"

"Haha, fortunately I lit a candle, otherwise I wouldn't have discovered this secret!"

Hu Bayi nodded.

"You are a blind cat that caught a dead mouse. It's your credit."

He pointed at the ancient painting.

"But what exactly is the ghost in this painting?"

After looking at it for a while, Professor Sun's eyes suddenly lit up and said.

"We overlooked a detail before. The whole Dixian Village is a fire-avoiding pattern, but this painting is a picture of walking at night with candles!"

"The people in the painting are all holding torches. This is a clue for us!"

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