Grave Robber: Beginnings Fusion Hydra Cypress

Chapter 750: The Ghost's Lair

Professor Sun was already a walking corpse and could not smell the smell. After hearing Wang Kaixuan's words, he hurriedly stepped forward to check the oil lamp.

At first glance, his face couldn't help but change.

"What's in this isn't lamp oil, it's geranium and dog blood!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone else was confused. Only Hu Bayi and Lin Shuangyue knew what they meant.

Hu Bayi said quickly.

"When Tiankui is mixed with dog blood, it can exorcise evil spirits and eliminate demons. It is a commonly used magic weapon in Taoism."

As he said that, he looked suspicious again.

"Master Feng has done evil things in the past and is not a man of the right path. Is he placing the magic weapon to exorcise evil here to exorcise himself?"

Wang Kaixuan heard this and said quickly.

"Maybe it's used to deal with those ghosts. It seems that these ghosts are not the same as Feng Shigu. Let's not worry so much and find the tomb first."

Everyone turned on their flashlights and headed deeper into the tomb passage.

The tomb passage was quite crudely built, low and narrow, and looked very shabby compared with the large tombs of princes.

When Hu Bayi saw this, he felt a little confused.

"There were only tens of thousands of followers of Feng Shigu back then. Even if they lived here for thirty or forty years before dying, the labor force was still very limited. Judging from the size of Dixian Village, most of the energy was spent on construction. On the grave of the dead."

"The construction of the Dixian Tomb is so simple and there are obvious signs of rush work. Why do we spend a lot of energy on the Dixian Village, but the most important place is so messy?"

When everyone heard this, they also felt puzzled.

Could it be that they made a mistake and that the really important place was not the Tomb of the Earthly Immortal, but the Tombs of the Living Dead?

With such doubts in mind, the team continued to move forward. After walking for another half an hour, they finally arrived at the end of the tomb passage.

At the end is an open circular arch, and behind the door is a white thing that looks huge.

When I came to the door and looked inside, I saw that there were white stone steps leading to the depths of the tomb.

It's just that the shape of the stone steps is a bit strange. They are actually round, like a fallen pillar, and the patterns on the surface are like wrinkled tree bark.

Professor Sun looked down and couldn't help but be surprised.

"This is the fossil of sword cedar!"

The sword cedar is an extinct ancient tree species. It takes tens of thousands of years for an ancient tree to become a fossil, making it extremely precious.

I didn't expect that this kind of thing would be made into stone steps, and I don't know where Feng Shigu got it.

Wang Kaixuan asked curiously.

"Is there anything special about this tree?"

Professor Sun pointed at the fossils and said.

"The fossilized swordwood is smooth and smooth, and looks similar to jade. Therefore, it was regarded as a spiritual object in the eyes of the ancients and was usually enshrined in temples for divination."

"The swordsman fossils discovered so far are all incomplete. This is the first time such a complete and huge one has been discovered!"

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but feel uninterested and smacked his lips.

"I thought it was very valuable, but it turns out it was used to engage in feudal superstition. I was happy for nothing."

Professor Sun looked like a child who cannot be taught, and shook his head.

"It's really a layman's term. Swordsman fossils usually have the characters left by wizards. They are precious cultural relics for studying ancient culture. How can its research value be measured in money!"

Wang Kaixuan said with a smile.

"I'm a layman and I'm not interested in archaeological research. Just tell me, Old Sun, how much is this thing worth if you take it out?"

Professor Sun almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, feeling that what he just said was in vain.

"You'd better stop making mistakes. Even if you dare to sell it, no one will dare to buy it. This thing is only a treasure in the eyes of archaeologists. No one will collect it. It's worthless!"

Wang Kaixuan laughed and wanted to tease him.

Hu Bayi said quickly.

"Old Wang, it's almost done."

"Old Sun, since this thing has an extraordinary origin, Feng Shigu must have a purpose for putting it here, right?"

Professor Sun nodded and went down to take a closer look. He couldn't help but feel happy after taking a look.

"There is a complete inscription on it!"

"However... this is not left by Feng Shigu. It should be from the period of King Wuling."

As he spoke, he took out his reading glasses and read carefully, word by line, line by line.

After looking at it for a while, he nodded repeatedly.

"As expected, this is an ancient artifact from the Xia and Shang Dynasties!"

"To be precise, this is not a stone step, but a memorial tablet used to pray to the gods of heaven and earth!"

Hu Ba listened curiously and said.

"I have only seen upright stele, but this is the first time I have seen a stele lying on the ground. Since it is a sacred object for worshiping the gods, why should it be placed at the door and still be trampled by others? Isn't this disrespectful to the gods?"

Professor Sun answered while looking at the inscription.

"This thing was originally standing. It should have been knocked down by Feng Shigu to make stone steps. He is a madman and his behavior cannot be viewed with common sense."

As he spoke, he walked forward step by step.

Everyone also walked into the circular arch, looked up and looked around. Behind the door was a huge natural cave, with an interior of tens of meters high and a long and narrow shape.

This stone staircase is in the center of the cave, extending forward for an unknown length, with no end visible at a glance.

A sword fir fossil is more than fifty meters long, and there are at least hundreds or thousands of them forming this stone staircase!

Professor Sun was shocked, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Oh My God!"

"All the swordsman fossils discovered so far are not that numerous together. This place is simply a treasure trove!"

Other people's attention was attracted by this cave. When the flashlight shone over it, the cave wall reflected a faint soft light.

The whole cave was actually made of jade veins!

Wang Kaixuan was stunned and said blankly.

"These are all jades, right? According to the market price, how much should they be worth!"

Hu Bayi shook his head.

"I don't know, but my guess is certain. The jade veins are rich in earth energy. This is an excellent place for cultivating immortals!"

After being shocked for a while, the youngest sister suddenly thought of something.

"Brother Hu, do those ghosts live here?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Kaixuan's face changed.

"Damn, this is the ghost's lair. We broke into someone else's house!"

Hu Bayi couldn't help but smile and said.

"Don't make a fuss. We are not the first to break into someone else's house. Feng Shigu is. The oil lamps in the tomb passage are probably used to drive away ghosts."

"He is much more cruel than us. He directly occupied other people's homes and built his own underground palace."

Wang Kaixuan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to make a joke to lighten the atmosphere.

At this time, Professor Sun, who was studying the stone tablet next to him, suddenly said.

"Old Hu, you are wrong. The first person to occupy the magpie's nest was not Feng Shigu, but Wu Lingwang!"

As he said, he excitedly pointed to the stone tablet.

"It records the life of Wu Lingwang in detail. The secret of the corpse fairy is here!"

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