A day of sailing was uneventful.

At dinner time in the evening, Zhang Yingchuan told everyone that the situation was going smoother than expected, and they could reach the Coral Islands at noon tomorrow at the earliest.

Everyone couldn't help but become nervous. The Coral Islands were the location of Hentian Ancient Kingdom.

Powerful invaders from different spaces, abnormal warm and humid air currents, the ruins of the South China Sea, and the mysterious dragon's lair are all there.

No one knows what awaits them in that place.

Ji Changsheng was the only one who remained calm. After finishing the meal, he told everyone to have a good night's rest. Tomorrow might be very busy.

The night before the war was surprisingly calm, with not even a breath of wind on the sea.

A night of silence.

The next morning, as soon as everyone had finished breakfast, something unusual happened.

The submarine leading the way sent back a report that there was turbulence on the seabed ahead and the submarine could no longer move forward.

This is caused by the abnormal warm and humid air flow. The currents on the seabed are already so violent that it can be expected that the weather in the Coral Islands will definitely be even worse.

The captain had no choice but to order the two submarines to stay on standby, while the warship and the Neptune continued to move forward.

After sailing for an hour, something strange appeared on the sea. It was a layer of something similar to crude oil floating on the water.

Unlike crude oil, these things are shiny and colorful, and emit a pungent stench.

Zhang Yingchuan ordered people to catch some and prepare to send them to the cabin for testing.

Lie twitched his nose and smelled it, then said immediately.

"No need for testing, it's whale oil. After the whale dies, the body sinks to the bottom of the sea. After the meat and internal organs decompose, the oil will surface."

Zhang Yingchuan couldn't help but feel very surprised and pointed at the sea.

"are you sure?"

This whole sea is full of this kind of stuff, covering at least several hundred square kilometers!

If it were whale oil, how many whale carcasses would there be on the seabed? It must be an astronomical number!

Lie said displeased.

“I grew up at sea and have been hunting whales since I was eight years old, there’s no mistaking it.”

As he spoke, he frowned again, looked at the sea with complicated eyes, and his voice became serious.

"I think all the whales in the South China Sea died here!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

If this is the case, it is definitely not a natural phenomenon, but an abnormal situation!

Zhang Yingchuan couldn't help but his expression moved, and he said quickly.

"Do you remember that megalodon?"

The night before yesterday, they saw a megalodon kill a right whale, but the giant shark did not eat the prey, but abnormally dragged the whale carcass into the seabed.

Reconnecting with the scene he saw today, Zhang Yingchuan came up with a bold idea.

"Maybe the megalodon is not hunting, but collecting food!"

When the fat man heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Isn't hunting just about gathering food? What's the difference?"

Zhang Yingchuan shook his head slowly and said seriously.

"Hunting is about filling the stomach, but gathering food is not necessarily for yourself."

The fat man was stunned when he heard this.

"Old Zhang, you mean that Megalodon is working for someone else?"

Zhang Yingchuan nodded and said.

"The thing that was driven away by the anti-submarine missile is the only one with such a big appetite!"

The data collected from the warship's sonar system revealed that the size of that thing completely exceeded human common sense, and was more than ten times larger than the warship!

Fatty and Wuxie were both shocked by this guess.

"Fuck, no way!"

"If that's the case, isn't that thing nearby?"

Zhang Yingchuan nodded.

"Yes, we have entered its territory!"

He quickly returned to the cockpit, reported the situation to the captain, and requested an anti-submarine helicopter escort.

The captain told him helplessly that the helicopter could not take off because the weather was abnormal not far ahead!

They are very close to the abnormal warm and humid air flow!

After everyone learned the news, their faces darkened.

Without the escort of anti-submarine helicopters, that huge thing might attack them from the bottom of the sea at any time!

When Lie heard this, he immediately waved his hand and said.

"Don't be so nervous. After it eats the whale, it will definitely go back to its nest to sleep and rest. It will not come out to move around casually until it has digested the food."

Jack, a biologist, agreed.

"The larger the animal, the more energy it requires to digest food. In order to avoid energy loss, large carnivores actually don't like to move much, especially after eating."

If that thing is really a dragon, its lair is in the dragon's lair under Guixu, and it should be sleeping in the dragon's lair at this time.

When everyone heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief.

While he was talking, something red appeared on the sea ahead.

When I got closer, I saw it was a giant squid.

King squid generally live in the deepest waters of the Pacific Ocean, and are rarely seen in the South China Sea.

Why is this thing here?

Just when people were confused, the carcasses of various animals appeared one after another on the sea.

King squid, oarfish, various sharks, and even a few long-extinct ichthyosaurs and Leviathan whales!

These animals all have one thing in common: they are all large animals living in the deep sea.

After Jack carefully observed with a telescope, he showed an expression of sudden enlightenment and said in surprise.

"They have no wounds from attacks. They were not killed by predators, but died for other reasons!"

"We made a mistake before. It was not the megalodon, but... there was a drastic change in the seabed!"

The large-scale death of whales was not caused by shark hunting, but a drastic change in the seabed environment.

It may be a drastic change in water temperature, or it may be a large amount of toxic substances suddenly appearing in the seawater.

Both situations point to the same natural phenomenon.

Undersea volcanic eruption!

Jack's face became more and more ugly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Only large-scale underwater volcanic eruptions can cause the death of large areas of marine animals!"

"In the history of the earth, this has happened more than once."

"Mass extinction of species!"

Everyone couldn't help but feel depressed. They didn't expect that this world-destroying natural disaster had already begun!

Jack wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a puzzled look.

"There's only one question I can't figure out. These animals shouldn't be in the South China Sea. Why did they all come here?"

It was as if something was attracting these animals to come to the South China Sea from afar to die together.

Wu Xie thought of another question.

"Jack, if it's really a mass extinction, why isn't that thing affected?"

He was talking about the mysterious giant monster. If it was a mass death caused by an underwater volcanic eruption, that big guy should also die!

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