Hou Yi was just a mortal, and in that ancient era when technology was underdeveloped, how could he defeat Ultimate?

That's the real point.

When Ji Changsheng asked this question, he did not expect the other party to answer him.

After all, this is related to the ultimate fate. Who would tell the enemy about their weaknesses?

The man smiled softly and said.

"Actually, you already know the answer."

The answer is the mysterious bronze.

But what kind of power is hidden in the bronze?

How to use it to defeat it?

The man's smile seemed inscrutable.

"These most critical clues are the real purpose of your coming to the South China Sea, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The man finally broke through the last layer of window paper and put the matter on the table.

Ji Changsheng nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, that's why we're here, and you must be too."

The man nodded happily.

"Yeah, how could I let my weakness fall into the hands of others so easily."

Upon hearing this, Lie was about to take action immediately, but was stopped by Ji Changsheng.

The ultimate only possesses the baptizer, and even if you grasp the baptizer, you cannot grasp its true nature.

You can't take action easily until you understand the ultimate weakness.

I finally dared to meet them because of this.

Ji Changsheng turned to look at the man and said.

"You met with me not just to talk nonsense, right?"

The man smiled.

"Of course these are not nonsense. If I don't make things clear, there will be serious consequences."

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly.

"What's the meaning?"

The man said slowly.

"Actually, I value you very much. You are the most powerful human being in history. Your power is far beyond my imagination."

"After things here are settled, I don't want to have a life-or-death showdown with you."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Changsheng couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

The ultimate meaning of these words seems to be that he does not want to be his enemy. Could it be that his previous guess was wrong and that he did not want to have a decisive battle with him in the South China Sea?

Then he understood that what he said in the end was probably to confuse him and make him relax his vigilance.

After all, he will ultimately have to rely on his strength to deal with the powerful intruders.

The man looked at him and said again.

"You must think that I am lying. In fact, I am talking to you sincerely. When you know the truth of the matter, you will put down your hostility."

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"It's up to me to decide whether I will put down my hostility."

"Then let me hear what you mean by the truth. Tell me."

The man paused and said.

"Have you ever thought about the purpose of all this?"

Now that the window paper has been pierced, Ji Changsheng stopped being secretive and directly expressed his conclusion.

"You want to take over this world and become the world itself!"

This time it was the other person's turn to be surprised. A trace of uneasiness and panic flashed in the man's eyes, but he soon returned to normal.

"I didn't expect you to actually know. It seems you know more than I thought."

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly.

"Then do you think I'll let you succeed?"

The man didn't take the threat in his words seriously at all and spoke calmly.

"Then do you know why I did this?"

Ji Changsheng was stunned for a moment. He really hadn't thought about this problem seriously.

The main reason is that the ultimate is not a human being, so we cannot use human thinking to figure out its motives, and Ji Changsheng doesn't care about this.

If a madman wants to kill someone, all he needs to do is stop him. Who will care about the madman's motives?

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng replied disdainfully.

"That's not what I care about. All I want to do is send you to hell."

The man couldn't help but sigh and said.

"It seems that you haven't understood the truth of the matter yet, so just listen patiently to what I have to say."

"The reason why I do this is because... the world is dying!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Lie was the first to express confusion.

"How could the world die? Please explain it clearly."

The man ignored him and looked at Ji Changsheng.

"You should know what I mean."

Ji Changsheng immediately remembered that he had seen the will of the world in the ghost cave under Jingjue Ancient City.

The will of the world once said something to him.

"I'm fading away."

Is this what the ultimate refers to?

"Go on."

The man nodded and said again.

"The world is alive. It is a life form that you humans cannot understand. I am such a life!"

This is the first time that the ultimate person admits his identity, that it is the will of the world from another space.

A special life form!

Ji Changsheng already knew this and was not surprised.

When Lie and Lin Shuangyue heard this, they all had incredible expressions on their faces, which was completely beyond their common sense.

The man ignored their shock and continued.

"As long as there is life, it will die, and we are no exception."

"The world is dying. When it loses its life, only a shell will be left."

"The most terrifying problem is here, the inanimate body is uncontrollable!"

Volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, continental plate movements.

All these geological activities seem to be natural laws, but in fact they are silently controlled by the will of the world!

In the billions of years of history of the earth, devastating natural disasters have occurred countless times, but since the birth of mankind, natural disasters of this level have never appeared again.

Most scholars believe that this is because human history is too short, and the birth of civilization has only been tens of thousands of years, at most hundreds of thousands of years.

The activities of geological evolution are generally calculated in tens of millions of years, and human civilization happened to be born in the middle of the pause period, which is the luck of mankind.

The man sneered.

"This is not luck, there is no luck!"

In fact, the real reason is that the will of the world is protecting humans!

Humans are the species it bred, just like its children, mothers must of course take good care of their children.

But the problem is that its power is gradually weakening, and life is dying step by step.

When its life disappears, the world will fall into an uncontrollable violent state.

The world-destroying natural disasters may occur at any time, human civilization may be destroyed in the next second, and all species will face a catastrophe.

The earth will eventually become a dead star without vitality!

The man let out a long breath and said in a slightly melancholy tone.

"In order to prevent all this from happening, I am here to replace it."

"When I completely replace it, the world will get back on track and human civilization can continue."

"My replacement is a transition between the old and the new, not a plunder as you think!"

This is the ultimate truth!

The "ultimate world" mentioned by the Zhang family is not the end of the world.

It is the rebirth of the world!

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