Under the gray moonlight, hundreds of monsters were rushing towards the temple.

Dozens of baptizers set up heavy weapons, formed a crossfire network, and fired fiercely at the monsters on the beach.

With the help of the moonlight and the firelight, everyone looked closely.

The upper body of those monsters was human, and the lower body was fish.

But they looked ugly, with a layer of black scales on their skin, sharp claws, and a bloody mouth full of sharp teeth.

Lin Shuangyue blurted out as soon as she saw it.

"It's the South China Sea mermaid!"

Mermaids are not mermaids, but a kind of sea demon.

Among the half-human, half-fish sea monsters, mermaids are kind by nature, and look like beautiful human women. They are timid and easily frightened. When they see human ships, they will stay away from them.

Mermaids are evil by nature, hideous in appearance, and are notorious for being bloodthirsty and brutal monsters.

But strangely, both mermaids and mermen live in the deep sea and rarely come to the surface of the sea.

These mermen actually left the deep sea and came to the land to attack humans, which is far beyond people's cognition.

Lie didn't care about these, he had already rushed into the battle group.

When the man saw it, he immediately ordered his men to stop shooting.

Lie roared and swung a pair of vinegar bowl-sized fists and punched them casually.

The two mermen who rushed to the front were immediately beaten by the iron fists and their bones were broken. They flew more than ten meters away like a kite with a broken string, and they were already dead when they landed.

When the other mermen saw their companions being attacked, they couldn't help but become fierce and surrounded Lie together.

Lie was not afraid at all and laughed wildly.

"I've been holding it in for a long time. Just come more, the more the better!"

When he spoke, his hands did not stop.

Between raising his hands and feet, two more merman corpses flew out.

These mermaids are covered with thick scales, and ordinary swords and bullets can hardly hurt them.

They are also extremely powerful and brutal, and are monsters that bring disaster to the sea and make people shudder.

It's a pity that they encountered a more terrible monster today!

Lie's strange strength, coupled with years of martial arts training, his fists are comparable to the destructive power of artillery shells.

Under his heavy punches, the scales of the mermaids were useless, and all of them were broken and killed on the spot.

Liesha was rising, rushing left and right in the encirclement, invincible.

Like a god of war descending to earth, with awe-inspiring power!

The man couldn't help but praise.

"What a reckless man!"

"Ji Changsheng, I really envy you for having so many powerful subordinates."

Hong Beihai, who was next to him, blushed when he heard it.

The beach guarded by hundreds of baptizers was breached by the mermaid army in less than five minutes.

As soon as Ke Lie appeared, he single-handedly killed the merman army and suppressed hundreds of mermans!

This powerful fighting power made the baptizers ashamed.

Ji Changsheng shrugged helplessly and said.

"This guy is brave, but he always fights without thinking. One day he will suffer a big loss."

Lin Shuangyue said hurriedly.

"Something is wrong with these mermans. I will help him."

After saying that, he drew his sword and jumped up.

A sword light fell from the sky.

A ball of blood splashed in the pile of mermans, and the head of a merman flew out more than ten meters away, and the body fell softly to the ground.

Lie saw it and immediately shouted.

"Don't interfere, this is my fight!"

Lin Shuangyue ignored him at all, waving the sword, killing the merman at a rapid speed.

Lie couldn't help but scream in anger, but he didn't dare to attack Lin Shuangyue, so he could only vent his anger on the mermaids.

Under the fierce attack of the two masters, the mermaid army soon showed signs of defeat, and was killed and retreated again and again, without the power to resist.


A strange roar came from the sea.

After hearing this sound, the mermaids hurriedly dodged to the side and stopped attacking.

Lie stopped killing when he saw it.

He is a warrior, not a butcher. He never attacks enemies who don't fight back.

Lin Shuangyue put away his sword, turned his head and looked at the sea, and said in a deep voice.

"Mermaids are group activities. There is a leader in each tribe. It should be the leader who is here."

Lie rubbed his hands excitedly and laughed.

"These scum are not satisfying at all. It's better to come with a stronger one so that I can have a good fight!"

Lin Shuangyue was speechless when she heard this.

As he was talking, the waves on the sea surface parted automatically, and a huge figure emerged from the water.

This is a giant mermaid that is more than ten times larger than the human body!

The half of the human body is more than six meters tall, and the fish tail of the lower body is more than eight meters long.

The mermaid leader has a single horn more than three feet long on his forehead, a pair of eyes as big as copper bells, and the teeth in his mouth are like dozens of sharp knives, flashing a strange blue light.

Lin Shuangyue was stunned when she saw it.

"It actually grew horns. This guy has lived for at least a thousand years!"

It is said that only thousand-year-old mermaids will grow horns on their heads. The bigger the horns, the older they are and the stronger their strength!

Lie couldn't help laughing.

"It turned out to be a thousand-year-old monster. What a pity. It hit me and its life span has ended!"

After speaking, he raised his fist and was about to go up.

At this time, Ji Changsheng shouted.

"This one must be alive!"

A thousand-year-old mermaid must have a lot of vitality!

Lie immediately accepted the order and said confidently.

"Don't worry, Boss. I want to taste the meat of this thousand-year-old monster. Should I braise it or steam it?"

The mermaid leader seemed to understand human language, and suddenly roared in anger.

It suddenly stretched out its hand to grab the mermaid next to it without any resistance. It grabbed it.

The next scene was unexpected for everyone.

The mermaid leader actually opened his mouth and bit the mermaid's head!

The mermaid who was caught didn't even groan, and his head was separated from his body.

Blue blood splattered, and the mermaid leader chewed the head and greedily sucked the brain.

Lie frowned and said with disgust.

"It even eats its own people. It is indeed an evil monster!"

Lin Shuangyue said with a serious face.

"Legend has it that eating mermaid meat can make you immortal, but mermaid meat is poisonous and cannot be eaten."

"But that is only for humans. If a mermaid eats the meat of its companions, it will gain powerful power!"

Lie was stunned.

"That's the stimulant? It's so evil!"

After sucking the brain, the leader of the mermaids roared to the sky.

The huge body twisted violently and rushed over like a whirlwind.

Although it is huge, its movements on land are not slow at all, and even a little scary.

The tail swings at high speed, generating strong power, as fast as lightning!

Lie shouted.

"Come on!"

Then he punched hard.

The fist was accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, and the invisible fist force blew up a tornado.

When Lie and Ji Changsheng fought for the first time, he once split a mountain with one punch!

The leader of the mermaids seemed to feel the terrifying power contained in the fist, but he was not afraid at all and roared.

The claws flashing with cold light and the indestructible iron fist.

Collided in the air!

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